Synbranchidae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 52 Treatments

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Synbranchiformes   new species  Cantor, T. E., 1849, Catalogue of Malayan fishes, Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 18, No. 2, pp. 981-1443 : 1316 [334] 1316 [334]
Synbranchiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1851, Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 2, pp. 57-70 : 69 69
Synbranchiformes   new species  Hamilton, F. Buchanan, 1822, An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches, A. Constable : 16, 363 16, 363
Synbranchus marmoratus     Diniz, Paulo Baltazar, Siqueira, Hatus de Oliveira, Faleiros, Tâmer de Oliveira, Pereira, Nycolas Levy, Senhorini, José Augusto, Esguícero, André Luiz Henríques & Bertelli, Célio, 2019, Fishes from lakes and tributaries of the Rio Santa Bárbara, Sapucaí-Mirim / Grande hydrographic basin, São Paulo, Brazil, Check List 15 (4), pp. 629-640 : 639 639
Monopterus ichthyophoides   sp. nov.  Britz, Ralf & Lalremsanga, Hmar Tlawmte, 2011, Monopterus ichthyophoides, a new species of scaled swamp eel (Teleostei: Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from Mizoram, India, Zootaxa 2936, pp. 51-58 : 52-56 52-56
Synbranchiformes   new species  Pellegrin, J., 1922, Sur un nouveau poisson aveugle des eaux douces de l’Afrique occidentale, Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D, Sciences Naturelles 174, pp. 884-885 : 884 884
Ophisternon berlini   sp. nov.  Arroyave, Jairo, Angulo, Arturo, Mar-Silva, Adán Fernando & Stiassny, Melanie L. J., 2024, A New Endogean, Dwarf, and Troglomorphic Species of Swamp Eel of the Genus Ophisternon (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from Costa Rica: Evidence from Comparative Mitogenomic and Anatomical Data, Ichthyology & Herpetology 112 (3), pp. 375-390 : 379-385 379-385
Synbranchus doeringii     Stefan Koerber, 2007, Synbranchus doeringii Weyenbergh, 1877, a justified emendation of S. döringii (Pisces: Synbranchidae)., Zootaxa 1509, pp. 68-68 : 68 68
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 196, 219 196, 219
Synbranchus marmoratus     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 40 40
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 220 220
Synbranchidae     LARSON, HELEN K., WILLIAMS, REX S. & HAMMER, MICHAEL P., 2013, <strong> An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Northern Territory, Australia </ strong>, Zootaxa 3696 (1), pp. 1-293 : 79 79
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 198, 204, 221 198, 204, 221
Synbranchidae     Jamandre, Brian Wade, 2023, Freshwater fishes of the Philippines: a provisional checklist, Zootaxa 5301 (2), pp. 151-181 : 175 175
Synbranchidae     Matamoros, Wilfredo A., Schaefer, Jacob F. & Kreiser, Brian R., 2009, Annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of continental and insular Honduras, Zootaxa 2307, pp. 1-38 : 16 16
Synbranchiformes   new species  Richardson, John, 1846, Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1845, pp. 187-320 : 315 315
Synbranchiformes   new species  Bailey, Reeve M. & Gans, C., 1998, Two new synbranchid fishes, Monopterus roseni from Peninsular India and M. desilvai from Sri Lanka, Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 726, pp. 1-18 : 12 12
Synbranchus lampreia   sp. nov.  Favorito, Sandra E., Zanata, Angela M. & Assumpção, Maria I., 2005, A new Synbranchus (Teleostei: Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brazil, with notes on its reproductive biology and larval development, Neotropical Ichthyology 3 (3), pp. 319-328 : 321-325 321-325
Synbranchus marmoratus     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Synbranchus marmoratus     Ota, Renata Rúbia, Deprá, Gabriel de Carvalho, Graça, Weferson Júnio da & Pavanelli, Carla Simone, 2018, Peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas adjacentes: revised, annotated and updated, Neotropical Ichthyology 16 (2), pp. 1-111 : 90 90
Synbranchidae     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 38 38
Synbranchus marmoratus     dos Santos, Sergio Alexandre & de Britto, Marcelo Ribeiro, 2021, The ichthyofauna of a poorly known area in the middle-southern Espinhaco mountain range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: diagnostics and identification keys, ZooKeys 1054, pp. 25-66 : 25 25
Synbranchiformes   new species  Gopi, K. C., 2002, A new synbranchid fish, Monopterus digressus from Kerala, Peninsular India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 100, No. 1, pp. 137-143 : 137 137
Synbranchiformes   new genus  Mees, G. F., 1962, The subterranean freshwater fauna of Yardie Creek Station, North West Cape, Western Australia, Journal of the Royal society of Western Australia 45, No. 1, pp. 24-32 : 27 27
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 195, 219 195, 219
Synbranchidae     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 40 40
Ophisternon aenigmaticum     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 40 40
Ophichthys cuchia     Chan, Jeffery C. F., Tsang, Alphonse H. F., Yau, Sze-man, Hui, Tommy C. H., Lau, Anthony, Tan, Heok Hui, Low, Bi Wei, Dudgeon, David & Liew, Jia Huan, 2023, The non-native freshwater fishes of Hong Kong: diversity, distributions, and origins, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 128-168 : 140 140
