147.75, -24.8: 10 Treatments

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Maratus licunxini   sp. nov.  Baehr, Barbara C. & Whyte, Robert, 2016, The Peacock Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Maratus) of the Queensland Museum, including six new species, Zootaxa 4154 (5), pp. 501-525 : 506-509 506-509
Tomosvaryella seticosta   sp. nov.  Motamedinia, Behnam, Földvari, Mihaly, Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Kelso, Scott, 2023, Revision of Australian Tomosvaryella Aczél (Diptera: Pipunculidae) with description of 100 new species, Zootaxa 5599 (1), pp. 1-271 : 197-199 197-199
Yoyetta psammitica   sp. nov.  Emery, David L., Emery, Nathan J. & Popple, Lindsay W., 2025, Description of three new cicada species in the genus Yoyetta Moulds (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae), from eastern Australia, Zootaxa 5590 (2), pp. 151-184 : 162-168 162-168
Myopsalta leona   sp. nov.  Popple, Lindsay W., 2017, A revision of the Myopsalta crucifera (Ashton) species group (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini) with 14 new species from mainland Australia, Zootaxa 4340 (1), pp. 1-98 : 35-41 35-41
Blakistonia carnarvon   sp. nov.  Harrison, Sophie E., Rix, Michael G., Harvey, Mark S. & Austin, Andrew D., 2018, Systematics of the Australian spiny trapdoor spiders of the genus Blakistonia Hogg (Araneae: Idiopidae), Zootaxa 4518 (1), pp. 1-76 : 34-36 34-36
Iridonyssus leucostaurus   sp. nov.  Raven, Robert J., 2015, & lt; strong & gt; A revision of ant-mimicking spiders of the family Corinnidae (Araneae) in the Western Pacific & lt; / strong & gt;, Zootaxa 3958 (1), pp. 1-258 : 88-90 88-90
Maratus julianneae   sp. nov.  Baehr, Barbara C. & Whyte, Robert, 2016, The Peacock Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Maratus) of the Queensland Museum, including six new species, Zootaxa 4154 (5), pp. 501-525 : 511 511
Miturgopelma bogantungan   sp. nov.  Raven, Robert J., Hebron, Wendy & Williams, Kylie, 2023, Revisions of Australian ground-hunting spiders VI: five new stripe-less miturgid genera and 48 new species (Miturgidae: Miturginae), Zootaxa 5358 (1), pp. 1-117 : 25-27 25-27
Oedura elegans   sp. nov.  Hoskin, Conrad J., 2019, Description of three new velvet geckos (Diplodactylidae: Oedura) from inland eastern Australia, and redescription of Oedura monilis De Vis, Zootaxa 4683 (3), pp. 242-270 : 256-259 256-259
Miturgopelma ferruginea   comb. nov.  Raven, Robert J., Hebron, Wendy & Williams, Kylie, 2023, Revisions of Australian ground-hunting spiders VI: five new stripe-less miturgid genera and 48 new species (Miturgidae: Miturginae), Zootaxa 5358 (1), pp. 1-117 : 46-48 46-48