new species
Suckley, G., 1861, Notices of certain new species of North American Salmonidae, chiefly in the collection of the N. W. Boundary Commission, in charge of Archibald Campbell, Esq., Commissioner of the United States, collected by Doctor C. B. R. Kennerly, naturalist to the Commission, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7, No. 30, pp. 306-313
: 308
308 |
Salmo ciscaucasicus
Kaya, Cueneyt, Baycelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2020, Taxonomic assessment and distribution of fishes in upper Kura and Aras river drainages, Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 325-344
: 325
325 |
Oligosoma salmo
sp. nov.
Melzer, Sabine, Hitchmough, Rod A., Bell, Trent, Chapple, David G. & Patterson, Geoff B., 2019, Lost and Found: Taxonomic revision of the speckled skink (Oligosoma infrapunctatum; Reptilia; Scincidae) species complex from New Zealand reveals a potential cryptic extinction, resurrection of two species, and description of three new species, Zootaxa 4623 (3), pp. 441-484
: 467-470
467-470 |
Salmo drjagini
new species
Logashev, M. V., 1940, Lake Melkoe and its utilization by fisheries, Trudy Nauch. - issl. Inst. Polyarnogo Zemledeliya. 11, pp. 7-71
: 27
27 |
Salmo opimus
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 435
435 |
Salmo erythrophthalmus
new species
Diesing, Carl Moritz, 1836, Versuch einer monographie der Gattung Pentastoma, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 1, No. 1, pp. 1-32
: 24
24 |
Salmo trutta
Eagderi, Soheil, Mouludi-Saleh, Atta, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Nasri, Manoochehr, 2022, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2022, Turkish Journal of Zoology 46 (6), pp. 500-522
: 512
512 |
Salmo villosus
new species
Bonnaterre, Joseph Pierre, 1788, Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature ... Ichthyologie, Panckoucke
: 167
167 |
Salmo roosevelti
new species
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1906, The golden trout of the southern high Sierras, Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 25, pp. 1-51
: 26
26 |
Salmo blackistoni
new species
Hilgendorf, F. M., 1876, Japanische lachsartige Fische, Mitth. Deutsch. Ges. Natur. Volker. Ostasiens 2, pp. 25-31
: 25
25 |
Salmo labecula
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 433-434
433-434 |
Salmo immaculatus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 312
312 |
Salmo formosanus
Ho, Hsuan-Ching & Shao, Kwang-Tsao, 2011, 2957, Zootaxa 2957, pp. 1-74
: 35
35 |
Salmo preblei
new species
Harper, F. & Nichols, J. T., 1919, Six new fishes from northwestern Canada, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 41, No. 2, pp. 263-270
: 266
266 |
Salmo smaragdus
new species
Snyder, John Otterbein, 1917, The fishes of the Lahontan system of Nevada and northeastern California, Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 35, pp. 31-86
: 80
80 |
Salmo kottelati
sp. n.
Turan, Davut, Dogan, Esra, Kaya, Cueneyt & Kanyilmaz, Mahir, 2014, Salmokottelati, a new species of trout from Alakir Stream, draining to the Mediterranean in southern Anatolia, Turkey (Teleostei, Salmonidae), ZooKeys 462, pp. 135-151
: 137-140
137-140 |
Salmo macrophthalmus
new species
Nüsslin, O., 1882, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Coregonus - Arten des Bodensees und einiger anderer nahegelegener nordalpiner Seen, Zoologischer Anzeiger 5, pp. 86-92
: 164
164 |
Salmo nelsoni
new species
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1908, Descriptions of a new species of trout (Salmo nelsoni) and a new cyprinodont (Fundulus meeki) with notes on other fishes from Lower California, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 21, pp. 19-30
: 26
26 |
Salmo lapasseti
new species
Zill, M., 1858, Note sur l’existence de la truite en Algérie, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 4 9, pp. 126-128
: 127
127 |
Salmo matrincham
new species
Kner, R., 1860, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge. Der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18, pp. 9-62
: 12 [4]
12 [4] |
Salmo rhodurus
new species
Jordan, David Starr & Hubbs, Carl L., 1925, Record of fishes obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan, 1922, Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 10, No. 2, pp. 93-346
: 137
137 |
Salmo smitti
new species
Warpachowski, N. A., 1900, The fishes of Lake Teletskoe, Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo Muzeya Imperatorskogo Akademii Nauk 5, pp. 412-427
: 414
414 |
new species
Suckley, G., 1859, Descriptions of several new species of Salmonidae, from the North-West Coast of America, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7, pp. 1-10
: 9
9 |
Salmo fluviatilis
new species
Isachenko, V. L., 1925, Eine neue Art der Gattung Coregonus aus dem Stromgebiete des Ienissei, Trudy Sibirskoi Iktiol. Lab. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-18
: 3
3 |
Salmo trutta
Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468
: 427-428
427-428 |
Salmo labecula
Baycelebi, Esra, 2020, Distribution and diversity of fish from Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes river systems, Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 747-767
: 747
747 |
Salmo canadensis
new species
Scott, W. B., 1967, Freshwater fishes of eastern Canada, University of Toronto Press
: 26
26 |
Salmo apache
new species
Miller, R. R., 1972, Classification of the native trouts of Arizona with the description of a new species, Salmo apache, Copeia 1972, No. 3, pp. 401-422
: 403
403 |
Salmo tizoura
new species
Kner, R., 1860, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge. Der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18, pp. 9-62
: 40 [32]
40 [32] |
Salmo alpinus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 309
309 |
Salmo trutta
Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza & Doadrio, Ignacio, 2020, Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies 59 (21), pp. 1-303
: 221-223
221-223 |
Salmo struanensis
new species
Maitland, J. P. G., 1881, A new Char, The Field 8, pp. 516-516
: 516
516 |
Salmo levanidovi
new species
Chereshnev, Igor A., Skopets, M. B. & Gudkov, P. K., 1989, A new char, Salvelinus levanidovi sp. nov. from the Okhotsk Sea Basin, Voprosy Ikhtiologii 29, No. 5, pp. 691-704
: 693
693 |
Salmo kamloops
new species
Jordan, David Starr, 1892, Description of a new species of salmon. Oncorhynchus kamloops, from the lakes of British Columbia, Forest and Stream 39, No. 19, pp. 405-406
: 405
405 |
Salmo saurus
new species
Risso, A., 1810, Ichthyologie de Nice, ou histoire naturelle des poissons du département des Alpes Maritimes, F. Schoell
: 325
325 |
Salmo osmeriformis
new species
Smith, H. M., 1895, Notes on two hitherto unrecognized species of American whitefishes, Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 14, pp. 1-13
: 2
2 |
Salmo trutta
Gurumayum, Shantabala Devi, 2021, A report on the occurrence of two exotic cold-water fishes in the natural water bodies of Arunachal Pradesh-Northeast India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (4), pp. 499-503
: 500-502
500-502 |
Salmo paraputanga
new species
Kner, R., 1860, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge. Der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18, pp. 9-62
: 12 [4]
12 [4] |
Salmo caspius
Eagderi, Soheil, Mouludi-Saleh, Atta, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Nasri, Manoochehr, 2022, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2022, Turkish Journal of Zoology 46 (6), pp. 500-522
: 512
512 |
Oncorhynchus keta
Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza & Doadrio, Ignacio, 2020, Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies 59 (21), pp. 1-303
: 218-219
218-219 |
Salmo lacustris
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 309
309 |
Pseudalus salmo
Vincent, Benoît & Laguerre, Michel, 2014, Catalogue of the Neotropical Arctiini Leach, [1815] (except Ctenuchina Kirby, 1837 and Euchromiina Butler, 1876) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zoosystema 36 (2), pp. 137-533
: 393
393 |
new species
Suckley, G., 1859, Descriptions of several new species of Salmonidae, from the North-West Coast of America, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7, pp. 1-10
: 6
6 |
Salmo okumusi
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 435
435 |
Salmo (Coregonus)
subgen. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 310
310 |
Salmo tigridis
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 438
438 |
Salmo rizeensis
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 437-438
437-438 |
Salmo whitei
new species
Evermann, Barton Warren, 1906, The golden trout of the southern high Sierras, Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 25, pp. 1-51
: 20
20 |
Salmo dvinensis
new species
Smitt, F. A., 1882, Schematisk framställning af de i Riksmuseum befintliga laxartade fiskarnes slägtskapsförhållanden, Öfversigt af Konglelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 39, No. 8, pp. 31-40
: 34
34 |
Salmo trutta
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 71
71 |
Salmo generosus
new species
Peters, Wilhelm Carl Hartwig, 1875, Über eine neue Art von Maränen, Coregonus generosus, aus der Mark Brandenburg, Monatsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaft zu Berlin 1874, pp. 790-795
: 791
791 |
Salmo pirapitinga
new species
Kner, R., 1860, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge. Der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18, pp. 9-62
: 10 [2]
10 [2] |
new species
Suckley, G., 1859, Descriptions of several new species of Salmonidae, from the North-West Coast of America, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7, pp. 1-10
: 1
1 |
Salmo salar
Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285
: 54
54 |
Salmo hucho
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 309
309 |
Salmo opimus
