-99.17944, 22.124722: 10 Treatments

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Phyllogomphoides albrighti     Torres-Pachón, Mónica, Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo & Ruiz-Sanchez, Eduardo, 2019, A synopsis of Phyllogomphoides Belle, 1970 (Odonata: Gomphidae) of Mexico: taxonomy and distribution, Zootaxa 4634 (1), pp. 1-67 : 12-14 12-14
Protoneura cara     Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76 : 20-22 20-22
Popenaias berezai   sp. nov.  Inoue, Kentaro, Cummings, Kevin S., Tiemann, Jeremy S., Miller, Thomas D., Johnson, Nathan A., Smith, Chase H. & Randklev, Charles R., 2020, A new species of freshwater mussel in the genus Popenaias Frierson, 1927, from the Gulf coastal rivers of central Mexico (Bivalvia: Unionida: Unionidae) with comments on the genus, Zootaxa 4816 (4), pp. 457-490 : 464-466 464-466
Stenus emily     Puthz, Volker, 2015, Neotropische Stenus-Arten mit seitlich gerandetem Abdomen und gelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 344. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1601-1727 : 1641-1642 1641-1642
Belonuchus linuzensis   sp. nov.  Márquez, Juan & Asiain, Julieta, 2022, Taxonomy of the Mexican species of Belonuchus Nordmann (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Zootaxa 5152 (1), pp. 1-129 : 32-34 32-34
Popenaias ganina   comb. nov.  Inoue, Kentaro, Cummings, Kevin S., Tiemann, Jeremy S., Miller, Thomas D., Johnson, Nathan A., Smith, Chase H. & Randklev, Charles R., 2020, A new species of freshwater mussel in the genus Popenaias Frierson, 1927, from the Gulf coastal rivers of central Mexico (Bivalvia: Unionida: Unionidae) with comments on the genus, Zootaxa 4816 (4), pp. 457-490 : 470-471 470-471
Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) griswoldi     Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67 : 35-39 35-39
Triaeris stenaspis     Platnick, Norman I., Dupérré, Nadine, Ubick, Darrell & Fannes, Wouter, 2012, Got Males?: The Enigmatic Goblin Spider Genus Triaeris (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2012 (3756), pp. 1-36 : 22-30 22-30
Berosus (Enoplurus) punctatissimus     Chacón-Hartleven, Erick A., Chamé-Vázquez, Eduardo Rafael & Sánchez-Hernández, Gibrán, 2022, Nuevos registros estatales de escarabajos hidrofílidos (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) en México, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 48 (1), pp. 135-138 : 136 136
Ruellia paniculata     Daniel, Thomas F., García-Morales, Leccinum J. & Mora-Olivo, Arturo, 2021, Taxonomic and Photographic Guide to the Acanthaceae of Tamaulipas, Mexico, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (6), pp. 185-228 : 215 215