Orasema acuminata
sp. nov.
Baker, Austin J. & Heraty, John M., 2020, The New World ant parasitoid genus Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4888 (1), pp. 1-84
: 53
53 |
gen. nov.
HUBER, BERNHARD A., 2000, New World Pholcid Spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae): A Revision At Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (254), pp. 1-348
: 281-288
281-288 |
Macreupelmus nigrispina
sp. nov.
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2016, Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4161 (1), pp. 81-115
: 109-111
109-111 |
Acrotaphus mexicanus
Pádua, Diego G., Sääksjärvi, Ilari E., Monteiro, Ricardo F. & Oliveira, Marcio L., 2020, Review of the New World genus Acrotaphus Townes, 1960 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae), with descriptions of fifteen new species, Zootaxa 4719 (1), pp. 1-62
: 40-42
40-42 |
Pachylis pharaonis
S., Wanessa da, Costa & Campos, Luiz A., 2022, Phylogeny of Pachylis Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 (Hemiptera, Coreidae, Coreinae) with Thasus Stål, 1865 as a new synonym, and the redescription of Pachylis laticornis (Fabricius, 1798), Zoosystema 44 (21), pp. 503-547
: 525-527
525-527 |
Trichadenotecnum gonzalezi
Yoshizawa, Kazunori, Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García & Mockford, Edward L., 2008, Systematics and biogeography of the New World species of Trichadenotecnum Enderlein (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 153 (4), pp. 651-723
: 656
656 |
Tenucephalus spectabilis
sp. nov.
Zahniser, James N., 2021, Revision of the New World leafhopper tribe Faltalini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) and the evolution of brachyptery, Zootaxa 4954 (1), pp. 1-160
: 125
125 |
Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus
Crampton, William G. R., Santana, Carlos D. de, Waddell, Joseph C. & Lovejoy, Nathan R., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae), with descriptions of 15 new species, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 150146) 14 (4), pp. 639-790
: 753-757
753-757 |
Ooderella spinositegula
sp. nov.
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2017, Revision of world Ooderella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), with description of the first males for the genus, Zootaxa 4289 (1), pp. 1-74
: 48-52
48-52 |
Selymbria madredediosensis
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicada genus Selymbria Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, Zootaxa 4614 (3), pp. 401-448
: 436-440
436-440 |
Thaumasia senilis
Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64
: 7-9
7-9 |
Metaleptobasis minteri
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 54-57
54-57 |
Macreupelmus brasiliensis
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2016, Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4161 (1), pp. 81-115
: 92-96
92-96 |
Allocyphotes insolita
comb. nov.
Gonzalez-Mozo, Laura C. & Ware, Jessica L., 2023, Review of Cyphotes Burmeister, 1835 (Hemiptera: Membracidae) with the description of a related new genus, Zootaxa 5380 (6), pp. 501-525
: 514-515
514-515 |
Acrotaphus latifasciatus
Pádua, Diego G., Sääksjärvi, Ilari E., Monteiro, Ricardo F. & Oliveira, Marcio L., 2020, Review of the New World genus Acrotaphus Townes, 1960 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae), with descriptions of fifteen new species, Zootaxa 4719 (1), pp. 1-62
: 39
39 |
Phylloicus fenestratus
PRATHER, AYSHA L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214
: 53-55
53-55 |
Mortoniella (Nanotrichia) usseglioi
comb. nov.
Blahnik, Roger J. & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2017, Revision of the northern South American species of Mortoniella Ulmer 1906 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae: Protoptilinae) *, Insecta Mundi 2017 (602), pp. 1-251
: 102-103
102-103 |
Troctopsocoides erwini
sp. nov.
Mockford, Edward L. & García Aldrete, Alfonso N., 2014, A new genus and two new species, one extant and one fossil, in the family Troctopsocidae (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Troctomorpha: Amphientometae: Electrentomoidea), Zootaxa 3869 (2), pp. 159-164
: 160-163
160-163 |
Macreupelmus granulosus
sp. nov.
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2016, Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4161 (1), pp. 81-115
: 105-107
105-107 |
Phoneutria boliviensis
Hazzi, Nicolas A. & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2021, Morphological and molecular evidence support the taxonomic separation of the medically important Neotropical spiders Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909) and P. boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae), ZooKeys 1022, pp. 13-50
: 13
13 |
Vindullus angulatus
Rheims, Cristina Anne, 2019, On the huntsman spider genus Vindullus Simon, 1880 (Araneae: Sparassidae), Zootaxa 4544 (4), pp. 572-580
: 578
578 |
Myrmecium machetero
Silva-Junior, Claudio J. & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2019, Four new species of Myrmecium Latreille, 1824 and complementary description of M. machetero Candiani & Bonaldo, 2017 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Castianeirinae), Zootaxa 4706 (2), pp. 391-400
: 392-393
392-393 |
Zischkaia chullachaki
sp. nov.
