-115.917, 33.917: 10 Treatments

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Brachylinga pavida     Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A., 2006, A Revision of the New World Genera Brachylinga Irwin and Lyneborg and Lysilinga Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) with the Description of a New Genus, Elcaribe Webb, Zootaxa 1288 (1288), pp. 1-241 : 104-108 104-108
Chanbria regalis     Garcia, Erika L., Hansen, Quincy G. & Castillo, Jaír R., 2024, A phylogenomic approach to a taxonomic revision: a combination, new synonymies, and a description of two new species within the camel spider genus Chanbria Muma, 1951 (Solifugae: Eremobatidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202 (4), pp. 1-25 : 13-18 13-18
Eremocosta titania     Cushing, Paula E., Channiago, Felix & Brookhart, Jack O., 2018, Revision of the camel spider genus Eremocosta Roewer and a description of the female Eremocosta gigas Roewer (Arachnida, Solifugae), Zootaxa 4402 (3), pp. 443-466 : 460-462 460-462
Wilcoxia flavipennis   sp. nov.  Pollock, Darren A. & Reichert, Lisa A., 2019, Review of the Nearctic genus Wilcoxia James (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) with descriptions of three new species, Zootaxa 4695 (5), pp. 401-437 : 416-418 416-418
Acarospora indistincta   sp. nov.  Knudsen, Kerry, Cho-Ah-Ying, Jessica, Kocourková, Jana, Hodková, Eva, Malíček, Jiří & Wang, Yan, 2025, The diversity of Acarosporaceae (Acarosporales, Lecanoromycetes) in California, MycoKeys 112, pp. 183-210 : 183-210 183-210
Acarospora alba   sp. nov.  Knudsen, Kerry, Cho-Ah-Ying, Jessica, Kocourková, Jana, Hodková, Eva, Malíček, Jiří & Wang, Yan, 2025, The diversity of Acarosporaceae (Acarosporales, Lecanoromycetes) in California, MycoKeys 112, pp. 183-210 : 183-210 183-210
Aleurocybotus mojavensis   sp. nov.  Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Bailey, James, 2022, Aleurocybotus mojavensis (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae), a new whitefly species from California, Zootaxa 5174 (3), pp. 294-300 : 295-296 295-296
Johansenicoccus eremophilus   sp. nov.  Fucikova, Karolina, Taylor, Melissa, Lewis, Louise A., Niece, Brian K., Isaac, Aleeza S. & Pietrasiak, Nicole, 2023, Johansenicoccus eremophilus gen. et sp. nov., a novel evolutionary lineage in Chlorophyceae with unusual genomic features, Plant Ecology and Evolution 156 (3), pp. 311-325 : 311 311
Milichiella faviformis     Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166 : 72-80 72-80
Zagrammosoma triangulum   sp. nov.  Perry, Ryan K. & Heraty, John M., 2021, Read between the lineata: A revision of the tattooed wasps, Zagrammosoma Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with descriptions of eleven new species, Zootaxa 4916 (1), pp. 1-108 : 93-95 93-95