Caridina cucphuongensis
Yen, Phan Thi, Klotz, Werner, Rintelen, Thomas von, Dong, Dang Van & Tu, Do Van, 2021, REDESCRIPTION OF Caridina cucphuongensis Dang, 1980 (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: ATYIDAE) FROM CUC PHUONG NATIONAL PARK, NORTHERN VIETNAM, Academia Journal Of Biology 43 (4), pp. 45-54
: 47-53
47-53 |
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 11
11 |
Caridina weberi
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 12
12 |
Caridina ponapensis
sp. nov.
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 12-14
12-14 |
Caridina lobocensis
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 14-17
14-17 |
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 17-18
17-18 |
Caridina serratirostris
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 18-19
18-19 |
Caridina rintelenorum
sp. nov.
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 19-21
19-21 |
Caridina rubella
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 21-22
21-22 |
Caridina appendiculata
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 22-23
22-23 |
Caridina variabilis
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 23
23 |
Caridina variabilirostris
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 23-24
23-24 |
Caridina gracilirostris
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2024, An Integrative Taxonomic Revision of the Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of Micronesia, Diversity 16 (200), pp. 1-31
: 25
25 |
Caridina clandestina
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, Rintelen, Thomas von, Annawaty, Annawaty, Wowor, Daisy & Rintelen, Kristina von, 2023, Caridina clandestina, new species, an unusual new freshwater shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) from the remote high elevation Napu Valley of Sulawesi, Indonesia, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 12-25
: 14-22
14-22 |
Caridina wilsoni
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, von Rintelen, Thomas & von Rintelen, Kristina, 2024, Three New Species of the Freshwater Shrimp Genus Caridina from Australia, Arthropoda 2 (1), pp. 99-118
: 110-115
110-115 |
Caridina buehleri
Rintelen, Von, 2007, A redescription of two atyid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridina) from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, Zootaxa 1466, pp. 1-10
: 3-6
3-6 |
Caridina boehmei
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner & Rintelen, Kristina Von, 2013, Three new species of Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae) from Central Sulawesi and Buton Island, Indonesia, and a checklist of the islands’ endemic species, Zootaxa 3664 (4), pp. 554-570
: 555-564
555-564 |
Caridina zhujiangensis
sp. nov.
Chen, Qing-Hua, Chen, Wen-Jian & Guo, Zhao-Liang, 2018, Caridean prawn (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Dong'ao Island, Guangdong, China, Zootaxa 4399 (3), pp. 315-328
: 319-323
319-323 |
Caridina cognata
Karge, Andreas, Rintelen, Kristina Von & Klotz, Werner, 2010, On two small collections of freshwater shrimps (Decapoda: Atyidae: Caridina) from Papua New Guinea, with descriptions of two new species *, Zootaxa 2372 (1), pp. 138-150
: 141-142
141-142 |
Caridina tricincta
sp. nov.
Do, Van Tu, Rintelen, Thomas von & Dang, Van Dong, 2020, Descriptions of two new freshwater shrimps of the genus Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) from northern Vietnam, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68, pp. 404-420
: 407-411
407-411 |
Caridina masapi
Cai, Yixiong, Wowor, Daisy & Choy, Satish, 2009, Partial revision of freshwater shrimps from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, with descriptions of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae), Zootaxa 2045, pp. 15-32
: 21-22
21-22 |
Caridina ghanensis
sp. nov.
Jasmine Richard & Paul F. Clark, 2009, African Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae): redescriptions of C. africana Kingsley, 1882, C. togoensis Hilgendorf, 1893, C. natalensis Bouvier, 1925 and C. roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 with descriptions of 14 new species, Zootaxa 1995, pp. 1-75
: 35-38
35-38 |
Caridina papuana
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2020, Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 696, pp. 1-86
: 46-49
46-49 |
Caridina disjuncta
Ng, Y. Cai and P. K. L. & Ng, Cai P. K. L., 2010, revision of Caridina yunnanensis and its allied species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) from Yunnan, southern China, with description of one new species, Journal of Natural History 35, pp. 213-227
: 222-223
222-223 |
Caridina fernandoi
Mandal, Sudipta & Deepa, J., 2021, Freshwater Decapods of Godavari River, Bhadrachalam, Telangana, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (1), pp. 39-45
: 41
41 |
Caridina dali
sp. nov.