Baycelebi, Esra, 2020, Distribution and diversity of fish from Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes river systems, Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 747-767
: 747
747 |
new species
Vasil'eva, E. & Stygar, V., 2000, Salvelinus gritzenkoi: a new species of char from the north Kuril Islands (Salmonidae, Salmoniformes), Folia Zool. 49, No. 4, pp. 317-320
: 318
318 |
Salmo punctatus
new species
Nilsson, S., 1855, Skandinavisk fauna. Fjerde Delen: Fiskarna, Första Häftet
: 417
417 |
Salmo biribiri
new species
Kner, R., 1859, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 17, pp. 137-182
: 170 [34]
170 [34] |
new species
Doadrio, Ignacio, Perea, Silvia & Yahyaoui, A., 2015, Two new species of Atlantic trout (Actinopterygii, Salmonidae) from Morocco, Graellsia 71, No. 2, pp. 31-31
: 31--1
31--1 |
Salmo trutta
Alexander, Timothy & Seehausen, Ole, 2021, Diversity, distribution and community composition of fish in perialpine lakes – “ Projet Lac ” synthesis report, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
: 135
135 |
Salmo maraenula
new species
Bloch, Marcus Elieser, 1779, Naturgeschichte der Maräne, Beschäft Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 4, pp. 60-94
: 62
62 |
Salmo eriox
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 308
308 |
Salmo munzuricus
Kaya, Cüneyt, Bayçelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2021, Illustrated type specimens catalogue of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Zoology Museum of the Faculty of Fisheries, Zootaxa 4996 (3), pp. 401-442
: 435
435 |
Salmo nehereus
new species
Hamilton, F. Buchanan, 1822, An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches, A. Constable
: 209, 380
209, 380 |
Salmo sachicanga
new species
Kner, R., 1860, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge. Der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 18, pp. 9-62
: 51 [43]
51 [43] |
Salmo corimbata
new species
Kner, R., 1859, Zur Familie der Characinen. III. Folge der Ichthyologischen Beiträge, Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 17, pp. 137-182
: 146 [10]
146 [10] |
Salmo nelsonii
new species
Bean, T. H., 1884, Description of a new species of whitefish (Coregonus nelsonii) from Alaska, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 7, pp. 48-48
: 48
48 |
Salmo vimba
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 311
311 |
Salmo trutta
Çiçek, Erdoğan, Fricke, Ronald, Eagderi, Soheil, Sungur, Sevil, Coad, Brian W & Hamdard, Mohammad Hamid, 2023, Fishes of Afghanistan; a revised and updated annotated checklist, Zootaxa 5305 (1), pp. 1-69
: 43
43 |
Salmo caspius
Kaya, Cueneyt, Baycelebi, Esra & Turan, Davut, 2020, Taxonomic assessment and distribution of fishes in upper Kura and Aras river drainages, Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 325-344
: 325
325 |
Salmo (Truttae)
subgen. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 308
308 |
Salmo trybomi
new species
Svärdson, G., 1979, Speciation of Scandinavian Coregonus, Rep. Inst. Freshw. Res. Drottningholm 57, pp. 3-95
: 71
71 |
Salmo niloticus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 312
312 |
Salmo hebridicus
new species
Yarrell, W., 1839, On a new species of smelt from the isle of Bute. [8 th meeting, Aug. 1838, pt. 2], Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 7, pp. 108-109
: 109
109 |
Salmo renke
new species
Schrank, F. von P., 1783, Ichthyologische Bemerkungen, Schriften der Berlinischen Gesellschaft Naturforchender Freunde, Berlin 4, pp. 427-429
: 427
427 |
Salmo bimaculatus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 311-312
311-312 |
Salmo albus
new species
Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1818, Description of several new species of North American fishes, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1, No. 2, pp. 222-235
: 232
232 |
Salmo abanticus
Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468
: 421-422
421-422 |
Salmo ardahanensis
Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468
: 422
422 |
Salmo thymus
new species
Bonnaterre, Joseph Pierre, 1788, Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature ... Ichthyologie, Panckoucke
: 167
167 |
Salmo gibbosus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 311
311 |
Mucientes, Gonzalo & Arronte, Juan Carlos, 2010, Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist, Zootaxa 2667, pp. 1-27
: 8
8 |
Salmo chilo
Baycelebi, Esra, 2020, Distribution and diversity of fish from Seyhan, Ceyhan and Orontes river systems, Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 747-767
: 747
747 |
Salmo acronius
new species
Rapp, W. L. von, 1854, Die Fische des Bodensees, Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 10, No. 2, pp. 137-175
: 158
158 |
Salmo hiemalis
new species
Jurine, Louis, 1825, Histoire abrégée des poissons du lac Léman, Mémoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève 3, No. 1, pp. 133-235
: 200?