Nakahara, Shinichi, Zacca, Thamara, Dias, Fernando M. S., Dolibaina, Diego R., Xiao, Lei, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Mielke, Olaf H. H., Lamas, Gerardo, Huertas, Blanca, Kleckner, Kaylin & Willmott, Keith R., 2019, Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 551, pp. 1-67
: 24-28
24-28 |
Pseudodysderina desultrix
comb. nov.
Platnick, Norman I. & Berniker, Lily, 2013, ffie South American Goblin Spiders of the New Genera Pseudodysderina and Tinadysderina (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2013 (3787), pp. 1-44
: 7-14
7-14 |
Macreupelmus erwini
sp. nov.
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2016, Revision of the Neotropical genus Macreupelmus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4161 (1), pp. 81-115
: 102-104
102-104 |
Metagonia maldonado
sp. nov.
HUBER, BERNHARD A., 2000, New World Pholcid Spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae): A Revision At Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (254), pp. 1-348
: 64-67
64-67 |
Neozygina asymmetrica
sp. nov.
Dietrich, C. H. & Dmitriev, D. A., 2007, Revision of the New World leafhopper genus Neozygina Dietrich & Dmitriev (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae: Erythroneurini), Zootaxa 1475, pp. 27-42
: 40
40 |
Brachyhypopomus walteri
Crampton, William G. R., Santana, Carlos D. de, Waddell, Joseph C. & Lovejoy, Nathan R., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae), with descriptions of 15 new species, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 150146) 14 (4), pp. 639-790
: 775-779
775-779 |
Glenognatha gaujoni
Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183
: 65-72
65-72 |
Eutichurus madre
Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Lise, Arno A., Ramírez, Martín J. & Saturnino, Regiane, 2018, Revisiting the spider genus Eutichurus Simon, 1897 (Araneae, Eutichuridae): new species and complementary descriptions, Zootaxa 4382 (2), pp. 321-346
: 333-334
333-334 |
Protoneura paucinervis
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76
: 30-31
30-31 |
Phylloicus elektoros
sp. nov.
PRATHER, AYSHA L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214
: 48-50
48-50 |
Coniceromyia brevivena
Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 4086 (1), pp. 1-87
: 22
22 |
Metaleptobasis silvicola
sp. nov.
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 69-71
69-71 |
Hydrocanthus zimmermanni
sp. nov.
Guimarães, Bruno A. C., Ferreira-Jr, Nelson & Miller, Kelly B., 2018, On Hydrocanthus Say, 1823 (Coleoptera: Noteridae): description of a new species, two new synonyms and a key to Brazilian species, Zootaxa 4508 (2), pp. 288-300
: 289-296
289-296 |
Canthysellus peruanus
sp. nov.
Baca, Stephen M. & Toledo, Mario, 2015, CanthysellusBaca and Toledo (Coleoptera: Noteridae: Noterini), a New Genus of Burrowing Water Beetle from South America, The Coleopterists Bulletin 69 (3), pp. 477-488
: 486-487
486-487 |
Metaleptobasis brysonima
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 26-29
26-29 |
Protoneura tenuis
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76
: 39-41
39-41 |
Diestostemma rubriventris
Pinto, Ângelo Parise, Mejdalani, Gabriel & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2017, Unraveling the white-clothed Diestostemma Amyot & Serville: a taxonomic revision of the American sharpshooters of the D. bituberculatum complex (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Zootaxa 4281 (1), pp. 135-164
: 157-159
157-159 |
Gymnotus coropinae
Craig, Jack M., Correa-Roldán, Vanessa, Ortega, Hernán, Crampton, William G. R. & Albert, James S., 2018, Revision of Gymnotus (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae) from the Upper Madeira Basin of Bolivia and Peru, with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 4413 (1), pp. 111-132
: 119-120
119-120 |
Begonia fischeri
Moonlight, Peter. W., Jara-Muñoz, Orlando A., Purvis, David A., Delves, Jay, Allen, Josh P. & Reynel, Carlos, 2023, The genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Peru, European Journal of Taxonomy 881, pp. 1-334
: 132-142
132-142 |
Acrotaphus amazonicus
sp. nov.