Wowor, Daisy, 2015, The atyid shrimps from Lake Lindu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia with description of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Zootaxa 3957 (5), pp. 501-519
: 506-510
506-510 |
Caridina cantonensis
Guo, Zhao-Liang & Wang, Xiao-Qing, 2005, Caridina longiacuta, a new species of freshwater atyid shrimp (Decapoda, Atyidae) from Hunan Province, China, Zootaxa 1008 (1), pp. 13-20
: 18-19
18-19 |
Caridina pisuku
sp. nov.
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2020, Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 696, pp. 1-86
: 30-33
30-33 |
Caridina incolor
sp. nov.
Feng, Shuo, Chen, Qing-Hua & Guo, Zhao-Liang, 2021, Integrative taxonomy uncovers a new stygobiotic Caridina species (Decapoda, Caridea, Atyidae) from Guizhou Province, China, ZooKeys 1028, pp. 29-47
: 29
29 |
Caridina linduensis
Wowor, Daisy, 2015, The atyid shrimps from Lake Lindu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia with description of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Zootaxa 3957 (5), pp. 501-519
: 502-506
502-506 |
Caridina lineorostris
sp. nov.
Jasmine Richard & Paul F. Clark, 2009, African Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae): redescriptions of C. africana Kingsley, 1882, C. togoensis Hilgendorf, 1893, C. natalensis Bouvier, 1925 and C. roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 with descriptions of 14 new species, Zootaxa 1995, pp. 1-75
: 51-54
51-54 |
Caridina temasek
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 297-301
297-301 |
Caridina profundicola
sp. nov.
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 396-401
396-401 |
Caridina holthuisi
sp. nov.
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 364-369
364-369 |
Caridina venusta
sp. nov.
Wang, Liqing, Liang, Xiangqiu & Li, Fan, 2008, Descriptions of four new species of Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae) from China, Zootaxa 1726, pp. 49-59
: 52
52 |
Caridina marlenae
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, Rintelen, Thomas von, Wowor, Daisy, Lukhaup, Chris & Rintelen, Kristina von, 2021, Lake Poso's shrimp fauna revisited: the description of five new species of the genus Caridina (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) more than doubles the number of endemic lacustrine species, ZooKeys 1009, pp. 81-122
: 81
81 |
Caridina magnovis
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, von Rintelen, Thomas & von Rintelen, Kristina, 2024, Three New Species of the Freshwater Shrimp Genus Caridina from Australia, Arthropoda 2 (1), pp. 99-118
: 106-110
106-110 |
Caridina prashadi
Cai, Y., 2006, Atyid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (38 - 40), pp. 2123-2172
: 2148-2150
2148-2150 |
Caridina poso
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, Rintelen, Thomas von, Wowor, Daisy, Lukhaup, Chris & Rintelen, Kristina von, 2021, Lake Poso's shrimp fauna revisited: the description of five new species of the genus Caridina (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) more than doubles the number of endemic lacustrine species, ZooKeys 1009, pp. 81-122
: 81
81 |
Caridina elongapoda
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 285
285 |
Caridina meridionalis
Richard, Jasmine & Clark, Paul F., 2014, Caridina simoni Bouvier, 1904 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyoidea: Atyidae) and the synonymy by Johnson, 1963, Zootaxa 3841 (3), pp. 301-338
: 321-324
321-324 |
Caridina togoensis
Jasmine Richard & Paul F. Clark, 2009, African Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae): redescriptions of C. africana Kingsley, 1882, C. togoensis Hilgendorf, 1893, C. natalensis Bouvier, 1925 and C. roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 with descriptions of 14 new species, Zootaxa 1995, pp. 1-75
: 14-22
14-22 |
Cai, Y., 2006, Atyid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (38 - 40), pp. 2123-2172
: 2134-2135
2134-2135 |
Caridina lilianae
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, Rintelen, Thomas von, Wowor, Daisy, Lukhaup, Chris & Rintelen, Kristina von, 2021, Lake Poso's shrimp fauna revisited: the description of five new species of the genus Caridina (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) more than doubles the number of endemic lacustrine species, ZooKeys 1009, pp. 81-122
: 81
81 |
Caridina occidentalis
sp. nov.
