Kolibáč, Jiří, Bocakova, Milada, Liebherr, James K., Ramage, Thiboult & Porch, Nick, 2021, Extinct and extant Pacific Trogossitidae and the evolution of Cleroidea (Coleoptera) after the Late Triassic biotic crisis, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 191
: -1
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Tenebroides (Parallelodera)
Kolibáč, Jiří, Bocakova, Milada, Liebherr, James K., Ramage, Thiboult & Porch, Nick, 2021, Extinct and extant Pacific Trogossitidae and the evolution of Cleroidea (Coleoptera) after the Late Triassic biotic crisis, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 191
: -1
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Kolibac, Jiri, 2013, Trogossitidae: A review of the beetle family, with a catalogue and keys, ZooKeys 366, pp. 1-194
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57-58 |