Lomatia abbreviata
Arabyat, Sahar, Katbeh-Bader, Ahmad & Greathead, David, 2004, The bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Jordan, Zootaxa 654, pp. 1-48
: 7
7 |
Lomatia abbreviata
Arabyat, Sahar, Katbeh-Bader, Ahmad & Greathead, David, 2004, The bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Jordan, Zootaxa 654, pp. 1-48
: 26
26 |
Lomatia polyzona
Arabyat, Sahar, Katbeh-Bader, Ahmad & Greathead, David, 2004, The bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Jordan, Zootaxa 654, pp. 1-48
: 26
26 |
Lomatia tysiphone
Arabyat, Sahar, Katbeh-Bader, Ahmad & Greathead, David, 2004, The bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae) of Jordan, Zootaxa 654, pp. 1-48
: 26
26 |
Lomatia belzebul
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 473
473 |
Lomatia lateralis
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2021, Erstnachweise und bemerkenswerte Funddaten von Fliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) für Österreich und seine Bundesländer III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 293-412
: 306
306 |
Lomatia erynnis
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 473
473 |
Greathead, D. J. & Evenhuis, N. L., 2001, Annotated keys to the genera of African Bombylioidea (Diptera: Bombyliidae; Mythicomyiidae), African Invertebrates 42 (1820), pp. 105-224
: 178-179
178-179 |
Lomatia tinctoria
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 75-76
75-76 |
new species
Greathead, David J., 1967, The Bombyliidae (Diptera) of northern Ethiopia, Journal of Natural History 1, pp. 195-284
: 235
235 |
Lomatia persica
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 474
474 |
Lomatia polyzona
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 474
474 |
Lomatia lachesis
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 474
474 |
Lomatia tinctoria
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 77-78
77-78 |
Yao, Gang, Luo, Jun, Li, Xuankun & Yang, Ding, 2022, First records of the subfamilies Ecliminae and Lomatiinae (Diptera, Bombyliidae) from China with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5094 (3), pp. 396-408
: 398-399
398-399 |
Lomatia erinnys
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2018, Erstnachweise von Fliegen (Diptera) für Österreich und einige Bundesländer, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 765-800
: 768
768 |
Lomatia lachesis
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2018, Erstnachweise von Fliegen (Diptera) für Österreich und einige Bundesländer, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 765-800
: 768
768 |
Lomatia polymorpha
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 75
75 |
Lomatia flavitibia
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 474
474 |
Lomatia rogenhoferi
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 474
474 |
Lomatia shanguii
sp. nov.
Yao, Gang, Luo, Jun, Li, Xuankun & Yang, Ding, 2022, First records of the subfamilies Ecliminae and Lomatiinae (Diptera, Bombyliidae) from China with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5094 (3), pp. 396-408
: 399-402
399-402 |
Lomatia inornata
Greathead, D. J. & Evenhuis, N. L., 2001, Annotated keys to the genera of African Bombylioidea (Diptera: Bombyliidae; Mythicomyiidae), African Invertebrates 42 (1820), pp. 105-224
: 179
179 |
Lomatia sabaea
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 475
475 |
Lomatia superba
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 475
475 |
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 13
13 |
Lomatia tasmanica
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 76-77
76-77 |
Lomatia polymorpha
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 77
77 |
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 20
20 |
Lomatia armeniaca
Dils, J. & Özbek, H., 2006, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Bombyliidae of Turkey (Diptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 455-504
: 473
473 |
Lomatia gracilor
El-Hawagry, Magdi S., Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud S., El-Sonbati, Saad A. & Al dhafer, Hathal M., 2017, A preliminary account of the fly fauna in Garf Raydah Nature Reserve, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with new records and biogeographical remarks (Diptera: Insecta), Journal of Natural History 51 (25 - 26), pp. 1499-1530
: 1508
1508 |
Lomatia pleuralis
Greathead, David J. & Evenhuis, Neal L., 2004, New species of Bombylioidea in Mario Bezzi’s Unpublished Hungarian Museum Manuscript, Zootaxa 773, pp. 1-56
: 29
29 |
Lomatia erynnis
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2021, Erstnachweise und bemerkenswerte Funddaten von Fliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) für Österreich und seine Bundesländer III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 293-412
: 306
306 |
Lomatia lachesis
Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard, 2021, Erstnachweise und bemerkenswerte Funddaten von Fliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) für Österreich und seine Bundesländer III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 293-412
: 306
306 |
Lomatia tasmanica
Deans, Bianca J., Tedone, Laura, Bissember, Alex C. & Smith, Jason A., 2018, Phytochemical profile of the rare, ancient clone Lomatia tasmanica and comparison to other endemic Tasmanian species L. tinctoria and L. polymorpha, Phytochemistry 153, pp. 74-78
: 75
75 |
Bembecia lomatiaeformis
Garrevoet, T., Garrevoet, W. & Özbek, H., 2007, Data on the Geographic Distribution of Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) in Turkey, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (2), pp. 929-953
: 937
937 |
Bembecia lomatiaeformis
Bąkowski, Marek & Fajfer, Daniel, 2019, Morphology of pupae of five species of the genus Bembecia - group ichneumoniformis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), Zootaxa 4638 (1), pp. 81-94
: 83
83 |