Hypothenemus olzenoi Atkinson and Flechtmann, 2021

Atkinson, Thomas H. & Flechtmann, Carlos A. H., 2021, New species, new records and synonymy of Brazilian species of Hypothenemus Westwood, 1834 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (846), pp. 1-33 : 22-31

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scientific name

Hypothenemus olzenoi Atkinson and Flechtmann

sp. nov.

Hypothenemus olzenoi Atkinson and Flechtmann , new species

Fig. 13 View Figure 13

Diagnosis. This species is related to H. opacus (Eichhoff) and H. dolosus Wood. Wood (2007 : couplet 21) distinguished H. opacus and H. dolosus from other species by the number of asperities on the anterior slope of the pronotum (>50 and <30, respectively) and by the “indefinite” pronotal summit. In practice this description of characters is misleading. In most species of Hypothenemus the asperities on the anterior slope of the pronotum are sharply elevated, taller than wide, and chisel-shaped. At the pronotal summit there are a small number of closely spaced asperities. In H. opacus and H. dolosus the anterior asperities are less pronounced and almost as wide at their base as tall. The summit, while clearly marked, has a large number of small asperities placed over a wider area, some of which have clearly visible, large punctures associated with them. This species differs in that the declivity is narrowly rounded behind (in dorsal view), the pronotal summit is narrow and lacks prominent punctures, and in differences in the elytral vestiture.

Female. Total length: 2.3 mm, maximum width: 1.0 mm, length of elytra: 1.5 mm, total length / width: 2.3, elytra length / total length: 0.65, pronotal length / width: 0.8.

Frons flattened between eyes, convex above. Flattened area smooth, with sparse punctures, these associated with short, hair-like setae. Surface at vertex shining, weakly strigose. Antennal flagellum with four segments (plus pedicel), antennal club oval, about as wide as compound eye, with clearly marked transverse sutures.

Anterior margin of pronotum with four asperities, the middle two larger. Anterior slope with numerous asperities (>30), these not strongly elevated, nearly as wide at base as high; surface reticulate; vestiture of dense, hair-like setae, longer than asperities. Summit clearly indicated, with numerous small asperities; short hair-like setae associated with these convergently oriented towards center. Pronotal disc coarsely punctate, surface between punctures reticulate, shining; vestiture consists of mixture of hair-like and scale-like setae.

Striae on disc of elytra impressed, almost as wide as interstriae; punctures large, almost touching, each associated with a recumbent, hair-like seta. Discal interstriae smooth, shining with mostly uniseriate rows of erect, ribbon-like setae, blunt at their apex; their length about ½ the distance between rows. Beginning in the middle of the elytra towards the declivity there are rows of recumbent, hair-like setae on either side of the erect setae, forming a single row on either side of the interstriae.

Declivity evenly rounded in horizontal profile, narrowly rounded behind in dorsal view. Interstriae narrower than on disc, with similar vestiture of erect ribbon-like setae and recumbent ground vestiture; erect setae similar in length to those on disc. Striae similar to those of disc in width and vestiture. Entire surface of declivity shining, weakly reticulate.

Male. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype female: Brazil: Rond ô nia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, 16-year-old intercropping area w/ peach palm, cocoa and coffee, 10°43′31.82″S 62°14′0.68″W, ethanol-baited flight intercept trap, 12-IX-2011, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS). GoogleMaps

Comments. Bright (2019: 159) treated H. dolosus Wood as a synonym of H. opacus Eichhoff. We do not agree with Bright’s proposal. In the latter species there are circular pits associated with the asperities at on the pronotal summit. In totally clean specimens these may be difficult to see. On other specimens these pits are filled with boring dust (also fungal symbionts?) and are clearly visible. These are not present in H. dolosus .

Etymology. This species is named for the collector of the type species, Olzeno Trevisan, researcher at the Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC) in Ouro Preto do Oeste, state of Rondônia, Brazil.

view. C) Frontal view. D) Posterolateral view. Photos by T.H. Atkinson.

New Records

All specimens cited below that are deposited in MEFEIS were collected in flight intercept traps baited with ethanol unless otherwise indicated. Because traps were monitored over a year or longer at many of these localities, complete dates are not cited for all incidences. Rather, a single year or range of years is given.

