Yan, Bee, Lee, Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Ng, Peter K. L., 2021, The generic affinities of the Indo-West Pacific species assigned to Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, 1875 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Epialtidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 19-44
: 44
44 |
Phallusia millari
Kott, Patricia, 2009, Taxonomic revision of Ascidiacea (Tunicata) from the upper continental slope off north-western Australia, Journal of Natural History 43 (31 - 32), pp. 1947-1986
: 1969
1969 |
Corella aequabilis
Kott, Patricia, 2009, Taxonomic revision of Ascidiacea (Tunicata) from the upper continental slope off north-western Australia, Journal of Natural History 43 (31 - 32), pp. 1947-1986
: 1971-1973
1971-1973 |
Paramaja turgida
sp. nov.
Ng, Peter K. L. & Forges, Bertrand Richer De, 2015, Revision of the spider crab genus Maja Lamarck, 1801 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majoidea: Majidae), with descriptions of seven new genera and 17 new species from the Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, pp. 110-225
: 135-144
135-144 |
Moloha major
Ng, Peter K. L., Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Martin, Joel W., 2020, The Homolidae of the Hawaiian Islands, with notes on the taxonomy of Moloha major (Kubo, 1936) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura), Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 306-328
: 311-316
311-316 |
Paramunida crinita
Cabezas, Patricia & Chan, Tin-Yam, 2014, Deep-sea squat lobsters of the genus Paramunida Baba, 1988 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Munididae) from the Philippines Panglao 2004, Panglao 2005 and Aurora 2007 expeditions, with the description of three new species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 62, pp. 302-316
: 310
310 |
Cephaloecetes schioettei
sp. nov.
Just, Jean, 2017, Siphonoecetini Just, 1983 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Ischyroceridae) 11: Cephaloecetes schioettei sp. nov. from The Philippines, Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 296-300
: 297-300
297-300 |
Siamopsis sudzukii
comb. nov.
Smith, Robin James, 2023, Descriptions of two Cypridopsinae (Ostracoda, Crustacea) species from the Nansei Islands, Japan, with the first records of non-marine ostracods from the Daito Islands, Zootaxa 5293 (2), pp. 294-316
: 305-309
305-309 |
Locustella portenta
sp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 14-25
14-25 |
Myzomela wahe
sp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 26-32
26-32 |
Phylloscopus emilsalimi
sp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 37-47
37-47 |
Phyllergates cucullatus subsp. sulanus
subsp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 48-51
48-51 |
Turdus poliocephalus subsp. sukahujan
subsp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 63-67
63-67 |
Ficedula hyperythra subsp. betinabiru
subsp. nov.
Rheindt, Frank E., Prawiradilaga, Dewi M., Ashar, Hidayat, Lee, Geraldine W. X., Wu, Meng Yue & Ng, Nathaniel S. R., 2020, A lost world in Wallacea: Description of a montane archipelagic avifauna (supplement), Science 36, pp. 1-104
: 68-72
68-72 |