Leucanthemum adustum subsp. adustum
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, https://www.infoflora.ch/de/flora/asteraceae.html (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |
Cordielytrum adustum
sp. nov.
Whorrall, Kyle & Philips, Keith, 2021, Six new species of spider beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) in the genus Cordielytrum Philips, Zootaxa 5040 (3), pp. 414-427
: 422
422 |
Leucanthemum adustum
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 414
414 |
Chrysanthemum adustum
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Unterfamilie _ tubuliflorae, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 574
574 |
Hieracium chlorocephalum subsp. adustum
Brandstätter, G., 2009, Bemerkenswerte Hieracium-Funde aus Österreich, Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (2), pp. 1793-1802
: 1795
1795 |
Metachroma adustum
Clark, Shawn M., Lillrose, Tiffany & Belo Neto, Luiz A., 2013, Leaf Beetles of the Cayman Islands (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Insecta Mundi 2013 (279), pp. 1-41
: 29
29 |
Leucanthemum adustum
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250
: 1116
1116 |
Leucanthemum adustum
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, https://www.infoflora.ch/de/flora/asteraceae.html (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |