Belone, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 66 Treatments

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Belone belone     Ramdane, Zouhir & Trilles, Jean-Paul, 2007, Parasitic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Algerian marine fishes, Zootaxa 1574 (1), pp. 49-68 : 53 53
Beloniformes   new species  Sykes, W. H., 1839, On the fishes of the Deccan, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1838, No. 6, pp. 157-165 : 163 163
Belone belone     Nurettin Meriç, Lütfiye Eryilmaz & Müfit Özulug, 2007, A catalogue of the fishes held in the Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Hydrobiology Museum., Zootaxa 1472, pp. 29-54 : 29 29
Beloniformes   new species  Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1821, Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the natural family of the Esoces, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2, No. 1, pp. 124-138 : 130 130
Beloniformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1875, Ichthyologische Beiträage (III). Bemerkungen über Serranus nebulifer und S. clathratus sp. Gird, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 72, No. 1, pp. 29-96 : 94 [66] 94 [66]
Beloniformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1878, Ichthyologische Beiträge (VII), Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 78, No. 1, pp. 377-400 : 397 [21] 397 [21]
Beloniformes   new species  Macleay, William John, 1881, A descriptive catalogue of Australian fishes. Part IV, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 6, No. 2, pp. 202-387 : 243 243
Beloniformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1849, Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 22, pp. 1-16 : 11 11
Beloniformes   new species  Richardson, John, 1846, Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1845, pp. 187-320 : 264 264
Beloniformes   new species  Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1821, Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the natural family of the Esoces, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2, No. 1, pp. 124-138 : 126 126
Beloniformes   new species  Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, 1872, Report on several collections of fishes recently obtained for the British Museum, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1871, No. 3, pp. 652-675 : 670 670
Belone belone     Mucientes, Gonzalo & Arronte, Juan Carlos, 2010, Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist, Zootaxa 2667, pp. 1-27 : 13 13
Belone     Lipej, Lovrenc & Dulčić, Jakov, 2010, Checklist of the Adriatic Sea Fishes 2589, Zootaxa 2589 (1), pp. 1-92 : 34 34
Tetrapturus belone     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 60 60
Beloniformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1850, Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Belone en Hemiramphus van Java, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 1, pp. 93-95 : 95 95
Beloniformes   new species  Steindachner, F. & Döderlein, L., 1887, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fische Japan’s. (IV.), Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 53, No. 1, pp. 257-296 : 293 [37] 293 [37]
Beloniformes   new species  van Hasselt, Johan Coenraad, 1823, Uittreksel uit een’ brief van Dr. J. C. van Hasselt, aan den Heer C. J. Temminck, Algemeene Konst- en Letter-Bode 2, pp. 130-133 : 130 130
Beloniformes   new species  Klunzinger, C. B., 1879, Die v. Müller’sche Sammlung Australischer Fische, Anzeiger 16, pp. 254-261 : 260 260
Belone belone     Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90 : 28-29 28-29
Beloniformes   new species  Rüppell, Wilhem Peter Eduard Simon, 1835, Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig. Fische des Rothen Meeres, Schmerber : 72 72
Belone acus     Bariche, Michel & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status, Zootaxa 4775 (1), pp. 1-157 : 42 42
Beloniformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1850, Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Belone en Hemiramphus van Java, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 1, pp. 93-95 : 94 94
Tetrapturus belone     Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90 : 60 60
Beloniformes   new species  Goode, G. B., 1877, A preliminary catalogue of the reptiles, fishes, and leptocardians of the Bermudas, with descriptions of four species of fishes believed to be new, The American Journal of Science and Arts, Series 2 14, pp. 289-298 : 295 295