Hypothenemus areccae (Hornung, 1842) . Africa , SE Asia, Mexico and Central America , Caribbean. Amapá : Macapá, Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú, 0°8′54.11″N 51°6′44.17″W, 28-IV-2014, A.L. Jordão ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Ceará : Crato, Floresta Nacional do Araripe, 7°20′46.5″S 39°28′15.4″W, 2012-2013, F.R. Azevedo ( MEFEIS, 11) GoogleMaps ; Goiás : Goianésia, Fazenda Covoá, 15°19′0.07″S 49°9′53.82″W, 7-I-2014, J.M. Pereira ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso : Nova Xavantina, Parque Municipal do Bacaba, 14°42′35.10″S 52°21′08.20″W, 29-XI-2015, J.M. Gomes ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São José dos Quatro Marcos, Fazenda Itamaraty , 15°39′5.92″S 58°13′40.28″W, 2018, A. Santos ( MEFEIS, 18) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Chapadão do Sul, Fazenda Campo Bom, ex Khaya grandifoliola branch broken by the wind planted Jan2011, 18°42′30.7″S 52°35′44.1″W, 25-V-2016, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Inocência , Fazenda Laguna, 19°44′08.0″S 51°59′30.4″W, 14-X-2017, M.B.C. Ramos ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Selvíria , UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 2014-2018, several collectors ( MEFEIS, 9) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais : Capinópolis, Grama Farm, 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 17-IV-2017, 18-IX-2017, 1-X-2017, C.F. Faria ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Janaúba , Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 1-XII-2018, 1-II-2019, 13-II-2019, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Pirapora , Fazenda Atlântica Agropecuária, 17°29′28.57″S 44°57′24.02″W, 2017-2018, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; São Roque de Minas , Taquaril Farm, 20°7′7.45″S 46°27′29.03″W, 22-X-2016, 5-XI-2016, 2-II-2018, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Pará : Canaã dos Carajás, Sítio José Ribamar da Silva Costa, 06°24′2035″S 49°51′12″W, 2012-2013, S.L. Lopes ( MEFEIS, 10) ; Cumaru do Norte , Fazenda Veluma, 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 2011-2012, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; Pau d’Arco , Serraria TKX Indústria Madeireira, 07°48′48.6″S 50°03′18.6″W, 2011, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 14) GoogleMaps ; Redenção , Marcenaria Artica, 08°02′34.2″S 50°03′25.5″W, 23-I-2012 17-II-2012, 16-VII-2012, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Rio Maria , Fazenda Rongi-Porã, 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 2011-2012, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 13) GoogleMaps ; Santar é m, Alter do Ch ã o, 2°32′56.43″S 54°53′55.89″W, 28-I-2016, M.K.S. Costa ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Domingos do Araguaia , Fazenda Guzerá, 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012-2014, D.B. Guinhazi ( MEFEIS, 15) GoogleMaps ; Ulianópolis , Fazenda Pingo de Ouro, 03°49′58.6″S 47°44′16.5″W, 28-XII-2011, 17-X-2012, J.C. Bastos Junior ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Xinguara , Carajás Madeira, 07°06′56.6″S 49°57′31.2″W, 2012, S.L. Lopes ( MEFEIS, 16) GoogleMaps ; Pernambuco : Recife, Mata Brennand, 8°2′23.41″S 34°58′49.14″W, 22-XI-2014, 29-XI-2014, 6-XII-2014, 16-XII-2014, T.J.S. Alves ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro, Baía de Sepetiba, 22°55′29.43″S 43°46′20.16″W, 18-VIII- 2011, H. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Seropédica , EMBRAPA Agroecologia, 22°45′13.15″S 43°40′35.26″W, various dates in 2007, H. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul : Santa Maria, FEPAGRO, 29°40′08.69″S 53°54′47.08″W, 22-IX-2011, L.M. Machado ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rondônia : Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station, 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 2011, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 18) GoogleMaps ; Roraima : Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima, 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 10-X-2014, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Agudos, Duraflora, 22°26′24.77″S 48°51′9.98″W, 29-IX-1987, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Castilho , Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 14) GoogleMaps ; Jardinópolis , Sítio São José, 21°0′8.7″S 47°44′22.38″W, 14-VII- 2015, N.A. Lima ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Lençóis Paulista , Duratex S.A., 22°49′22.7″S 48°53′19.7″W, 13-X-2006, 13-IV- 2007, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Rubinéia , São Marcos Farm, 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, I-VIII-2017, 29-VIII-2017, F.L.L. Leonel ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Sud Mennucci , Fazenda Jangada, 20°43′55″S 50°51′37.4″W, 1-IV-2013, 17-VIII-2013, F. Magrini ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Três Fronteiras , Sítio Lagoa Azul, 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 2013- 2016, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 36) GoogleMaps ; Tocantins : Palmas, EMBRAPA, 10°8′9.00″S 48°18′49″W, 15-XI-2017, F.N. Nascimento ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus ascitus Wood, 1971 . Previously known from southern Mexico to Panamá. Bahia: Vitória da Conquista, UESB campus, 14°52′47.55″S 40°47′37.10″W, ex cut branch of Artocarpus heterophyllus on the ground, 2-III-2011, L.C. Oliveira ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Três Fronteiras, Sítio Lagoa Azul, 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 11-I-2014, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus aulmanni (Hagedorn, 1878) . Africa, SE Asia ( Fig. 14 View Figure 14 ). These represent the first records of this species in the New World. This species is completely unlike any species previously known from the New World. The anterior margin of the pronotum is very steep and abrupt. The anterior margin of the pronotum is prominently extended anteriorly in a sort of platform and is armed with large, serrate teeth. Bahia: Vitória da Conquista, UESB