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Bréthiot, Julien, Marquet, Gérard & Keith, Philippe, 2022, West Side Story: A molecular and morphological study of Caridina longicarpus Roux, 1926 (Decapoda, Caridea, Atyidae) from New Caledonia reveals a new species, Zoosystema 44 (18), pp. 463-474
: 469-472
469-472 |
Caridina typus
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2020, Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 696, pp. 1-86
: 34-37
34-37 |
Caridina peninsularis
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 248-249
248-249 |
Caridina excavatoides
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 294-297
294-297 |
Caridina ravisankarani
sp. nov.
Vijayamma, Jayachandran Kunjuraman, Dhamorikar, Amruta & Manchi, Shirish, 2021, A new species of Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Family: Atyidae) from a limestone cave on Interview Island, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, Zootaxa 5057 (3), pp. 402-414
: 403-411
403-411 |
Caridina moeri
Richard, Jasmine & Clark, Paul F., 2010, Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyoidea: Atyidae) - freshwater shrimps from eastern and southern Africa *, Zootaxa 2372 (1), pp. 305-337
: 325-328
325-328 |
Caridina mariae
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner & Rintelen, Thomas Von, 2014, To “ bee ” or not to be — on some ornamental shrimp from Guangdong Province, Southern China and Hong Kong SAR, with descriptions of three new species, Zootaxa 3889 (2), pp. 151-184
: 165-171
165-171 |
Caridina schenkeli
sp. nov.
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 442-446
442-446 |
Caridina darwin
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, von Rintelen, Thomas & von Rintelen, Kristina, 2024, Three New Species of the Freshwater Shrimp Genus Caridina from Australia, Arthropoda 2 (1), pp. 99-118
: 101-106
101-106 |
Caridina malanda
sp. nov.
Choy, Satish, Page, Timothy J., Mazancourt, Valentin De & Mos, Benjamin, 2019, Caridina malanda, a new species of freshwater shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda Atyidae) from the Wet Tropics World Heritage area, north-eastern Queensland Australia, Zootaxa 4652 (1), pp. 113-125
: 116-122
116-122 |
Caridina sobrina
stat. nov.
Christodoulou, Magdalini & Grave, Sammy De, 2023, Redescription of Caridina sobrina Riek, 1953 stat. nov. and description of a new species of Caridina from south-eastern Queensland (Decapoda, Atyidae), Zootaxa 5353 (6), pp. 582-594
: 583-589
583-589 |
Caridina serrata
Chen, Qing-Hua, Chen, Wen-Jian & Guo, Zhao-Liang, 2018, Caridean prawn (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Dong'ao Island, Guangdong, China, Zootaxa 4399 (3), pp. 315-328
: 316-318
316-318 |
Caridina gracilirostris
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 250
250 |
Caridina sumatrensis
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 246
246 |
Caridina jiangkou
sp. nov.
Cai, Yixiong & Ng, Peter Kee Lin, 2018, Freshwater Shrimps from Karst Caves of Southern China, with Descriptions of Seven New Species and the Identity of Typhlocaridina linyunensis Li and Luo, 2001 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Zoological Studies 57 (27), pp. 1-33
: 17-19
17-19 |
Caridina loehae
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 377-381
377-381 |
Caridina rubella
Cai, Y., 2006, Atyid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (38 - 40), pp. 2123-2172
: 2145-2148
2145-2148 |
Caridina glaubrechti
sp. nov.
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 359-364
359-364 |
Caridina weberi
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2020, Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 696, pp. 1-86
: 40
40 |
Caridina gracilipes
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 250
250 |
Caridina danxiaensis
sp. nov.
Wang, Yaqin, Chu, Ka Hou & Ma, Ka Yan, 2024, Description of a new species of freshwater shrimp (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) from Mount Danxia, Guangdong, China, based on morphological and molecular evidence, Zootaxa 5476 (1), pp. 447-462
: 448-460
448-460 |
Caridina johnsoni
sp. nov.
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 301-305
301-305 |
Caridina lanceolata
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 369-373
369-373 |
Caridina riverstoni
sp. nov.
