Laudee, Pongsak, Malicky, Hans, Takenaka, Masaki, Suwannarat, Nannaphat, Kong, Chamroeun, Vongswombath, Chanda & Tojo, Koji, 2024, Three new species of the genera Ceraclea Stephens and Setodes Rambur (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from Laos and Cambodia

Laudee, Pongsak, Malicky, Hans, Takenaka, Masaki, Suwannarat, Nannaphat, Kong, Chamroeun, Vongswombath, Chanda & Tojo, Koji, 2024, Three new species of the genera Ceraclea Stephens and Setodes Rambur (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from Laos and Cambodia, Zootaxa 5471 (1), pp. 134-140

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