Willowsia jacobsoni
Cipola, Nikolas Gioia, Katz, Aron D., Bu, Yun & Godeiro, Nerivania Nunes, 2025, Systematics of Willowsia jacobsoni (Börner, 1913) (Collembola, Entomobryidae): morphology, postembryonic development, distribution, mitogenome and phylogeny, Zootaxa 5604 (3), pp. 201-233
: 206-220
206-220 |
Chloropsina minima
Riccardi, Paula Raile & Ang, Yuchen, 2024, New species and new records of Chloropinae from Singapore (Diptera: Chloropidae), Zootaxa 5458 (1), pp. 83-92
: 85
85 |
Polistes (Polistella) tenebris
sp. nov.
Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong, Vu, Thuong Thi, Lee, John, X. Q. & Carpenter, James M., 2017, Taxonomic notes on the Polistes stigma group (Hymenoptera, Vespidae: Polistinae) from continental Southeast Asia, with descriptions of three new species and a key to species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65, pp. 269-279
: 276-278
276-278 |
Sarax gravelyi
sp. nov.
Miranda, Gustavo Silva de, Giupponi, Alessandro P. L., Prendini, Lorenzo & Scharff, Nikolaj, 2021, Systematic revision of the pantropical whip spider family Charinidae Quintero, 1986 (Arachnida, Amblypygi), European Journal of Taxonomy 772, pp. 1-409
: 183-185
183-185 |
Chrysilla lauta
Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa L., Addink, Wouter & Miller, Jeremy A., 2024, The genera Chrysilla and Phintelloides revisited with the description of a new species (Araneae, Salticidae) using digital specimen DOIs and nanopublications, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129438-e 129438
: e129438--1
e129438--1 |
Stigmatomma besucheti
Esteves, Flavia A. & Fisher, Brian L., 2016, Taxonomic revision of Stigmatomma Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Malagasy region, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8032-8032
: 8032
8032 |
Stigmatomma besucheti
Esteves, Flavia A. & Fisher, Brian L., 2016, Taxonomic revision of Stigmatomma Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Malagasy region, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8032-8032
: 8032
8032 |
Magallana bilineata
Tan, Koh Siang, , Siong Kiat Tan, , Sherralee S. Lukehurst, Wells, & Fred E., 2024, Assessing the threat of the oyster genus Magallana (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) in Singapore to the Australian marine environment, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 72, pp. 162-183
: 175-176
175-176 |
Nisitrus malaya
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy, Chung, Authur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2021, Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 761 (1), pp. 1-75
: 44-55
44-55 |
Mycale (Aegogropila) sulevoidea
Van, Rob W. M., Aryasari, Ratih & De, Nicole J., 2021, Mycale species of the tropical Indo-West Pacific (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida), Zootaxa 4912 (1), pp. 1-212
: 23-27
23-27 |
Synidotea poorei
sp. nov.
Cai, Yixiong & Teo, Serena L. M., 2012, Synidotea poorei, a new isopod from the fouling community in Singapore waters (Valvifera, Idoteidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 69, pp. 237-243
: 237-238
237-238 |