Pádua, Diego G., Sääksjärvi, Ilari E., Monteiro, Ricardo F. & Oliveira, Marcio L., 2020, Review of the New World genus Acrotaphus Townes, 1960 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae), with descriptions of fifteen new species, Zootaxa 4719 (1), pp. 1-62
: 11-13
11-13 |
Mnioes attenboroughi
sp. nov.
Alvarado, Mabel, 2020, Ten new species of parasitoid wasps Mnioes Townes, 1946 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Banchinae) described from Peru, Zootaxa 4743 (2), pp. 181-199
: 183-186
183-186 |
Charax caudimaculatus
Menezes, Naércio A. & de Lucena, Carlos Alberto S., 2014, A taxonomic review of the species of Charax Scopoli, 1777 (Teleostei: Characidae: Characinae) with description of a new species from the rio Negro bearing superficial neuromasts on body scales, Amazon basin, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology 12 (2), pp. 193-228
: 199-200
199-200 |
Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M., 2024, Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230086) 22 (1), pp. 1-548
: 126-129
126-129 |
Hyboptera tiputini
sp. n.
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 88-93
88-93 |
Hyboptera vestiverdis
sp. n.
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 80-85
80-85 |
Thoasia manu
sp. n.
Erwin, Terry L. & Aldebron, Charlotte, 2018, Neotropical Thoasia Liebke, 1939 and Straneotia Mateu, 1961 of the Cryptobatida group, subtribe Agrina: Taxonomic revisions with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 742, pp. 57-90
: 68-72
68-72 |
Hyboptera tuberculata
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 107-113
107-113 |
Salminus iquitensis
comb. nov.
Lima, Flávio C. T., 2022, Revision of the smaller-sized dorados (Salminus), with comments on the monophyly of the genus and its biogeography (Characiformes: Bryconidae), Zootaxa 5226 (1), pp. 1-66
: 32-44
32-44 |
Metaleptobasis diceras
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 29-32
29-32 |
Metaleptobasis lillianae
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 48-50
48-50 |
Callipia flagrans
Brehm, Gunnar, 2018, Revision of the genus Callipia Guenée, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), with the description of 15 new taxa, European Journal of Taxonomy 404, pp. 1-54
: 43-46
43-46 |
Ernassa justina
Grados, Juan, 2024, Beyond appearances: the genus Ernassa Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Phaegopterina) and the description of eight new species, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 301-327
: 302-306
302-306 |
Teramoceroides spathulifer
sp. nov.
Mantilleri, Antoine, Bartolozzi, Luca & Sforzi, Alessandra, 2017, Brentidae of Peru (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), Zootaxa 4221 (1)
: -1
-1 |
Orialella aerizulae
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 45-46
45-46 |
Majeorona truncata
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 45
45 |
Phintia podarce
Miller, James S, 2009, Generic Revision Of The Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae) Part 2: Josiini, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 (321), pp. 675-1022
: 790-791
790-791 |
Phintia broweri
sp. nov.
Miller, James S, 2009, Generic Revision Of The Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae) Part 2: Josiini, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 (321), pp. 675-1022
: 788-790
788-790 |
Panaqolus nix
sp. nov.
Cramer, Christian Andreas & Py-Daniel, Lúcia Helena Rapp, 2015, A new species of Panaqolus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Madeira basin with remarkable intraspecific color variation, Neotropical Ichthyology (Neotrop. Ichthyol.) 13 (3), pp. 461-470
: 462-468
462-468 |
Fidicinoides ptychodiropeda
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Ecuador including the description of five new species, a new subtribe, four new synonymies, and fifteen new records, Zootaxa 4880 (1), pp. 1-80
: 22
22 |
Guyalna capnopteryx
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 27-31
27-31 |
Guyalna chlorogena
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 31
31 |
Tympanoterpes virgulata
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 23
23 |
Proarna strigicollis
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 22
22 |
Guyalna bogotana
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 27
27 |
Scaralis (Alphinoides) fluvialis
stat. nov.
Yanega, Douglas, Goemans, Geert, Dam, Matthew Van, Gómez-Marco, Francesc & Hoddle, Mark, 2024, Description of a new genus of North and Central American planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) with fourteen new species, Zootaxa 5443 (1), pp. 1-53
: 46
46 |
Cracenpsaltria brasiliorum
Sanborn, Allen F., 2016, Generic redescription, two new species, and a key to the species of the cicada genus Ariasa Distant, 1905 with the description of a new genus (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Fidicinini), Zootaxa 4137 (4), pp. 501-519
: 516-517
516-517 |
Fidicinoides pseudethelae
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 19
19 |
Ernassa skinnerorum
sp. nov.