Beloniformes   new species  Rüppell, Wilhem Peter Eduard Simon, 1835, Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig. Fische des Rothen Meeres, Schmerber : 73 73
Beloniformes   new species  Girard, Charles Frédéric, 1854, Observations upon a collection of fishes made on the Pacific coast of the United States, by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. A., for the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7, pp. 142-156 : 149 149
Belone belone     Karlsbakk, Egil & Køie, Marianne, 2012, The marine myxosporean Sigmomyxa sphaerica (Thélohan, 1895) gen. n., comb. n. (syn. Myxidium sphaericum) from garfish (Belone belone (L. )) uses the polychaete Nereis pelagica L. as invertebrate host, Parasitology Research (211) 110 (1), pp. 211-218 : 212-213 212-213
Beloniformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1879, Description de quelques poissons d’espèces nouvelles de la collection du Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, Série 7 3, pp. 204-209 : 208 208
Belone svetovidovi     Golani, Daniel, 2021, An updated Checklist of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel, with illustrations of recently recorded species and delineation of Lessepsian migrants, Zootaxa 4956 (1), pp. 1-108 : 31 31
Perciformes   new species  Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel, 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della Sicilia, con varie osservazioni sopra i medisimi, Sanfilippo : 54 54
Beloniformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1875, Ichthyologische Beiträage (III). Bemerkungen über Serranus nebulifer und S. clathratus sp. Gird, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 72, No. 1, pp. 29-96 : 93 [65] 93 [65]
Beloniformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1853, Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo. Zoetwatervisschen van Sambas, Pontianak en Pangaron [sic, Pengaron], Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 5, pp. 427-462 : 454 454
Belone svetovidovi     Nurettin Meriç, Lütfiye Eryilmaz & Müfit Özulug, 2007, A catalogue of the fishes held in the Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Hydrobiology Museum., Zootaxa 1472, pp. 29-54 : 29 29
Beloniformes   new species  Miranda-Ribeiro, A. de, 1913, Fauna brasiliense. Peixes. Tomo V. [Eleutherobranchios aspirophoros]. Physoclisti, Arquivos do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro 17, pp. 1-679 : Belonidae p. 13 Belonidae p. 13
Paramunida belone     Cabezas, P. E., 2010, Taxonomic revision of the genus Paramunida Baba, 1988 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae): a morphological and molecular approach, Zootaxa 2712, pp. 1-60 : 16-17 16-17
Beloniformes   new species  van Hasselt, Johan Coenraad, 1823, Uittreksel uit een’ brief van Dr. J. C. van Hasselt, aan den Heer C. J. Temminck, Algemeene Konst- en Letter-Bode 2, pp. 130-133 : 331 331
Beloniformes   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1871, Contribution to the ichthyology of the Lesser Antilles, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 14, No. 1, pp. 445-483 : 481 481
Belone svetovidovi     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 42 42
Belone belone     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 42 42
Axine belones     Öktener, Ahmet, 2005, A checklist of parasitic helminths reported from sixty­five species of marine fish from Turkey including two new records of monogeneans, Zootaxa 1063, pp. 33-52 : 34-35 34-35
Beloniformes   new species  Girard, Charles Frédéric, 1858, Notes upon various new genera and new species of fishes, in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, and collected in connection with the United States and Mexican boundary survey: Major William Emory, Commissioner, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 10, pp. 167-171 : 170 170
Paramunida belone     Cabezas, Patricia, Macpherson, Enrique & Machordom, Annie, 2009, Morphological and molecular description of new species of squat lobster (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae) from the Solomon and Fiji Islands (South-West Pacific), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 156 (3), pp. 465-493 : 487-489 487-489
Belone melanotus     Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135 : 63 63
Belone platura     Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135 : 63 63
Belone belone     Wirtz, Peter, Fricke, Ronald & Biscoito, Manuel José, 2008, The coastal fishes of Madeira Island — new records and an annotated check-list, Zootaxa 1715, pp. 1-26 : 9 9