campus, 14°52′47.55″S 40°47′37.10″W, ex cut branch of Artocarpus heterophyllus on the ground, 2-III-2011, L.C. Oliveira ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo: Jerônimo Monteiro, Barra Limpa , 20°50′9.19″S 41°23′30.68″W, ex Citrus branch, 15-VII-2019, D. Pratissoli ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais: São Roque de Minas, Fazenda Taquaril , ex stem of dry Vernonia polysphaera , 20°7′23.7″S 46°26′23.96″W, 26-VII-2017, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica, EMBRAPA Agroecologia , 22°45′15.64″S 43°40′20.42″W, 9-I-2015, H. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus birmanus (Eichhoff, 1878) . Known from southern Florida (U.S.), Mexico to Panama, the Antilles and the Galapagos Islands . This is the first record from continental South America. Bahia: Cruz das Almas, Mata de Cazuzinha, 12°39′59″S 39°6′26″W, various dates 2012, R.C. Pereira ( MEFEIS, 14) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, several dates 2016-2017, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Pernambuco : Recife, Mata Brennand, 8°2′23.41″S 34°58′49.14″W, several dates between 2014-2015, T.J.S. Alves ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Santana da Ponte Pensa, Sítio Nossa Senhora Aparecida, 20°13′20.04″S 50°48′41.18″W, 21-X-2012, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus bolivianus (Eggers, 1931) . Reported from Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela. Amapá : Tartarugalzinho, Comunidade Entre Rios, 1°7′32.70″N 51°18′34.20″W, 2014-2017, W.R. Silva ( MEFEIS, 22) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo : Venda Nova do Imigrante, Fazenda Alto Viçosa, 20°22′34.6″S 41°03′46.2″W, 13-X-2016, D.S. Martins ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso : Alta Floresta, IDC Florestal, 10°0′0.00″S 56°1′0.00″W, 13-VII-2016, 8-VIII-2016, M. Monteiro ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 2018, several collectors ( MEFEIS, 12) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais : São Roque de Minas, Taquaril Farm, 20°7′7.45″S 46°27′29.03″W, 16-II-2016, 17-IX-2016, 22-X-2016, 16-II-2018, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 24) GoogleMaps ; Pernambuco : Recife, Mata Brennand, 8°2′23.41″S 34°58′49.14″W, 9-V-2015, T.J.S. Alves ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rondônia : Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station, 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 2011-2012, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 18) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Garça, Fazenda Enseada, 22°15′43.92″S 49°40′50.46″W, healthy Khaya senegalensis trunk planted Mar2014, 29-VIII- 2017, L.A. Benso ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rubinéia , São Marcos Farm, 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, 2017-2018, F.L.L. Leonel ( MEFEIS, 8) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus brunneus ( Hopkins, 1915) . Bright (2019) treated this as a synonym of H. javanus (Eggers) with which we disagree. This will be addressed in an upcoming paper (AJ. Johnson, in litt.) Southern Florida and Texas (U.S.) to Ecuador. Bahia: Cruz das Almas, Mata de Cazuzinha, 12°39′59″S 39°6′26″W, 3-X2012, R.C. Pereira ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Ceará : Crato, Floresta Nacional do Araripe, 7°20′46.5″S 39°28′15.4″W, 2012, F.R. Azevedo ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; Espírito Santo : Linhares, Goytacazes National Forest, 19°26′08.7″S 40°04′33.4″W, 8-XI- 2015, D.S. Martins ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Inocência, Fazenda Laguna, 19°44′08.0″S 51°59′30.4″W, 6-I-2018, 1-VI-2018, M.B.C. Ramos ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Selvíria , UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 2011- 2018, several collectors ( MEFEIS, 27) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais : Capinópolis, Grama Farm, 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 7-XI-2017, 24-IV-2017, 11-III-2019, 24-VIII-2019, 23-IX-2019, C.F. Faria ( MEFEIS, 6) GoogleMaps ; Janaúba , Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 2018-2019, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 11) GoogleMaps ; Nova Porteirinha , Khaya Woods Group, 15°41′1.99″S 43°17′44.48″W, 12-II-2018, 3-VIII-2018, 28-III-2018, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; Pirapora , Fazenda Atlântica Agropecuária, 17°29′28.57″S 44°57′24.02″W, 23-VIII-2017, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; São Roque de Minas , Taquaril Farm, 20°7′7.45″S 46°27′29.03″W, 2016-2018, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; Pará : Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma, 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 2012, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 16) GoogleMaps ; Pau d’Arco , Serraria TKX Indústria Madeireira, 07°48′48.6″S 50°03′18.6″W, 2011, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 16) GoogleMaps ; Redenção , Marcenaria Artica, 08°02′34.2″S 50°03′25.5″W, 4-IV-2012, 20-IV-2012, 8-V-2012, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 6) GoogleMaps ; São Domingos do Araguaia , Fazenda Guzerá, 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012, D.B. Guinhazi ( MEFEIS, 25) GoogleMaps ; Ulianópolis , Fazenda Pingo de Ouro, 03°49′58.6″S 47°44′16.5″W, 26-I-2012, J.C. Bastos Junior ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Paraíba : Patos , Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - campus of Patos, 07°01′37.3″S 7°16′27.1″W, 2010-2012, R.S. Guedes ( MEFEIS, 15, UTIC, 6) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro : Seropédica, UFRRJ campus, 22°45′28″S 43°41′42″W, several dates between 1999-2008, different collectors ( MEFEIS, 17) GoogleMaps ; Santa Catarina : Porto União, Fazenda Pintado, 26°16′48.47″S 51°02′10.78″W, 17-XI-1998, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 13) GoogleMaps ; Jardinópolis , Sítio São José, 21°0′8.7″S 47°44′22.38″W, 14-VII-2015, N.A. Lima ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rubinéia , São Marcos Farm, 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, 2017, F.L.L. Leonel ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; Três Fronteiras , Sítio Lagoa Azul, 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 2013-2015, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 40) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus columbi Hopkins, 1915 . Coastal regions from South Carolina to Texas (U.S.) to Ecuador. Ceará : Crato, Floresta Nacional do Araripe, 7°20′46.5″S 39°28′15.4″W, 2012-2013, F.R. Azevedo ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Selvíria, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, ethanol + methanol-baited flight intercept trap, 2-X-2010, J.C.C. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Roraima : Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima, 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 26-IV-2015, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus crudiae ( Panzer, 1791) . Africa, SE Asia, eastern U.S. to Argentina. Wood (2007) cited several Brazilian states. Records listed below are new state records. Amapá : Macapá, Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú, 0°8′49.97″N 51° 6′51.43″W, 14-X-2013, A.L. Jordão ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Ceará : Crato, Floresta Nacional do Araripe, 7°20′46.5″S 39°28′15.4″W, 16-VIII-2012, 14-VI-2013, F.R. Azevedo ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso : São José dos Quatro Marcos, Fazenda Itamaraty, 15°39′5.92″S 58°13′40.28″W, 8-IX-2017, A. Santos ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Inocência, Fazenda Laguna, 19°44′08.0″S 51°59′30.4″W, 21-X-2017, M.B.C. Ramos ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; same except 20°58′57.837″S 51°46′8.181″W, 12-X-2016, J.E.P. Mendes ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Selvíria , UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 7-X-2011, J.C.C. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Três Lagoas , International Paper, seasonal semideciduous forest remnant, 21°2′19.93″S 51°46′45.68″W, ex Cecropia petiole, 2000-2001, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 8) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais : Capinópolis, Grama Farm, 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 13-VIII-2018, 22-X-2019, C.F. Faria ( MEFEIS, 12) GoogleMaps ; Janaúba , Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 2018-2019, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; Pará : Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma, 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 15-X-2012, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Redenção , Marcenaria Artica, 08°02′34.2″S 50°03′25.5″W, 20-IV-2012, 20-VII-2012, 20-IX-2012, 17-XII-2012, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; Rio Maria , Fazenda Rongi-Porã, 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 10-IX- 2012, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Domingos do Araguaia , Fazenda Guzerá, 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012- 2013, D.B. Guinhazi ( MEFEIS, 12) GoogleMaps ; Ulianópolis , Fazenda Pingo de Ouro, 03°49′58.6″S 47°44′16.5″W, 2011-2012, J.C. Bastos Junior ( MEFEIS, 9) GoogleMaps ; Xinguara , Carajás Madeira, 07°06′56.6″S 49°57′31.2″W, 10-II-2012, 28-VI- 2012, S.L. Lopes ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul : Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária, 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 2011, L.M. Machado ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Santa Catarina : Porto União, Fazenda Pintado, 26°16′48.47″S 51°02′10.78″W, 10-XI-1998, 20-I-1999, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus distinctus Wood, 1954 . This seldom collected species has previously been found only in the eastern U.S. Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica, EMBRAPA Agroecologia, 22°45′13.15″S 43°40′35.26″W, 12-II-2015, H. Trevisan (MEFEIS, 1).

