-43.505833, -19.326113: 11 Treatments

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Oxyopes salticus     Santos, Adalberto J., 2017, The jumping lynx spider Oxyopes salticus Hentz, 1845 and its Neotropical relatives (Araneae: Oxyopidae), Zootaxa 4216 (5), pp. 457-481 : 459-465 459-465
Apopyllus atlanticus   sp. nov.  Azevedo, Guilherme H. F., Ott, Ricardo, Griswold, Charles E. & Santos, Adalberto J., 2016, A taxonomic revision of the ground spiders of the genus Apopyllus (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), Zootaxa 4178 (3), pp. 301-327 : 320-321 320-321
Cryptachaea parana     Santanna, Manoela, Rodrigues, Everton Nei Lopes, Cizauskas, Igor & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos, 2019, On the spider genus Cryptachaea from Peru, Bolivia and cave environments in Brazil: a new species, additional descriptions and new records (Araneae, Theridiidae), Zootaxa 4646 (2), pp. 271-292 : 276-278 276-278
Phylloicus angustior     PRATHER, AYSHA L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214 : 27-29 27-29
Lychnocephalus sellovii     Gomes, Francisca Maiara Batista & Loeuille, Benoit, 2022, Taxonomic revision of Lychnocephalus (Lychnophorinae, Vernonieae, Asteraceae), an endemic genus of the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Phytotaxa 547 (2), pp. 119-146 : 137-138 137-138
Cerciplanus cipo     Datto-Liberato, Felipe Henrique, Santos, Jean Carlos & Urso-Guimarães, Maria Virginia, 2024, Description of the larval instar of Cerciplanus cipo Garcia & Urso-Guimarães (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 68 (3), pp. 1-5 : 3 3
Goeldia luteipes     Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2024, Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 151-193 : 172-174 172-174
Goeldia bagumbubu   sp. nov.  Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2024, Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 151-193 : 161-162 161-162
Itauara cipoensis   sp. nov.  Alves, André Almeida, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço, Nessimian, Jorge Luiz & Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, 2023, Born from rock: eight new species of Itauara Müller, 1888 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) from southeastern Brazil, including phylogenetic and distributional comments on the genus, European Journal of Taxonomy 885, pp. 99-133 : 109-111 109-111
Neoconocephalus vittatus     Antunes, André Fonseca, Souza-Dias, Pedro G. B. & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2025, Comments on Neoconocephalus Karny, 1907 (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae) species described by Salvador de Toledo Piza Jr.: The first contribution to the knowledge of South American species, Zootaxa 5584 (3), pp. 363-393 : 386-388 386-388
Itauara rupicola   sp. nov.  Alves, André Almeida, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço, Nessimian, Jorge Luiz & Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, 2023, Born from rock: eight new species of Itauara Müller, 1888 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) from southeastern Brazil, including phylogenetic and distributional comments on the genus, European Journal of Taxonomy 885, pp. 99-133 : 120-122 120-122