Paramunida belone     Cabezas, P. E., 2010, Taxonomic revision of the genus Paramunida Baba, 1988 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae): a morphological and molecular approach, Zootaxa 2712, pp. 1-60 : 6 6
Tetrapturus belone     Bariche, Michel & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status, Zootaxa 4775 (1), pp. 1-157 : 73 73
Beloniformes   new species  Bennett, Edward Turner, 1832, [Observations on a collection of fishes from the Mauritius with characters of new genera and species], Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1, pp. 165-169 : 168 168
Beloniformes   new species  Ranzani, C., 1842, De novis speciebus piscium. Dissertatio IV, Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis 5, pp. 340-365 : 359 359
Beloniformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1850, Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Belone en Hemiramphus van Java, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 1, pp. 93-95 : 94 94
Belone belone     Golani, Daniel, 2021, An updated Checklist of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel, with illustrations of recently recorded species and delineation of Lessepsian migrants, Zootaxa 4956 (1), pp. 1-108 : 31 31
Beloniformes   new species  Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1821, Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the natural family of the Esoces, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2, No. 1, pp. 124-138 : 127 127
Plagiorchiida   new species  Srivastava, H. D., 1938, Studies on the gasterostomatous parasites of Indian food-fishes., Indian Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry 8, No. 4, pp. 317-339 : 323 323
Belonectes stoddarti   sp. nov.  Malyutina, Marina V. & Brandt, Angelika, 2009, Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Zootaxa 2277, pp. 33-52 : 44-48 44-48
Belonectes daytoni   sp. nov.  Malyutina, Marina V. & Brandt, Angelika, 2009, Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Zootaxa 2277, pp. 33-52 : 48-51 48-51
Belonectes key    Malyutina, Marina V. & Brandt, Angelika, 2009, Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Zootaxa 2277, pp. 33-52 : 35 35
Belonectes     Malyutina, Marina V. & Brandt, Angelika, 2009, Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Zootaxa 2277, pp. 33-52 : 34-35 34-35
Belonectes grasslei   sp. nov.  Malyutina, Marina V. & Brandt, Angelika, 2009, Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean, Zootaxa 2277, pp. 33-52 : 35-44 35-44
Caligus belones     Boxshall, Geoffrey A. & Bernot, James P., 2023, Resolving taxonomic and nomenclatural problems in the genus Caligus O. F. Müller, 1785 (Copepoda: Caligidae), Zootaxa 5360 (4), pp. 545-567 : 546-547 546-547
Lernanthropus belones     Luque, José L. & Tavares, Luiz E. R., 2007, Checklist of Copepoda associated with fishes from Brazil, Zootaxa 1579 (1), pp. 1-39 : 13-14 13-14
Lernanthropus belones     Boxshall, Geoff A., Bernot, James P., Barton, Diane P., Diggles, Ben K., Q-Y, Russell, Atkinson-Coyle, Toby & Hutson, Kate S., 2020, Parasitic copepods of the family Lernanthropidae Kabata, 1979 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) from Australian fishes, with descriptions of seven new species, Zootaxa 4736 (1), pp. 1-103 : 27 27
Belonesox     Lucinda, Paulo Henrique Franco & Reis, Roberto E., 2005, Systematics of the subfamily Poeciliinae Bonaparte (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae), with an emphasis on the tribe Cnesterodontini Hubbs, Neotropical Ichthyology 3 (1), pp. 1-60 : 40 40
Belonesox     Lucinda, Paulo Henrique Franco & Reis, Roberto E., 2005, Systematics of the subfamily Poeciliinae Bonaparte (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae), with an emphasis on the tribe Cnesterodontini Hubbs, Neotropical Ichthyology 3 (1), pp. 1-60 : 41 41
Belonesox belizanus     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 59 59
Belonesox belizanus     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 54 54
Belonesox belizanus     Sánchez, Alberto J., Álvarez-Pliego, Nicolás, Espinosa-Pérez, Héctor, Florido, Rosa, Macossay-Cortez, Alberto, Barba, Everardo, Salcedo, Miguel Ángel & Garrido-Mora, Arturo, 2019, Species richness of urban and rural fish assemblages in the Grijalva Basin floodplain, southern Gulf of Mexico, Cybium 43 (3), pp. 239-254 : 253-254 253-254

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