crassum, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 66 Treatments

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Amblyomma crassum     Guglielmone, Alberto A., Petney, Trevor N. & Robbins, Richard G., 2020, Ixodidae (Acari: Ixodoidea): descriptions and redescriptions of all known species from 1758 to December 31, 2019, Zootaxa 4871 (1), pp. 1-322 : 89-90 89-90
Zoosphaerium crassum     Wesener, Thomas & Wägele, Johann-Wolfgang, 2008, The giant pill-millipedes of Madagascar: revision of the genus Zoosphaerium (Myriapoda, Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida), Zoosystema 30 (1), pp. 5-85 : 81 81
Lepidium crassum   sp. nov.  Lange, P. J. de, Heenan, P. B., Houliston, G. J., Rolfe, J. R. & Mitchell, A. D., 2013, New Lepidium (Brassicaceae) from New Zealand, PhytoKeys 24, pp. 1-147 : 32-36 32-36
Afromaenioceras crassum     Bockwinkel, Jürgen & Korn, Dieter, 2024, Ammonoids of the Middle Devonian family Maenioceratidae in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, European Journal of Taxonomy 921 (1), pp. 1-35 : 23-25 23-25
Diptilon crassum     Pinheiro, L. R. & Gaal-Haszler, S., 2015, Illustrated catalogue of Neotropical Ctenuchina, Euchromiina and Pericopina types (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) described by Hans Zerny, with discussion on their taxonomic status, Zootaxa 3925 (4), pp. 505-535 : 511 511
Epipremnum crassum     Fletcher, T. L., Telka, A., Rybczynski, N. & Matthews, J. V., 2021, Neogene and early Pleistocene flora from Alaska, USA and Arctic / Subarctic Canada: New data, intercontinental comparisons and correlations, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 08) 24 (1), pp. 1-62 : 27-28 27-28
Dapsildiastema crassum     Fischer, M., 2006, Neue Kieferwespen aus der Sammlung des Biologiezentrums des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums in Linz und Mitteilungen über andere Arten (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 605-651 : 616-617 616-617
Polysyncraton crassum     Sanamyan, Karen & Sanamyan, Nadya, 2017, Shallow-water Ascidians from Matua Island (central Kuril Islands, NW Pacific), Zootaxa 4232 (3), pp. 301-321 : 320 320
Amblyomma crassum     Guglielmone, Alberto A., Nava, Santiago & Díaz, Mónica, 2011, Relationships of South American marsupials (Didelphimorphia, Microbiotheria and Paucituberculata) and hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) with distribution of four species of Ixodes, Zootaxa 3086, pp. 1-30 : 3-14 3-14
Sessilia   new species  Jones, Diana S., 2000, Crustacea Cirripedia Thoracica: Chionelasmatoidea and Pachylasmatoidea (Balanomorpha) of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna Islands, with a review of all currently assigned taxa. Pp 141 - 283 In A. Crosnier (ed.), Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, 21, Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 184, pp. 141-283 : 228 228
Plagiorchiida   new species  Manter, Harold W., 1947, The digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Tortugas, Florida, The American Midland Naturalist 38, No. 2, pp. 257-416 : 301 301
Claviderma crassum   sp. nov.  Ivanov, Dmitry L. & Scheltema, Amélie H., 2008, NMR solution structures of KAP- 1 PHD finger-bromodomain, Zootaxa 1885, pp. 1-60 : 16-19 16-19
Ancistrum crassum     Mayén-Estrada, Rosaura, Dávila, Sthefane & Dias, Roberto Junio Pedroso, 2024, Ciliate symbionts of bivalves with notes on their worldwide geographic distribution, Zootaxa 5448 (4), pp. 451-481 : 464 464
Ceresium crassum   sp. nov.  Yokoi, Yaheita, 2023, Note on genitalia and taxonomy of the Callidiopini from the Philippines, with description of six new species and two subspecies (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae), Contributions to Entomology 73 (1), pp. 31-66 : 31 31
Megaphyllum crassum     Kime, Richard Desmond & Enghoff, Henrik, 2017, Atlas of European millipedes 2: Order Julida (Class Diplopoda), European Journal of Taxonomy 346, pp. 1-299 : 120 120
Cardisoma crassum     Vázquez-López, Horacio, Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio, Vargas-Téllez, Irma & Molina-Ortega, Madeline Getzemany, 2017, Description of first zoeal stage of Cardisoma crassum Smith, 1870 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinidae), Journal of Natural History 51 (15 - 16), pp. 837-842 : 838 838
Anthosoma crassum     Luque, José L. & Tavares, Luiz E. R., 2007, Checklist of Copepoda associated with fishes from Brazil, Zootaxa 1579 (1), pp. 1-39 : 12 12
Euastrum subalpinum var. crassum     Coesel, Peter & Westen, Marien Van, 2013, Taxonomic notes on Dutch desmids V (Streptophyta, Desmidiales): new species, new morphological features, Phytotaxa 84 (2), pp. 46-54 : 50-51 50-51
Amblyomma crassum     Guglielmone, Alberto A., Nava, Santiago & Robbins, Richard G., 2023, Geographic distribution of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) of the world by countries and territories, Zootaxa 5251 (1), pp. 1-274 : 43-44 43-44