Grados, Juan, 2024, Beyond appearances: the genus Ernassa Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Phaegopterina) and the description of eight new species, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 301-327
: 315-318
315-318 |
Fidicinoides brunnea
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 12-13
12-13 |
Taphura attiguclava
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2017, Generic redescription, seven new species and a key to the Taphura Stål, 1862 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadetttinae: Taphurini), Zootaxa 4324 (3), pp. 451-481
: 453-455
453-455 |
Guyalna polypaga
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bolivia including the descriptions of fifteen new species, the resurrection of one genus and two species, seven new combinations, six new synonymies, and twenty-eight new records, Zootaxa 4655 (1), pp. 1-104
: 39-44
39-44 |
Taphura attiguclava
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 51
51 |
Proarna guttulosa
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 21
21 |
Ariasa bartletti
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2016, Generic redescription, two new species, and a key to the species of the cicada genus Ariasa Distant, 1905 with the description of a new genus (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Fidicinini), Zootaxa 4137 (4), pp. 501-519
: 507-511
507-511 |
Guyalna glauca
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 39
39 |
Majeorona bovilla
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 44-45
44-45 |
Carineta rufescens
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 80
80 |
Guyalna polypaga
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 39
39 |
Herrera polygramma
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 109-112
109-112 |
Carineta hamata
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 72
72 |
Carineta acommosis
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 53-56
53-56 |
Guyalna distanti
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 34
34 |
Majeorona aper
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 44
44 |
Fidicinoides ptychodiropeda
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 15-17
15-17 |
Cracenpsaltria brasilianorum
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 25
25 |
Ariasa bartletti
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 24
24 |
Proarna grisea
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 20
20 |
Taphura nitida
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 52
52 |
Proarna insignis
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 21
21 |
Dorisiana metcalfi
Sanborn, Allen F., 2020, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Peru including the description of twenty-four new species, three new synonymies, and thirty-seven new records, Zootaxa 4785 (1), pp. 1-129
: 25-26
25-26 |
Brachyhypopomus bombilla
Crampton, William G. R., Santana, Carlos D. de, Waddell, Joseph C. & Lovejoy, Nathan R., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae), with descriptions of 15 new species, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 150146) 14 (4), pp. 639-790
: 687-690
687-690 |
Xenovena murrayae
Espeland, Marianne, Nakahara, Shinichi, Zacca, Thamara, Barbosa, Eduardo P., Huertas, Blanca, Marín, Mario A., Lamas, Gerardo, Benmesbah, Mohamed, Brévignon, Christian, Casagrande, Mirna M., Fåhraeus, Christer, Grishin, Nick, Kawahara, Akito Y., Mielke, Olaf H. H., Miller, Jacqueline Y., Nakamura, Ichiro, Navas, Vanessa, Patrusky, Brooke, Pyrcz, Tomasz W., Richards, Lindsay, Tan, Denise, Tyler, Stephanie, Viloria, Angel, Warren, Andrew D., Xiao, Lei, Freitas, André V. L. & Willmott, Keith R., 2023, Combining target enrichment and Sanger sequencing data to clarify the systematics of the diverse Neotropical butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), Zoological Research 2023, pp. 1-73
: 32-70
32-70 |
Docalidia longula
sp. nov.
Nielson, M. W., 2011, New species in the Neotropical genus Docalidia with a key to known species, notes on distribution, taxonomy and a synoptic catalogue of the genus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae: Teruliini) 2952, Zootaxa 2952 (1), pp. 1-86
: 49-52
49-52 |
Prosaspicera pseudoclavata
sp. nov.
Ros-Farré, P. & Pujade-Villar, J., 2006, Revision of the genus Prosaspicera Kieffer, 1907 (Hym.: Figitidae: Aspicerinae), Zootaxa 1379 (1379), pp. 1-102
: 44-45
44-45 |
Stegnoclava fumigata
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 14
14 |
Lyroda fasciata
Khvir, Viktor I. & Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2020, A Revision of New World Lyroda Say, 1837 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 66 (13), pp. 315-330
: 318-319
318-319 |
Peripus madrededios
sp. nov.
Chatzimanolis, Stylianos, 2019, Peripus, a new genus of Xanthopygina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from South America, Zootaxa 4648 (2), pp. 371-383
: 377-378
377-378 |
Odara amazonica
sp. nov.
Campos, Breno B. & Fernandes, José A. M., 2022, Odara, a new genus to Edessinae (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) with Eleven New Species, Insect Systematics & amp; Evolution 54 (3), pp. 1-38
: 11-15
11-15 |
Heliothrips flamengo
sp. nov.
