135.23253, -23.184568: 10 Treatments

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Psilota darwini   sp. nov.  Young, Andrew D., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Steenis, Wouter Van, 2020, Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 4737 (1), pp. 1-127 : 49 49
Gonodactylellus micronesicus     Ahyong, Shane T., 2017, Stomatopod Crustacea of the Austral and Gambier Islands, French Polynesia, Zootaxa 4286 (4), pp. 555-564 : 557 557
Fusoleon stigmatus     Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Oswald, John David, 2020, Morphological phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the former antlion subtribe Periclystina (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Dendroleontinae), Zootaxa 4796 (1), pp. 1-322 : 62-65 62-65
Megagonoleon rebellis   sp. nov.  Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Oswald, John David, 2020, Morphological phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the former antlion subtribe Periclystina (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Dendroleontinae), Zootaxa 4796 (1), pp. 1-322 : 244-248 244-248
Gehyra moritzi   sp. nov.  Hutchinson, Mark N., Sistrom, Mark J., Donnellan, Stephen C. & Hutchinson, Rhonda G., 2014, Taxonomic revision of the Australian arid zone lizards Gehyra variegata and G. montium (Squamata, Gekkonidae) with description of three new species, Zootaxa 3814 (2), pp. 221-241 : 235-236 235-236
Diplodactylus tjoritjarinya   sp. nov.  McDonald, Peter J., Fenner, Aaron L., Torkkola, Janne & Oliver, Paul M., 2024, Vicars in the desert: Substrate specialisation and paleo-erosion underpin cryptic speciation in an Australian arid-zone lizard lineage (Diplodactylidae: Diplodactylus), Vertebrate Zoology 74, pp. 577-594 : 577-594 577-594
Maratus undefined-b     Otto, Ju. rgen C. & Hill, David E., 2022, Maratus ammophilus, a new peacock spider in the Fimbriatus group from Western Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini), Peckhamia 273 (1), pp. 1-65 : 60 60
Inoma solusa   sp. nov.  Cassis, Gerasimos & Symonds, Celia, 2008, Systematics, biogeography and host associations of the lace bug genus Inoma (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (2), pp. 433-484 : 466-469 466-469
Pleurocerina longicornis   comb. nov.  Published, First, 2010, A taxonomic revision of Australian Conopidae (Insecta: Diptera) 2581, Zootaxa 2581, pp. 1-246 : 143 143
Mecynotarsus bidens   sp. nov.  Kejval, Zbyněk, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the Australian Notoxinae (Coleoptera: Anthicidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (suppl.) 53, pp. 1-98 : 26-27 26-27