Ambyomma crassum     Benavides-Montaño, Javier Antonio, Betancourt-Echeverri, Jesus Antonio, Valencia, Gustavo López & Mesa-Cobo, Nora Cristina, 2022, A review of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Colombia: The risk of tick-borne diseases, Persian Journal of Acarology 11 (3), pp. 397-437 : 401 401
Anthobium crassum   sp. nov.  Shavrin, Alexey V. & Smetana, Aleš, 2019, A revision of Eastern Palaearctic Anthobium Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini). III. Consanguineum, crassum and reflexum groups, and an additional species of the fusculum group, Zootaxa 4688 (4), pp. 451-482 : 460-463 460-463
Dolichospermum crassum     Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084 : 10084 10084
Ancistrum crassum     Xu, Kuidong, Song, Weibo & Warren, Alan, 2015, Two New and Two Poorly Known Species of Ancistrum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia, Thigmotrichida) Parasitizing Marine Molluscs from Chinese Coastal Waters of the Yellow Sea, Acta Protozoologica 54 (3), pp. 195-208 : 199-200 199-200
Lycopodium crassum     Øllgaard, Benjamin, Kessler, Michael & Smith, Alan R., 2018, Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. II. Lycopodiaceae, Phytotaxa 334 (3), pp. 255-294 : 271 271
Hipparion crassum     Montoya, Plinio, Ginsburg, Léonard, Alberdi, María Teresa, Made, Jan Van Der, Morales, Jorge & Soria, María Dolores, 2006, Fossil large mammals from the early Pliocene locality of Alcoy (Spain) and their importance in biostratigraphy, Geodiversitas 28 (1), pp. 137-173 : 137-173 137-173
Diadegma crassum     Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 9042-9042 : 9042 9042
Buccinum crassum     Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2007, Nouveautés nomenclaturales et taxinomiques introduites par Alcide d’Orbigny dans le Prodrome (1850, 1852) pour les espèces du Paléocène et de l’Éocène, Geodiversitas 29 (1), pp. 17-85 : 48 48
Sarmatium crassum     Trivedi, Mithila Bhat Chandrashekher Rivonker Krupal Patel Jigneshkumar, 2021, First confirmed record of Sarmatium crassum Dana, 1851 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Sesarmidae) from India, Nauplius (e 2021042) 29, pp. 1-5 : 2-4 2-4
Trichoderma crassum     Thokala, Prameeladevi, Narayanasamy, Prabhakaran, Kamil, Deeba & Choudhary, Shiv Pratap, 2021, Polyphasic taxonomy of Indian Trichoderma species, Phytotaxa 502 (1), pp. 1-27 : 11 11
Truncatoflabellum crassum     Cairns, Stephen D., 2016, A key to the genera and species of the transversely-dividing Flabellidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia, Flabellidae), with a guide to the literature, and the description of two new species, ZooKeys 562, pp. 1-48 : 13 13
Leptonema crassum     Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557 : 1557 1557
Komvophoron crassum     Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084 : 10084 10084
Plagiorchiida   new species  Manter, Harold W., 1970, A new genus of trematode (Digenea; Gorgoderidae) from the ureter of tuna fish (Thunnus thynnus maccoyi i) in Australia., Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 94, pp. 147-150 : 147 147
Plagiorchiida   new species  Machida, Masaaki, 2014, Seven species of opecoelid digeneans (Trematoda) from fishes of Southern Japan, Palau and the Philippines., Bulletin of the National Science Museum 40, No. 1, pp. 1-13 : 7 7
Sarmatium crassum     Flores, Augusto A. V., Paula, José & Dray, Tiago, 2003, First zoeal stages of grapsoid crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura) from the East African coast, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 137 (3), pp. 355-383 : 373-378 373-378
Hyphantosoma crassum   sp. nov.  Raines, Bret & Huber, Markus, 2012, 3217, Zootaxa 3217, pp. 1-106 : 88-90 88-90
Enterogona   new species  Herdman, William Abbott, 1886, Report on the Tunicata collected during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 – 1876. Part II. — Ascidiae compositae., Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger During the Years 1873 – 76, Zoology 14, No. 38, pp. 1-432 : 207 207
Plagiorchiida   new species  Manter, Harold W., 1934, Some digenetic trematodes from deep-water fish of Tortugas, Florida, Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington 28, pp. 257-257 : 275 275
Xenophyllum crassum subsp. crassum     Calvo, Joel & Moreira-Munoz, Andres, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Compositae, Senecioneae), PhytoKeys 158, pp. 1-106 : 1 1
Dolichospermum crassum     Mcgregor, Glenn B., 2018, Freshwater Cyanobacteria of North-Eastern Australia: 3. Nostocales, Phytotaxa 359 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Relictanum crassum     Montoya, Augusto L., 2016, FAMILY SYRPHIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 457-537 : 476 476
Megaphyllum crassum     Lazányi, Eszter, Vagalinski, Boyan & Korsós, Zoltán, 2012, The millipede genus Megaphyllum Verhoeff, 1894 in the Balkan Peninsula, with description of new species (Myriapoda: Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae), Zootaxa 3228, pp. 1-47 : 11 11