Hypothenemus dolosus Wood, 1974 . Wood (1982) cited this species from Veracruz to Costa Rica. Bright and Torres (2006) extended the known distribution to Puerto Rico. We do not agree with Bright’s (2019) synonymy of this species with H. opacus (Eichhoff) . Paraná: Telêmaco Borba, Klabin Papel e Celulose, Guarda Florestal Faisqueira, Pinus taeda stand planted 1978, 24°22′58.24″S 50°24′9.06″W, 17-III-2000, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 1).

Hypothenemus eximius Schedl, 1951 . This species was described from Santa Catarina and has been reported from Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, and Rio de Janeiro. Paraná: Telêmaco Borba, Klabin Papel e Celulose , 24°26′30.95″S 50°28′52.42″W, 4-I-2002, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo: Campinas, Núcleo Lupunamanta , 22°45′49.19″S 46°58′53.15″W, 12-III-2010, R. Pena ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária , 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 29-V-2012, L.M. Machado ( UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus gossypii ( Hopkins, 1915) . Cited by Wood and Bright (1992) from southern U.S. (Florida), Mexico, and Cuba. These are the first records from South America. Goiás : Goianésia, Fazenda Covoá, 15°19′0.07″S 49°9′53.82″W, 13-IV-2013, 7-VIII-2013, J.M. Pereira ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 10-VIII-2013, ( MEFEIS,1) ; Três Lagoas , Horta Barra de Moeda, ex fallen petiole Cecropia sp. , 2-III-2002, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) ; Minas Gerais : Janaúba, Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 12-II-2018, 6-II-2019, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Pirapora , Fazenda Atlântica Agropecuária, 17°29′28.57″S 44°57′24.02″W, 4-X-2017, 30-VIII-2017, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; São Roque de Minas , Taquaril Farm, 20°7′7.45″S 46°27′29.03″W, 2016, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; Paraíba : Patos , Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - campus of Patos, 07°01′37.3″S 7°16′27.1″W, 26-I-2011, R.S. Guedes ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul : Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária, 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 3-XI-2011, L.M. Machado ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Fazenda Cambuhy, Matão, 2-4-X-2005, suction trap, S. Halbert ( FSCA, 2) ; Castilho ,

Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 6) GoogleMaps ; Jardinópolis, Sítio São José, 21°0′8.7″S 47°44′22.38″W, 28-VIII-2015, 30-IX-2015, N.A. Lima ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Lençóis Paulista, Duratex S.A., 22°49′22.7″S 48°53′19.7″W, 27-X-2006, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Sud Mennucci, Fazenda Jangada, 20°43′55″S 50°51′37.4″W, 1-VII-2013, F. Magrini ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Três Fronteiras, Sítio Lagoa Azul, 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 2013-2015, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 27) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus interstitialis ( Hopkins, 1915) . Eastern U.S. to Colombia and Venezuela. These are the first records from Brazil. Mato Grosso: Cuiabá , Fazenda Mutuca , 15°35′21.59″S 55°56′47.45″W, VI-1998, A. Dorval ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Pau d’Arco, Serraria TKX Indústria Madeireira , 07°48′48.6″S 50°03′18.6″W, 20-VI-2011, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica , UFFRJ campus, various dates between 2000-2001, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 4) ; Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station , 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 2011, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo: Agudos, Duraflora , 22°26′15″S 48°51′1.49″W, 8-V-1984, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado , 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 10-X-2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus javanus (Eggers, 1908) . Africa, SE Asia, southern Florida to Venezuela. Amapá: Macapá, Comunidade São José do Mata Fome, 0°13′29.89″N 50°58′18.97″W, 9-I-2015, S.J.M. Rodrigues Filho (MEFEIS, 1); Goiás: Goianésia, Fazenda Covoá, 15°19′0.07″S 49°9′53.82″W, 9-X-2013, J.M. Pereira (MEFEIS, 1); Mato Grosso: São José dos Quatro Marcos, Fazenda Itamaraty, 15°39′5.92″S 58°13′40.28″W, 12-VII-2018, A. Santos (MEFEIS, 6); Mato Grosso do Sul: Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, ex branch of Fusarium -diseased Cassia ferruginea ca. 2 m above ground, 1-XII-2015, J.A. Agostini (MEFEIS, 12); Minas Gerais: Capinópolis, Grama Farm, 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 14-VIII-2017, C.F. Faria (MEFEIS, 1); Janaúba, Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 19-XII-2018, 21-II-2019, F.R.P. Alves (MEFEIS, 2); Nova Porteirinha, Khaya Woods Group, 15°41′1.99″S 43°17′44.48″W, 17-VIII-2018, 19-XII-2018, F.R.P. Alves (MEFEIS, 2); Pará: Canaã dos Carajás, Sítio José Ribamar da Silva Costa, 06°24′2035″S 49°51′12″W, 29-II-2012, 18-IX-2012, S.L. Lopes (MEFEIS, 2); Rio Maria, Fazenda Rongi-Porã, 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 10-VII-2012, 11-X-2012, A.M. Lunz (MEFEIS, 2); São Domingos do Araguaia, Fazenda Guzerá, 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012, D.B. Guinhazi (MEFEIS, 7); Paraíba: Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - campus of Patos, 07°01′37.3″S 7°16′27.1″W, 12-I- 2011, R.S. Guedes (MEFEIS, 1); Paraná: Telêmaco Borba, Klabin Papel e Celulose, 24°18′56.2″S 50°30′37.5″W, 9-IV-1999, 8-III-2002 ,, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 2); Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica, EMBRAPA Agroecologia, 22°45′15.64″S 43°40′20.42″W, 2007-2008, H. Trevisan (MEFEIS, 8); Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária, 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 17-XI-2011, L.M. Machado (MEFEIS, 2); Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station, 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 14-I-2011, O. Trevisan (MEFEIS, 1); São Paulo: Campinas, Núcleo Lupunamanta, 22°45′49.19″S 46°58′53.15” W, 5-III-2010, R. Pena (MEFEIS, 1); Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 5-IX-2015, 12-IX- 2015, G.C. Pinheiro (MEFEIS, 2); Rubinéia, São Marcos Farm, 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, 19-IX-2017, 29-VIII- 2017, 31-VIII-2018, F.L.L. Leonel (MEFEIS, 9); Sud Mennucci, Fazenda Jangada, 20°43′55″S 50°51′37.4″W, 2013- 2014, F. Magrini (MEFEIS, 13); Três Fronteiras, Sítio Lagoa Azul, 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 2014-2016, J.C.P. Silva (MEFEIS, 14); Tocantins: Palmas, EMBRAPA, 10°8′9.00″S 48°18′49″W, 31-VIII-2017, F.N. Nascimento (MEFEIS, 1).

Hypothenemus meridensis Wood, 2007 . Previously known only from the type locality in Venezuela. Bahia : Valença, Fazenda Sucupira, 13°19′58.03″S 39°18′40.64″W, ex Khaya ivorensis petiole planted Jul2013, 26-VII- 2016, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Paraíba : Santa Terezinha, Fazenda Tamanduá, 07°01′20.3″S 37°24′35.1″W, 2015, F.J.A. Silva ( MEFEIS, 18) GoogleMaps ; Paraná : Curitiba, Afonso Pena International Airport, 25°32′ 09″S 49°10′17″W, 7-IV- 2010, S.R.C. Penteado ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Telêmaco Borba , Klabin Papel e Cellulose, 14-VIII-1998, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 2, UTIC, 1) ; Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro, Baía de Sepetiba, 22°55′29.43″S 43°46′20.16″W, 7-IV-2011, H. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Jardinópolis, Sítio São José, 21°0′8.7″S 47°44′22.38″W, 30-XII-2015, N.A. Lima ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus nanellus Wood, 1971 . Previously known only from the type locality in Costa Rica. Specimens were compared to Wood’s holotype ( USNM) by the senior author. Amapá : Macapá, Comunidade São José do Mata Fome, 0°13′29.89″N 50°58′18.97″W, 3-IV-2015, S.J.M. Rodrigues Filho ( UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul :

Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 20°22′58.72″S 51°24′42.30″W, several dates between 2014 and 2018, different collectors (MEFEIS, 4).

Hypothenemus opacus (Eichhoff, 1872) . Costa Rica to Brazil. Specimens of this species, previous to this current publication, were mostly (if not all) misidentified as Hypothenemus bolivianus (Eggers) (e.g., Flechtmann et al. 1995). The following are new state records. Amapá: Macapá, Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú, 0°8′54.11″N 51°6′44.17″W, 2013-2015, different collectors (MEFEIS, 36); Tartarugalzinho, Comunidade Entre Rios, 1°7′32.70″N 51°18′34.20″W, 2014-2015, W.R. Silva (MEFEIS, 45); Bahia: Nova Viçosa, Aracruz Celulose S.A., 17°55′52.91″S 39°47′8.19″W, 1997, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 17); Espírito Santo: Aracruz, Aracruz Celulose S.A., 19°48′15.32″S 40°12′33.28″W, Malaise trap, 12-III-1990, J.F. Ramos (MEFEIS, 3); Venda Nova do Imigrante, Fazenda Alto Viçosa, 20°22′34.6″S 41°03′46.2″W, 12-IV-2017, D.S. Martins (MEFEIS, 1); Linhares, Goytacazes National Forest, 19°26′08.7″S 40°04′33.4″W, 20-IX-2017, D.S. Martins (MEFEIS, 1); Goiás: Goianésia, Fazenda Covoá, 15°19′0.07″S 49°9′53.82″W, 28-V-2013, 9-X-2013, 7-III-2014, 24-X-2013, J.M. Pereira (MEFEIS, 4); Itiquira, Fazenda Pedregulho, 17°19′15.78″S 54°44′23.34″W, 30-VIII-1992, O.T. Dall’Oglio (MEFEIS, 4); Mato Grosso: Nova Xavantina, Parque Municipal do Bacaba, 14°42′35.10″S 52°21′08.20″W, 2015-2016, J.M. Gomes (MEFEIS, 21); Sinop, evergreen seasonal forest, 11°56′56.78″S 55°29′3.13″W, 29-III- 2015, 22-VI-2015, O.T. Dall’Oglio (MEFEIS, 2); Mato Grosso do Sul: Aquidauana, UEMS Farm, 20°27′13.20″S 55°39′40.77″W, 2016-2017, A. Abot (MEFEIS, 7); Inocência, Fazenda Laguna, 19°44′08.0″S 51°59′30.4″W, 2-XII-2017, M.B.C. Ramos (MEFEIS, 1); Selvíria, UNESP Farm, 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 1993-2019, several collectors (MEFEIS, 28); Três Lagoas, Champion Papel e Celulose, 20°57′48.58″S 51°48′3.09″W, 1993- 1994 and 2015-2016, different collectors (MEFEIS, 24); Minas Gerais: Capinópolis, Grama Farm, 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 13-IX-2019, C.F.Faria (MEFEIS, 1); Janaúba, Khaya Woods Group, 15°46′20.97″S 43°18′40.01″W, 2018-2019, F.R.P. Alves (MEFEIS, 8); São Roque de Minas, Taquaril Farm, 20°7′7.45″S 46°27′29.03″W, 25-XI- 2013, 9-XII-2013, 13-VIII-2016, 17-IX-2016, 22-X-2016, L.S. Covre (MEFEIS, 13); Viçosa, Mata da Biologia da UFV, 20°45′20.93″S 42°51′55.37″W, 2016, P.E.C. Loja (MEFEIS, 21); Pará: Canaã dos Carajás, Sítio José Ribamar da Silva Costa, 06°24′2035″S 49°51′12″W, 11-IV-2013, S.L. Lopes (MEFEIS, 1); Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma, 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 2011-2012, A.M. Lunz (MEFEIS, 9); Pau d’Arco, Serraria TKX Indústria Madeireira, 07°48′48.6″S 50°03′18.6″W, 2011-2012, A.D. Antonio (MEFEIS, 10); Redenção, Fazenda Experimental Piroás, 4°9′18.64″S 38°47′50.17″W, 23-I-2012, 4-IV-2012, 20-IV-2012, 5-IV-20132012 -2013, J.G.L. Moraes (MEFEIS, 4); Rio Maria, Fazenda Rongi-Porã, 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 2011-2012, A.M. Lunz (MEFEIS, 3); São Domingos do Araguaia, Fazenda Guzerá, 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012-2013, D.B. Guinhazi (MEFEIS, 5); Xinguara, Carajás Madeira, 07°06′56.6″S 49°57′31.2″W, 2012-2013, S.L. Lopes (MEFEIS, 4); Paraná: Cândido de Abreu, Klabin Papel e Celulose, 24°27′56.07″S 51°12′36.54″W, 2003, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 12); Telêmaco Borba, Klabin Papel e Celulose, 24°18′56.2″S 50°30′37.5″W, 1999-2007, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 213); Pernambuco: Recife, Mata Brennand, 8°2′23.41″S 34°58′49.14″W, 2014-2015, T.J.S. Alves (MEFEIS, 31); Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica, UFRRJ campus, 22°45′28″S 43°41′42″W, 1998-2002, different collectors (MEFEIS, 66); Rio Grande do Sul: Butiá, Empresa Seta, 24°29′ S 51°16′ W, several dates in 2004, A.B. Murari (MEFEIS, 23); Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária, 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 2003-2012, different collectors (MEFEIS, 43); Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station, 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 2011-2012, O. Trevisan (MEFEIS, 8); Porto Velho, Sítio Menino Jesus, 8°49′56.78″S 63°46′53.56″W, 6-II-2018, 9-IV-2018, A. Puker (MEFEIS, 2); Roraima: Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima, 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 2014-2015, E.G.F. Morais (MEFEIS, 14); Santa Catarina: Joaçaba, Parque Natural Municipal Rio do Peixe, 27°09′47.66″S 51°34′47.30″W, 2015-2016, E. Orlandin (MEFEIS, 18); São Paulo: Agudos, Duraflora, 22°27′41.59″S 48°51′12.60″W, 1984-1986, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 10); Anhembi, Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Anhembi, 22°42′46.26″S 48°10′27.83″W, 2011-2012, E.N.L. Ferreira (MEFEIS, 30);Botucatu, Paula Souza sawmill, 22°57′40.39″S 48°31′58.62″W, 23-VII-1989, 28-III- 1990, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 2); Brotas, International Paper do Brasil, 22°14′31.89″S 47°59′57.23″W, 30-X-2001, K. Trefflich (MEFEIS, 1); Campinas, Núcleo Lupunamanta, 22°45′49.19″S 46°58′53.15” W, 2010, R. Pena (MEFEIS, 6); Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 2015, G.C. Pinheiro (MEFEIS, 17); Garça, Fazenda Enseada, 22°15′43.92″S 49°40′50.46″W, Khaya senegalensis branch planted Mar 2014, 7-VI-2018, L.A. Benso (MEFEIS, 1); Ibaté, RIPASA, 21°50′00″S 48°01′00″W, 12-XI-1984, 5-IX-1984, C.D. Santos (MEFEIS, 2); Jardinópolis, Sítio São José, 21°0′8.7″S 47°44′22.38″W, 2015-2016, N.A. Lima (MEFEIS, 17); Lençóis Paulista, Duratex S.A., 22°49′22.7″S 48°53′19.7″W, 2006, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 34); Piracicaba, Horto Florestal de Tupi, 22°43′S 47°31″W, 1998, C.A.H. Flechtmann (MEFEIS, 11); Rubinéia, São Marcos Farm, 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, various dates 2017, F.L.L. Leonel (MEFEIS, 3); São Paulo, Parque Ecológico do Guarapiranga, 23°42′ 32.90″S 46°45′18.60″W, 7-X-2008, F.J. Zorzenon (MEFEIS, 1); Sud Mennucci, Fazenda Jangada, 20°43′55″S 50°51′37.4″W, 2013, F. Magrini (MEFEIS, 4); Três Fronteiras, Sítio Boa Sorte, 20°12′33.58″S 50°51′51.67″W, 2013, J.C.P. Silva (MEFEIS, 2).