Richard, Jasmine & Clark, Paul F., 2014, Caridina simoni Bouvier, 1904 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyoidea: Atyidae) and the synonymy by Johnson, 1963, Zootaxa 3841 (3), pp. 301-338
: 333-336
333-336 |
Cai, Yixiong, Choy, Satish & Ng, Peter K. L., 2009, Epigean And Hypogean Freshwater Shrimps Of Bohol Island, Central Philippines (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (1), pp. 65-89
: 66
66 |
Caridina sumatrensis
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 289
289 |
Caridina mindanao
sp. nov.
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 259-263
259-263 |
Caridina leucosticta
Cai, Y., 2006, Atyid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (38 - 40), pp. 2123-2172
: 2137-2138
2137-2138 |
Caridina ebuneus
sp. nov.
Jasmine Richard & Paul F. Clark, 2009, African Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae): redescriptions of C. africana Kingsley, 1882, C. togoensis Hilgendorf, 1893, C. natalensis Bouvier, 1925 and C. roubaudi Bouvier, 1925 with descriptions of 14 new species, Zootaxa 1995, pp. 1-75
: 39-42
39-42 |
Caridina africana
Cumberlidge, Neil & Huguet, Denise, 2003, Les Crustacés Décapodes du Nimba et de sa région, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 190, pp. 211-230
: 228-229
228-229 |
Caridina sarasinorum
Cai, Yixiong & Wowor, Daisy, 2007, Atyid Shrimps From Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia With Description Of A New Species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 311-320
: 315-317
315-317 |
Caridina pagei
sp. nov.
Christodoulou, Magdalini & Grave, Sammy De, 2023, Redescription of Caridina sobrina Riek, 1953 stat. nov. and description of a new species of Caridina from south-eastern Queensland (Decapoda, Atyidae), Zootaxa 5353 (6), pp. 582-594
: 590
590 |
Caridina gracilipes
Richard, Jasmine & Clark, Paul F., 2014, Caridina simoni Bouvier, 1904 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyoidea: Atyidae) and the synonymy by Johnson, 1963, Zootaxa 3841 (3), pp. 301-338
: 310-312
310-312 |
Caridina buhi
sp. nov.
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 253-256
253-256 |
Caridina serrata
Chen, Qing-Hua, Chen, Wen-Jian, Zheng, Xiao-Zhuang & Guo, Zhao-Liang, 2020, Two freshwater shrimp species of the genus Caridina (Decapoda, Caridea, Atyidae) from Dawanshan Island, Guangdong, China, with the description of a new species, ZooKeys 923, pp. 15-32
: 15
15 |
Caridina elongapoda
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 249-250
249-250 |
Caridina typus
de Mazancourt, Valentin, Freitag, Hendrik, von Rintelen, Kristina, Manuel-Santos, Marivene & von Rintelen, Thomas, 2023, Updated Checklist of the Freshwater Shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) of Mindoro Island, the Philippines, with a Description of a New Species of Caridina, Arthropoda 1 (4), pp. 374-397
: 391
391 |
Caridina mertoni
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2018, Caridina variabilirostris (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae), a new species of freshwater shrimp from Pohnpei (Micronesia), European Journal of Taxonomy 453, pp. 1-16
: 10
10 |
Caridina meridionalis
sp. nov.
Wang, Liqing, Liang, Xiangqiu & Li, Fan, 2008, Descriptions of four new species of Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae) from China, Zootaxa 1726, pp. 49-59
: 56-58
56-58 |
Caridina endehensis
Cai, Yixiong, Choy, Satish & Ng, Peter K. L., 2009, Epigean And Hypogean Freshwater Shrimps Of Bohol Island, Central Philippines (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (1), pp. 65-89
: 67-68
67-68 |
Caridina novaecaledoniae
Richard, Jasmine & Clark, Paul F., 2014, Caridina simoni Bouvier, 1904 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Atyoidea: Atyidae) and the synonymy by Johnson, 1963, Zootaxa 3841 (3), pp. 301-338
: 331-333
331-333 |
Caridina peninsularis
Cai, Yixiong, Ng, Peter K. L. & Choy, Satish, 2007, Freshwater Shrimps Of The Family Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From Peninsular Malaysia And Singapore, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (2), pp. 277-309
: 280-284
280-284 |
Caridina laoagensis
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 246
246 |
Caridina guilin
sp. nov.