Sinoxylon crassum     Zhang, Yi-Feng, Meng, Ling-Zeng & Beaver, Roger A., 2022, A review of the non-lyctine powder-post beetles of Yunnan (China) with a new genus and new species (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), Zootaxa 5091 (4), pp. 501-545 : 524 524
Leptonema crassum     Jardim, Gabriela Abrantes, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço & Nessimian, Jorge Luiz, 2010, Three new species of Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 2654, pp. 52-60 : 53-55 53-55
Relictanum crassum   comb. nov.  Miranda, Gil Felipe Gonçalves, Marshall, Stephen A. & Skevington, Jeffrey H., 2014, Revision of the genus Pelecinobaccha Shannon, description of Relictanum gen. nov., and redescription of Atylobaccha flukiella (Curran, 1941) (Diptera: Syrphidae), Zootaxa 3819 (1), pp. 1-154 : 90-92 90-92
Xenophyllum crassum     Calvo, Joel & Moreira-Munoz, Andres, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Compositae, Senecioneae), PhytoKeys 158, pp. 1-106 : 1 1
Duplicaria crassum   comb. nov.  Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206 : 119 119
Sinoxylon crassum     Liu, L. Y., Beaver, R. A. & Yang, J. T., 2006, The Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) of Taiwan: a key to species, new records, and a lectotype designation for Sinoxylon mangiferae Chujo, Zootaxa 1307, pp. 1-33 : 9 9
Leptonema crassum     Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557 : 1557 1557
Claviderma crassum     Miranda, Marcel S., Strong, Ellen E. & Passos, Flávio D., 2020, Type specimens of Caudofoveata (Mollusca, Aplacophora) in the molluscan collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution and of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Zootaxa 4895 (4), pp. 581-593 : 588-589 588-589
Komvophoron crassum     Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084 : 10084 10084
Coleoptera   new species  Johnson, Colin, 1982, An introduction to the Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) of New Zealand, New Zealand journal of zoology 9, No. 3, pp. 333-376 : 333-376 333-376
Litophyton crassum     Van Ofwegen, Leen P., 2020, The genus Litophyton Forskål, 1775 (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Nephtheidae) from Australia, Zootaxa 4764 (1), pp. 1-131 : 88-92 88-92
Plagiorchiida   new species  Wang, P. - q., 1989, Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes in Pingtan County, Fujian Province, South China, Wuyi Science Journal 7, No. 12, pp. 151-163 : 156, 162 156, 162
Lobophytum crassum     Benayahu, Yehuda & Van Ofwegen, Leen P., 2012, Octocorals (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) from Reunion, with a description of two new species of the genus Sinularia May, 1898 and notes on the occurrence of other species, Zoosystema 34 (4), pp. 673-699 : 690 690
Taraxacum crassum     Uhlemann, Ingo, 2011, Notizen zur Taraxacum-Flora Österreichs und Südtirols, Neilreichia 6, pp. 27-53 : 50 50
Diadegma crassum     Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 9042-9042 : 9042 9042
Dolichospermum crassum     Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084 : 10084 10084
Megaceras crassum     Alvarez, Héctor Jaime Gasca, da, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos, Fonseca & Ratcliffe, Brett C., 2008, Synopsis of the Oryctini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from the Brazilian Amazon, Insecta Mundi 2008 (61), pp. 1-62 : 28-29 28-29
Anteon crassum     Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460 : 92-93 92-93
Spatoglossum crassum     Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 82 82
Childia crassum     Hooge, Matthew D. & Tyler, Seth, 2008, Acoela (Acoelomorpha) from Bocas del Toro, Panama, Zootaxa 1719, pp. 1-40 : 3-4 3-4
Leucostoma crassum     Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2021, Erstnachweise und bemerkenswerte Funddaten von Fliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) für Österreich und seine Bundesländer III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 293-412 : 402 402
Anthobium crassum key    Shavrin, Alexey V. & Smetana, Aleš, 2019, A revision of Eastern Palaearctic Anthobium Leach, 1819 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini). III. Consanguineum, crassum and reflexum groups, and an additional species of the fusculum group, Zootaxa 4688 (4), pp. 451-482 : 460 460
Xenophyllum crassum subsp. orientale   comb. nov.  Calvo, Joel & Moreira-Munoz, Andres, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Compositae, Senecioneae), PhytoKeys 158, pp. 1-106 : 1 1
Prionospio crassumbranchiata   sp. nov.  Delgado-Blas, Víctor Hugo, 2015, Prionospio (Polychaeta, Spionidae) from the Grand Caribbean Region, with the descriptions of five new species and a key to species recorded in the area, Zootaxa 3905 (1), pp. 69-90 : 73-76 73-76

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