Silva, Larinne De Maria Rocha, O’Donnell, Cheryle A. & Lima, Élison Fabrício Bezerra, 2024, Species identity crisis among New World members of the genus Heliothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae), Zootaxa 5489 (1), pp. 153-172
: 160-162
160-162 |
Asenjo, Angélico & Figueroa, Luis, 2017, Catalog of the types of Coleoptera (Insecta) deposited at Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Lima, Peru, Zootaxa 4299 (1), pp. 1-53
: 42-44
42-44 |
Amboakis expandosa
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 976
976 |
Selenops banksi
Crews, Sarah C., Galvis, William & Esposito, Lauren A., 2021, Gliding canopy flatties and relatives from the Selenops banksi group (Araneae: Selenopidae), Journal of Natural History 54 (35 - 36), pp. 2343-2365
: 2348-2357
2348-2357 |
Evansolidia inca
sp. nov.
Nielson, M. W., 2011, 2953, Zootaxa 2953, pp. 1-85
: 35-36
35-36 |
Holopothrips graziae
sp. nov.
Lindner, Mariana F., Ferrari, Augusto, Mound, Laurence A. & Cavalleri, Adriano, 2018, Holopothrips diversity-a Neotropical genus of gall-inducing insects (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae), Zootaxa 4494 (1), pp. 1-99
: 40-42
40-42 |
Pujoliclerus meloinus
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 1015-1016
1015-1016 |
Aphelocerus nolus
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 964-965
964-965 |
Sirpa latiflava
sp. nov.
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 1021
1021 |
Hastalidia acinaca
sp. nov.
Nielson, M. W., 2011, Tribe Teruliini: new genera and new species of Neotropical leafhoppers with a revised key to genera and species, new records and notes on distribution and taxonomy (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae), Zootaxa 2795 (1), pp. 1-45
: 21
21 |
Holopothrips mariae
Lindner, Mariana F., Ferrari, Augusto, Mound, Laurence A. & Cavalleri, Adriano, 2018, Holopothrips diversity-a Neotropical genus of gall-inducing insects (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae), Zootaxa 4494 (1), pp. 1-99
: 65-67
65-67 |
Pujoliclerus testudinatus
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 1017
1017 |
Lobolibethra panguana
Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2018, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XVIII: Four new species of Lobolibethra Hennemann & Conle, 2007 from Peru and Ecuador (Phasmatodea: “ Anareolatae ”: Diapheromeridae), European Journal of Taxonomy 449, pp. 1-33
: 15
15 |
Prochiloneurus abelio
sp. nov.
Noyes, John Stuart, 2023, ENCYRTIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 4 Subfamily Encyrtinae: tribes Arrhenophagini, Habrolepidini, Cerapterocerini, Cheiloneurini, Trechnitini, Cercobelini, Polaszekiini, Protyndarichoidini, Gahaniellini and Syrphophagini (part), mainly primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids of Coccoidea and Psylloidea (Hemiptera), Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 2 (11), pp. 1-921
: 470-473
470-473 |
Ichnea frenata
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 42-45
42-45 |
Aphelocerus ligulus
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 962-963
962-963 |
Renda fimetaria
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 49-50
49-50 |
Pujoliclerus variolus
Opitz, Weston, 2019, Descriptions of new genera and new species of Western Hemisphere checkered beetles (Coleoptera, Cleroidea, Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 959-1076
: 1019
1019 |
Parygrus quechua
sp. nov.
Barr, Cheryl B. & Shepard, William D., 2020, Hiding in plain sight: rediscovery and review of Parygrus Erichson, 1847, with description of five new species from the Neotropics (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea Dryopidae), Zootaxa 4755 (1), pp. 99-128
: 119-122
119-122 |
Macratria tambopata
sp. nov.
Telnov, Dmitry, 2024, Three New Species Of Macratria Newman, 1838 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) From Ecuador And Peru, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 24 (2), pp. 183-193
: 190-192
190-192 |
Philothalpus mundus
Chatzimanolis, Stylianos, 2020, Even more new species, additional records, and a revised key for Philothalpus Kraatz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Zootaxa 4742 (1), pp. 129-138
: 135
135 |
Sisyra tambopatensis
sp. nov.
Assmar, Alice Carvalho, 2022, A new species of Sisyra Burmeister, 1839 (Neuroptera: Sisyridae) from Peru, with identification key to the Neotropical species of the genus, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220051) 66, pp. 1-5
: 2-4
2-4 |