Colossoma macropomum
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Colossoma macropomum
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Colossoma macropomum
Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72
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24 |
Colossoma macropomum
Ota, Renata Rúbia, Deprá, Gabriel de Carvalho, Graça, Weferson Júnio da & Pavanelli, Carla Simone, 2018, Peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas adjacentes: revised, annotated and updated, Neotropical Ichthyology 16 (2), pp. 1-111
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