Salix repens
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Salicaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 428-446
: 444
444 |
Salix repens
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 809
809 |
Salix repens
Liston, A. D., Knight, G. T., Heibo, E., Bland, K. P., Barstad, Trond Elling, Blank, S. M., Boeve, J. - L., Fiedler, K., Grearson, K. J., Halstead, A., Jacobs, H. - J., Jansen, E., Lonnve, O., Prous, M., Robinson, J. & Taeger, A., 2012, On Scottish sawflies, with results of the 14 International Sawfly Workshop, in the southern Highlands, 2010 (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62, pp. 1-68
: 38
38 |
Salix repens
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 808
808 |
Salix repens subsp. rosmarinifolia
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 809
809 |
Salix repens var. argentea
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 808
808 |
Salix repens
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 663
663 |
Salix repens
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Salicaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |
Salix repens
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 809
809 |
Salix repens
Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292
: 244
244 |
Salix repens
Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292
: 245
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