200? |
Salmo caerulescens
new species
Schmidt, F. W., 1795, Versuch eines Verzeichnisses aller in Böhmen bisher bemerkten Thiere, Samml. Physik. - ökonom. Aufsätze, Prag. 1, pp. 64-64
: 65
65 |
Salmo trutta subsp. fario
Kirjusina, Muza, Paidere, Jana, Rubenina, Ilze, Kecko, Sanita, Bricis, Reinis, Mežaraupe, Ligita & Gavarane, Inese, 2023, Common Freshwater Fish Nematodes In Latvia, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 23 (2), pp. 189-206
: 194
194 |
Salmo anaktuvukensis
new species
Morrow, J. E., 1973, A new species of Salvelinus from the Brooks Range, northern Alaska, Biological Papers of the University of Alaska 13, pp. 1-8
: 1
1 |
Salmo elongatus
new species
Ayres, W. O., 1854, [Description of new fishes from California.] (Minutes of Academy meetings were printed in “ The Pacific ” (a newspaper) shortly after each meeting. New species date to publication in The Pacific. Dates of publication are given in each species account), The Pacific 3, No. 6
: 170
170 |
Salmo cambricus
new species
Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, 1862, Contribution to the knowledge of the British charrs, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1862, No. 1, pp. 37-54
: 49
49 |
Salmo microps
new species
Hardin, S., 1862, Om venerns laxarter, Öfversigt af Konglelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar 18, pp. 381-384
: 383
383 |
Tasmanicosa salmo
sp. nov.
Framenau, Volker W. & Baehr, Barbara C., 2016, Revision of the Australian Union-Jack wolf spiders, genus Tasmanicosa (Araneae, Lycosidae, Lycosinae), Zootaxa 4213 (1), pp. 1-82
: 42-43
42-43 |
Salmo keta
new species
Walbaum, J. J., 1792, Petri artedi Sueci genera piscium. in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae, A. F. Rose
: 72
72 |
Salmo roschal
new species
Walbaum, J. J., 1792, Petri artedi Sueci genera piscium. in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae, A. F. Rose
: 81
81 |
Salmo tigridis
sp. nov.
Turan, Davut, Kottelat, Maurice & Bektaş, Yusuf, 2011, Salmo tigridis, a new species of trout from the Tigris River, Turkey (Teleostei: Salmonidae), Zootaxa 2993, pp. 23-33
: 24-28
24-28 |
Salmo arcturus
new species
Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, 1877, Account of the fishes collected by Capt. Feilden between 78 ° and 83 ° N. lat., during the Arctic Expedition 1875 - 6, The Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 1877, pp. 293-295
: 294
294 |
Salmo yessoensis
new species
Hilgendorf, F. M., 1876, Japanische lachsartige Fische, Mitth. Deutsch. Ges. Natur. Volker. Ostasiens 2, pp. 25-31
: 29
29 |
Salmo punctatus
new species
Bloch, Marcus Elieser & Schneider, J. G., 1801, Systema ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo, Sanderiano Commissum
: 419
419 |
Salmo exiguus
new species
Klunzinger, C. B., 1884, Ueber die Felchenarten des Bodensees, Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 40, pp. 105-128
: 110, 117
110, 117 |