Synbranchiformes   new species  Kaup, Johann Jakob, 1856, Uebersicht der Aale, Archiv für Naturgeschichte 22, No. 1, pp. 41-77 : 77 77
Synbranchiformes   new species  Rosen, Don E. & Rumney, A., 1972, Evidence of a second species of Synbranchus (Pisces, Teleostei) in South America, American Museum Novitates 2497, pp. 1-45 : 11 11
Corydoras marmoratus     Litz, Thomas O. & The, Stefan Koerber Introduction, 2014, Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of Uruguay (CLOFF-UY)., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 28, pp. 1-40 : 32 32
Synbranchiformes   new species  Weyenbergh, H., 1877, Algunos nuevos pescados del Museo Nacional, y algunas noticias ictiológicas, Acta de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas 3, No. 1, pp. 1-21 : 16 16
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Description of a collection of fishes made at Chusan and Ningpo in China, by Dr. G. R. Playfair, Surgeon of the Phlegethon, war steamer, during the late military operations in that country, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 4, pp. 390-413 : 411 411
Ophisternon aenigmaticum     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 38 38
Synbranchus marmoratus     Bertora, Andrea, Grosman, Fabián, Sanzano, Pablo & Rosso, Juan J., 2018, Fish fauna from the Langueyú basin, Argentina: a prairie stream in a heavily modified landscape, Check List 14 (2), pp. 461-470 : 467 467
Monopterus javanensis     Aqmal-Naser, Mohamad, Ali, Norsyafira Anis, Azmi, Nur Ummiliani, Fahmi-Ahmad, Muhammad, Rizal, Syed Ahmad & Ahmad, Amirrudin B., 2023, Freshwater fishes (Actinopterygii) of Kenyir Reservoir, Peninsular Malaysia: Updated checklist, taxonomic concerns and alien species, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 100337-100337 : 100337 100337
Synbranchidae     Phillip, Dawn A. T., Taphorn, Donald C., Holm, Erling, Gilliam, James F., Lamphere, Bradley A. & López-Fernández, Hernán, 2013, Annotated list and key to the stream fishes of Trinidad & Tobago, Zootaxa 3711 (1), pp. 1-64 : 21 21
Symbranchus marmoratus     W. Peters, 1877, Hr. W. Peters las ueber die von Hrn. Dr. C. Sachs in Venezuela gesammelten Fische., Monatsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin 1877, pp. 469-473 : 473 473
Synbranchiformes   new species  Bloch, Marcus Elieser & Schneider, J. G., 1801, Systema ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo, Sanderiano Commissum : 537 537
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 192, 204, 219 192, 204, 219
Synbranchidae     Laan, Richard Van Der, Eschmeyer, William N. & Fricke, Ronald, 2014, Family-group names of Recent fishes, Zootaxa 3882 (2), pp. 1-230 : 82 82
Synbranchidae     Mcmahan, Caleb D., Matamoros, Wilfredo A., Álvarez Calderón, Francisco S., Henríquez, Wendy Yamileth, Recinos, H. Michelle, Chakrabarty, Prosanta, Barraza, Enrique & Herrera, Néstor, 2013, Checklist of the Inland Fishes of El Salvador, Zootaxa 3608 (6), pp. 440-456 : 448 448
Monopterus javanensis     Sulaiman, Zohrah, Hui, Tan Heok & Lim, Kelvin Kok Peng, 2018, Annotated checklist of freshwater fishes from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Zootaxa 4379 (1) : -1 -1
Synbranchiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Apodal fishes of Bengal, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 5, No. 18, pp. 151-226 : 191, 204, 218 191, 204, 218
Synbranchiformes   new species  Kakaji, V. L., 1969, Studies on helminth parasites of Indian fishes. Part 3. Some trematode parasites of fresh water fishes of Uttar Pradesh., Indian Journal of Helminthology 21, pp. 49-80 : 69 69
Synbranchus marmoratus     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 38 38
Synbranchus marmoratus     Angulo, Arturo, Naranjo-Elizondo, Beatriz, Rojas, Emmanuel & Ley-López, Juan Manuel, 2017, Fishes from the Tirimbina Biological Reserve, La Virgen de Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica, Check List 13 (5), pp. 683-702 : 691 691
Synbranchiformes   new species  Gupta, S. P., 1951, Studies on the trematode parasites of food fishes of U. P. A new trematode, Macrotrema macroni n. gen., n. sp. from the intestine of a freshwater fish, Macrones cavasius (Ham.) of the sub-family Leptophallinae Dayal 1938., Indian Journal of Helminthology 3, No. 2, pp. 101-108 : 101 101
Synbranchiformes   new species  Silas, E. G. & Dawson, E., 1961, Amphipnous indicus, a new synbranchoid eel from India, with a redefinition of the genus and a synopsis to the species of Amphipnous Müller, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 58, No. 2, pp. 366-378 : 367 367
Synbranchiformes   new species  Cantor, Theodore, 1842, General features of Chusan, with remarks on the flora and fauna of that island. [Continued from p. 370.], Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology, Being a Continuation of the ' Magazine of Botany and Zoology', and of Louden and Charlesworth's ' Magazine of Natural History' 9, No. 60, pp. 481-496 : 486 486
Synbranchiformes   new species  Eapen, K. C., 1963, A new species of Monopterus from south India, Bulletin of the Department of Marine Biology Oceanogr. University of Kerala 1, pp. 129-132 : 129 129
Monopterus javanensis     Ng, Casey Keat Chuan, Lim, Teow Yeong, Ahmad, Amirrudin & Khaironizam, Md Zain, 2019, Provisional checklist of freshwater fish diversity and distribution in Perak, Malaysia, and some latest taxonomic concerns, Zootaxa 4567 (3), pp. 515-545 : 534 534

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