Hypothenemus pubescens Hopkins., 1915 . Southern Florida and Texas (U.S.) to Argentina. Not previously cited from Brazil. Bahia: Valença , Fazenda Sucupira , 13°19′53.58″S 39°18′41.51″W, ex Swietenia mahogany seedling, 26-VII-2016, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais: São Roque de Minas, Taquaril Farm , 20°7′23.7″S 46°26′23.96″W, ex stem of dry Vernonia polysphaera , 26-VII-2017, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Viçosa, Mata da Biologia da UFV, 20°45′20.93″S 42°51′55.37″W, several dates in 2016, P.E.C. Loja ( MEFEIS, 31) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma , 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 18-VIII-2011, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Paraíba: Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - campus of Patos , 07°01′37.3″S 7°16′27.1″W, 20-VII-2011, 7-IV-2011, R.S. Guedes ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus rugosipes Wood, 2007 . Previously known only from two localities in Venezuela. Specimens were compared to Wood’s holotype by the senior author. Pará: Paragominas, pitfall with ethanol, XII-1997, S. Ketelhut ( MEFEIS, 1) ; Paraná : Telêmaco Borba , Klabin Papel e Celulose, 24°18′56.2″S 50°30′37.5″W, 10-I-2006, 22-IX-2006, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro , Maciço do Gericinó / Mendanha, 22°49′19.50″S 43°31′23.80″W, 15-I-2013, 12-III-2013, 19-III-2015, 24-III-2015, M.S. Santos ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Seropédica , UFFRJ campus, 22°45′27″S 43°41′53″W, 4-II-2000, A.M. Lunz ( UTIC, 3) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul : Santa Maria, FEPAGRO, 29°40′8.03″S 53°55′16.90″W, 3-XI-2011, L.M. Machado ( UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rondônia : Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station, 12-XII-2011, O. Trevisan ( UTIC, 1) ; Roraima : Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima, 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 27-I-2016, 12-V-2016, 11-VIII-2016, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo : Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado, 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 24-I-2015, 27-II-2015, 6-VI-2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo , Parque Ecológico do Guarapiranga, 23°42′ 32.90″S 46°45′18.60″W, 23-II-2009, F.J. Zorzenon ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus suspectus Wood, 1974 . Wood (2007) cited Mexico, Panama and Venezuela. These are the first records from Brazil. Bahia: Vitória da Conquista , UESB campus, 14°52′47.55″S 40°47′37.10″W, ex cut branch of Artocarpus heterophyllus on the ground, 2-III-2011, L.C. Oliveira ( MEFEIS, 17) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso: São José dos Quatro Marcos, Fazenda Itamaraty , 15°39′5.92″S 58°13′40.28″W, 17-VII-2018, A. Santos ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Sul: Inocência, Fazenda Laguna , 19°43′19.9″S 51°59′21.4″W, 14-X-2017, M.B.C. Ramos ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Selvíria, UNESP Farm , 20°20′17.52″S 51°24′42.92″W, 2014-2018, several collectors ( MEFEIS, 11) GoogleMaps ; same except ex cut Luehea grandifolia stem, 18-III-2011 ( MEFEIS, 1) ; same except ex cut Copaifera langsdorfii stem, 18-III-2011 ( MEFEIS, 1) ; Minas Gerais: Capinópolis, Grama Farm , 18°46′6.18″S 49°28′51.59″W, 2017-2018, C.F. Faria ( MEFEIS, 12) GoogleMaps ; Nova Porteirinha, Khaya Woods Group , 15°41′1.99″S 43°17′44.48″W, 29-VI-2018, F.R.P. Alves ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Pirapora, Fazenda Atlântica Agropecuária , 17°29′28.57″S 44°57′24.02″W, 2017, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 6) GoogleMaps ; São Roque de Minas, Fazenda Taquaril , 20°6′21.86″S 46°27′30.19″W, 15-X-2016, L.S. Covre ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Canaã dos Carajás, Sítio José Ribamar da Silva Costa , 06°24′2035″S 49°51′12″W, 2012-2013, S.L. Lopes ( MEFEIS, 4) ; Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma , 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 2011, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 10) GoogleMaps ; Pau d’Arco, Serraria TKX Indústria Madeireira , 07°48′48.6″S 50°03′18.6″W, 2011, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Redenção, Marcenaria Artica , 08°02′34.2″S 50°03′25.5″W, 2012, A.D. Antonio ( MEFEIS, 10) GoogleMaps ; Rio Maria, Fazenda Rongi-Porã , 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 2011, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 16) GoogleMaps ; São Domingos do Araguaia, Fazenda Guzerá , 05°31′54.4″S 48°42′35.0″W, 2012, D.B. Guinhazi ( MEFEIS, 15) GoogleMaps ; Xinguara, Carajás Madeira , 07°06′56.6″S 49°57′31.2″W, 2012, S.L. Lopes ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Paraíba: Patos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande , 07°01′37.3″S 37°16′27.1″W, 2011-2012, R.S. Guedes ( MEFEIS, 25) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica , UFRRJ campus, 22°45′28″S 43°41′42″W, 2001, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul: Butiá, Empresa Seta , 30°13′57.2″S 51°58′29.9″W, 26-XI-2003, A.B. Murari ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Santa Maria, Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária , 29°40′13.57″S 53°55′20.92″W, 2011, L.M. Machado ( MEFEIS, 7) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo: Agudos, Duraflora , 22°26′24.77″S 48°51′9.98″W, 20-III-1984, C.A.H. Flechtmann ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Anhembi, Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais de Anhembi , 22°42′46.26″S 48°10′27.83″W, 2011-2012, E.N.L. Ferreira ( MEFEIS, 78) GoogleMaps ; Campinas, Núcleo Lupunamanta , 22°45′49.19″S 46°58′53.15” W, 28-V-2010, R. Pena ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Castilho, Assentamento Celso Furtado , 20°49′4.47″S 51°33′47.81″W, 2014-2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 13) GoogleMaps ; Rubinéia, São Marcos Farm , 20°13′59.1″S 50°59′0.00″W, 2017, F.L.L. Leonel ( MEFEIS, 5) GoogleMaps ; Três Fronteiras, Sítio Lagoa Azul , 20°15′29.65″S 50°54′52.39″W, 2013-2015, J.C.P. Silva ( MEFEIS, 45) GoogleMaps ; Santa Catarina: Nova Teutônia , 1-III-1950, F. Plaumann ( BMNH) .

