Nicotiana praecipitis
sp. nov.
Bruhl, Jeremy J., Andrew, Damien D., Palsson, Ruth, Jobson, Richard W., Taseski, Guy M. & Samuel, Rosabelle, 2023, Nine new species of Australian Nicotiana (Solanaceae), Australian Systematic Botany 36 (3), pp. 167-205
: 188-190
188-190 |
Yoyetta ignita
sp. nov.
Popple, Lindsay W. & Emery, David L., 2022, Five new species of Yoyetta Moulds (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae) from south-eastern Australia, Zootaxa 5141 (5), pp. 401-441
: 427-432
427-432 |
Barraina pilata
sp. nov.
Richardson, Barry J., 2022, Additions to the euophryine jumping spider fauna (Araneae: Salticidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 5141 (3), pp. 249-269
: 259-260
259-260 |
Therlinya kiah
sp. nov.
Gray, Michael R. & Smith, Helen M., 2002, Therlinya, a new genus of spiders from eastern Australia (Araneae: Amaurobioidea), Records of the Australian Museum 54 (3), pp. 293-293
: 300-302
300-302 |
Phonognatha graeffei
Kallal, Robert J. & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2018, Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of the Australasian leaf-curling orb-weaving spiders (Araneae: Araneidae: Zygiellinae), with a comparative analysis of retreat evolution, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 1055-1141
: 1080-1084
1080-1084 |
Yoyetta timothyi
sp. nov.
Emery, David L., Emery, Nathan J. & Popple, Lindsay W., 2019, A Revision of the Yoyetta abdominalis (Distant) Species Group of Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae), Introducing Eight New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 71 (7), pp. 277-347
: 288-295
288-295 |
Elissoma lauta
Winterton, Shaun L., 2023, Wasp-mimicking soldier flies of the Australian Region: revision of Ampsalis Walker, Elissoma White and Lagenosoma Brauer (Stratiomyidae: Clitellariinae), Zootaxa 5246 (1), pp. 1-63
: 26
26 |
Melaleucaphylus kaputar
sp. nov.
Schwartz, Michael D., Weirauch, Christiane & Schuh, Randall T., 2018, New Genera And Species Of Myrtaceae-Feeding Phylinae From Australia, And The Description Of A New Species Of Restiophylus (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) Michael D. Schwartz Christiane Weirauch, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 (424), pp. 1-161
: 39-40
39-40 |
Paralimnadia saxitalis
sp. nov.
Timms, Brian V., 2016, A review of the Australian endemic clam shrimp, Paralimnadia Sars 1896 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata), Zootaxa 4161 (4), pp. 451-508
: 493-495
493-495 |
Daviesia ulicifolia subsp. ulicifolia
Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Psilota tristis
Young, Andrew D., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Steenis, Wouter Van, 2020, Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 4737 (1), pp. 1-127
: 79-87
79-87 |
Stephanopis longimana
Machado, Miguel, Teixeira, Renato Augusto & Milledge, Graham A., 2019, On the Australian Bark Crab Spider Genus Stephanopis: Taxonomic Review and Description of Seven New Species (Araneae: Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Records of the Australian Museum 71 (6), pp. 217-276
: 255-257
255-257 |