Cai, Yixiong & Ng, Peter Kee Lin, 2018, Freshwater Shrimps from Karst Caves of Southern China, with Descriptions of Seven New Species and the Identity of Typhlocaridina linyunensis Li and Luo, 2001 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea), Zoological Studies 57 (27), pp. 1-33
: 19-22
19-22 |
Caridina laoagensis
de Mazancourt, Valentin, Freitag, Hendrik, von Rintelen, Kristina, Manuel-Santos, Marivene & von Rintelen, Thomas, 2023, Updated Checklist of the Freshwater Shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) of Mindoro Island, the Philippines, with a Description of a New Species of Caridina, Arthropoda 1 (4), pp. 374-397
: 389
389 |
Caridina longidigita
Rintelen, Kristina von & Cai, Yixiong, 2009, Radiation Of Endemic Species Flocks In Ancient Lakes: Systematic Revision Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From The Ancient Lakes Of Sulawesi, Indonesia, With The Description Of Eight New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 343-452
: 436-439
436-439 |
Caridina enbilului
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, von Rintelen, Thomas & Christodoulou, Magdalini, 2019, Middle East Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae): Redescription of C. fossarum Heller, 1862, description of three new species, and remarks on the status of C. syriaca Bouvier, 1904 and C. babaulti basrensis Al-Adhub & Hamzah, 1987, Zoologischer Anzeiger 283, pp. 161-185
: 171-175
171-175 |
Caridina leptopoda
sp. nov.
de Mazancourt, Valentin, Freitag, Hendrik, von Rintelen, Kristina, Manuel-Santos, Marivene & von Rintelen, Thomas, 2023, Updated Checklist of the Freshwater Shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) of Mindoro Island, the Philippines, with a Description of a New Species of Caridina, Arthropoda 1 (4), pp. 374-397
: 387-388
387-388 |
Caridina celebensis
Cai, Y., 2006, Atyid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, with descriptions of two new species, Journal of Natural History 40 (38 - 40), pp. 2123-2172
: 2140-2141
2140-2141 |
Caridina elongapoda
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2018, Caridina variabilirostris (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae), a new species of freshwater shrimp from Pohnpei (Micronesia), European Journal of Taxonomy 453, pp. 1-16
: 10
10 |
Caridina celebensis
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 247-248
247-248 |
Caridina xiangnanensis
sp. nov.
Liu, Xiao-Yan, Guo, Zhao-Liang & Yu, Hui, 2006, Caridina xiangnanensis, a new freshwater atyid shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda, Atyidae) from Hunan Province, China, Zootaxa 1153, pp. 43-49
: 44-48
44-48 |
Caridina stellata
sp. nov.
Guo, Guo-Cai, Chen, Qing-Hua, Chen, Wen-Jian, Cai, Chao-Huang & Guo, Zhao-Liang, 2022, Caridina stellata, a new species of atyid shrimp (Decapoda, Caridea, Atyidae) with the male description of Caridina cavernicola Liang & Zhou, 1993 from Guangxi, China, ZooKeys 1104, pp. 177-201
: 177
177 |
Caridina shahrazadae
sp. nov.
Klotz, Werner, von Rintelen, Thomas & Christodoulou, Magdalini, 2019, Middle East Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae): Redescription of C. fossarum Heller, 1862, description of three new species, and remarks on the status of C. syriaca Bouvier, 1904 and C. babaulti basrensis Al-Adhub & Hamzah, 1987, Zoologischer Anzeiger 283, pp. 161-185
: 179-183
179-183 |
Mazancourt, Valentin de, Boseto, David, Marquet, Gerard & Keith, Philippe, 2020, Solomon’s Gold Mine: Description or redescription of 24 species of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) freshwater shrimps from the Solomon Islands, including 11 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 696, pp. 1-86
: 33
33 |
Caridina brevicarpalis
Shokita, Yixiong Cai Shigemitsu, 2006, Report On A Collection Of Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From The Philippines, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (2), pp. 245-270
: 248
248 |