Hypothenemus teretis Wood, 1971 . Wood (2007) cites Costa Rica and Venezuela. This is the first record from Brazil. Amapá: Macapá, Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú , 0°6′38.01″N 51°1′33.08″W, 14-X-2013, A.L. Jordão ( UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Roraima: Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima , 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 20-XI-2014, 14-V-2015, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus trivialis Wood, 1974 . Wood (2007) cites Mexico, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. This is the first record from Brazil. Amapá: Macapá , Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú, 0°8′54.11″N 51°6′44.17″W, 2013-2016, different collectors ( MEFEIS, 6, UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Tartarugalzinho, Comunidade Entre Rios , 1°7′32.70″N 51°18′34.20″W, 2015-2017, W.R. Silva ( MEFEIS, 34) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta, IDC Florestal , 10°0′0.00″S 56°1′0.00″W, 3-XII-2016, M. Monteiro ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Minas Gerais: Viçosa, Mata da Biologia da UFV, 20°45′20.93″S 42°51′55.37″W, 2015-2016, P.E.C. Loja ( MEFEIS, 4) GoogleMaps ; Rôndonia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station , 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 2011, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 7, UTIC, 2) GoogleMaps ; Roraima: Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima , 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 2014-2016, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 9) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus vesculus Wood, 1974 . Previously known only from the type locality in Mexico (Chiapas). This is the first record from Brazil. Amapá: Macapá , Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Curiaú , 0°8′54.11″N 51°6′44.17″W, 25-IX-2014, A.L. Jordão ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Mato Grosso do Su l: Selvíria, UNESP Farm , 20°23′53″S 51°24′31.74″W, 20-VI-2015, G.C. Pinheiro ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Rio Maria, Fazenda Rongi-Porã , 07°38′00.8″S 50°01′14.3″W, 2012- 2013 ( MEFEIS, 2, UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Maria , 5-III-2012, L.M. Machado ( UTIC, 1) ; Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station , 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, 20-X-2011, 18-XI-2012, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 3) GoogleMaps ; Roraima: Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima , 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, 20-XI-2014, 14-V- 2015, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps .

Hypothenemus virolae Wood, 2007 . Wood (2007) cited Costa Rica and Venezuela. This is the first record from Brazil. Mato Grosso do Sul: Selvíria, UNESP Farm , 20°23′53″S 51°24′31.74″W, 2011-2018, different collectors ( MEFEIS, 9) GoogleMaps ; Pará: Cumaru do Norte, Fazenda Veluma , 09°18′15.75″S 51°25′00.47″W, 15-VI-2011, 9-VII- 2011, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 2) GoogleMaps ; Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica , UFRRJ campus, 22°45′28″S 43°41′42″W ,, 31-XII- 1999, A.M. Lunz ( MEFEIS, 1, UTIC, 1) GoogleMaps ; Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, CEPLAC Cocoa Research Station , 10°43′12.60″S 62°13′45.40″W, several dates between 2011-2012, O. Trevisan ( MEFEIS, 10) GoogleMaps ; Porto Velho, Sítio Menino Jesus , 8°49′56.78″S 63°46′53.56″W, 9-IV-2018, A. Puker ( MEFEIS, 1) GoogleMaps ; Roraima: Cantá, EMBRAPA Roraima , 02°14′45.8″N 60°39′47.9″W, several dates between 2015-2016, E.G.F. Morais ( MEFEIS, 14) GoogleMaps .


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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