-79.066666, 9.133333: 10 Treatments

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Epimetopus simplex     Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95 : 23-24 23-24
Epimetopus microporus   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95 : 27-28 27-28
Epimetopus costaricensis     Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95 : 29 29
Megalopinus adjectus     Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834 : 639-641 639-641
Ichnea frenata     Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65 : 42-45 42-45
Paypayrola panamensis   sp. nov.  Ballard, Harvey E., 2022, A new Paypayrola (Violaceae) from Panama, with notes about the species complexes for the genus, Phytotaxa 542 (3), pp. 283-292 : 288-289 288-289
Monstera pittieri     Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197 : 144 144
Miconia magnifolia   nom. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 91-95 91-95
Bauhinia beguinotii     Juárez, Pedro, Flores, Rodolfo & Blanco, Mario A., 2018, Bauhinia proboscidea (Fabaceae: Cercidoideae), a new species from Costa Rica and Panama, with notes on B. beguinotii, B. gorgonae and B. pansamalana, Phytotaxa 361 (1), pp. 25-40 : 34-35 34-35
Rinorea callejasii   sp. nov.  Hoyos-Gómez, Saúl E., Callejas Posada, Ricardo & Wahlert, Gregory A., 2024, Seven new species of Rinorea (Violaceae) from the Neotropics, PhytoKeys 242, pp. 241-271 : 241-271 241-271