Yoldiella paranapuaensis
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella wareni
sp. nov.
La Perna, R., 2004, The identity of Yoldia micrometrica Seguenza, 1877 and three new deep-sea protobranchs from the Mediterranean (Bivalvia), Journal of Natural History 38, pp. 1045-1057
: 1049-1052
1049-1052 |
Yoldiella paranapuaensis
Cavallari, Daniel C., Dornellas, Ana Paula S. & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2016, Second annotated list of type specimens of molluscs deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 213, pp. 1-59
: 41
41 |
Yoldiella jeffreysi
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella biguttata
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18-19
18-19 |
new species
Smith, Edgar A., 1885, Report on the Lamellibranchiata collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 1876, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger During the Years 1873 – 76, Zoology 13, No. 35, pp. 1-341
: 320
320 |
La Perna, R., 2004, The identity of Yoldia micrometrica Seguenza, 1877 and three new deep-sea protobranchs from the Mediterranean (Bivalvia), Journal of Natural History 38, pp. 1045-1057
: 1046
1046 |
Yoldiella philippiana
Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), Zootaxa 4186 (1), pp. 1-97
: 18-20
18-20 |
Appolloni, Massimo, Smriglio, Carlo, Amati, Bruno, Lugliè, Lorenzo, Nofroni, Italo, Tringali, Lionello P., Mariottini, Paolo & Oliverio, Marco, 2018, Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma, Zootaxa 4477 (1), pp. 1-138
: 75
75 |
Charles L. Powell, Ii, Clites, Erica C. & Poust, Ashley W., 2019, Miocene marine macropaleontology of the fourth bore Caldecott Tunnel excavation, Berkeley Hills, Oakland, California, USA, PaleoBios 36, pp. 1-34
: 7
7 |
Yoldiella ovulum
sp. nov.
La Perna, R., 2004, The identity of Yoldia micrometrica Seguenza, 1877 and three new deep-sea protobranchs from the Mediterranean (Bivalvia), Journal of Natural History 38, pp. 1045-1057
: 1048-1049
1048-1049 |
Microgloma mirmidina
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Yoldia sapotilla
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Orthoyoldia scapania
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Microgloma nhanduti
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Yoldiella haimaensis
sp. nov.
Gao, Qi, Tang, Yan & Zhang, Junlong, 2024, A new species of the genus Yoldiella (Bivalvia, Protobranchia, Yoldiidae) from Haima Cold Seep, South China Sea, China, ZooKeys 1204, pp. 223-240
: 223-240
223-240 |
Yoldiella perplexa
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella striolata
Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), Zootaxa 4186 (1), pp. 1-97
: 20
20 |
Yoldiella arariboia
Cavallari, Daniel C., Dornellas, Ana Paula S. & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2016, Second annotated list of type specimens of molluscs deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 213, pp. 1-59
: 8
8 |
Microgloma macaron
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Yoldiella lapernoi
Cavallari, Daniel C., Dornellas, Ana Paula S. & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2016, Second annotated list of type specimens of molluscs deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 213, pp. 1-59
: 34
34 |
Yoldiella orbicularis
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 35-36
35-36 |
new species
Dall, William Healey, 1909, Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of the Pacific Coast, U. S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 59, pp. 1-144
: 104
104 |
Hryniewicz, Krzysztof, Amano, Kazutaka, Bitner, Maria Aleksandra, Hagström, Jonas, Kiel, Steffen, Klompmaker, Adiël A., Mörs, Thomas, Robins, Cristina M. & Kaim, Andrzej, 2019, A late Paleocene fauna from shallow-water chemosynthesis-based ecosystems, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 64 (1), pp. 101-141
: 110
110 |
Yoldia (Cnesterium) johanni
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 32
32 |
Yoldia (Cnesterium) keppeliana
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 32
32 |
Yoldia hyperborea
Lisitsyna, Kseniya N. & Kamenev, Gennady M., 2024, New and rare bivalve species for the fauna of the Kuril Islands (northwestern Pacific Ocean): A study of materials collected over 70 years of expeditions (from 1949 to 2019), Zootaxa 5523 (2), pp. 231-253
: 238
238 |
Yoldiella arariboia
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
new species
Smith, Edgar A., 1885, Report on the Lamellibranchiata collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 1876, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger During the Years 1873 – 76, Zoology 13, No. 35, pp. 1-341
: 242
242 |
Yoldia abyssicola
Appolloni, Massimo, Smriglio, Carlo, Amati, Bruno, Lugliè, Lorenzo, Nofroni, Italo, Tringali, Lionello P., Mariottini, Paolo & Oliverio, Marco, 2018, Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma, Zootaxa 4477 (1), pp. 1-138
: 88
88 |
Wiklund, Helena, Taylor, John D., Dahlgren, Thomas G., Todt, Christiane, Ikebe, Chiho, Rabone, Muriel & Glover, Adrian G., 2017, Abyssal fauna of the UK- 1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Mollusca, ZooKeys 707, pp. 1-46
: 12-14
12-14 |
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 32
32 |
Yoldiella spitsbergensis
sp. nov.
Hryniewicz, Krzysztof, Amano, Kazutaka, Bitner, Maria Aleksandra, Hagström, Jonas, Kiel, Steffen, Klompmaker, Adiël A., Mörs, Thomas, Robins, Cristina M. & Kaim, Andrzej, 2019, A late Paleocene fauna from shallow-water chemosynthesis-based ecosystems, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 64 (1), pp. 101-141
: 110-112
110-112 |
Yoldiella curupira
Cavallari, Daniel C., Dornellas, Ana Paula S. & Simone, Luiz Ricardo L., 2016, Second annotated list of type specimens of molluscs deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, European Journal of Taxonomy 213, pp. 1-59
: 19
19 |
Microgloma pusilla
Appolloni, Massimo, Smriglio, Carlo, Amati, Bruno, Lugliè, Lorenzo, Nofroni, Italo, Tringali, Lionello P., Mariottini, Paolo & Oliverio, Marco, 2018, Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma, Zootaxa 4477 (1), pp. 1-138
: 75-76
75-76 |
Orthoyoldia panamensis
Suarez-Mozo, Nancy Yolimar, Gracia, Adriana & Valentich-Scott, Paul, 2018, A new species of Malletia (Bivalvia, Malletiidae) and new records of deep-water bivalves from Pacific Southern Colombia, ZooKeys 762, pp. 13-31
: 13
13 |
Orthoyoldia crosbyana
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 18
18 |
Yoldiella lucida
Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), Zootaxa 4186 (1), pp. 1-97
: 17-18
17-18 |
Yoldiella riograndensis
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19-20
19-20 |
Yoldia (Yoldia) bartschi
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 33
33 |
Yoldia (Yoldia) hyperborea
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 33
33 |
Yoldia (Cnesterium) toporoki
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 33
33 |
Ortega, José Rafael & Gofas, Serge, 2019, The unknown bathyal of the Canaries: new species and new records of deep-sea Mollusca, Zoosystema 41 (26), pp. 513-551
: 544
544 |
Yoldiella striolata
Appolloni, Massimo, Smriglio, Carlo, Amati, Bruno, Lugliè, Lorenzo, Nofroni, Italo, Tringali, Lionello P., Mariottini, Paolo & Oliverio, Marco, 2018, Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma, Zootaxa 4477 (1), pp. 1-138
: 75
75 |
Yoldiella micrometrica
La Perna, R., 2004, The identity of Yoldia micrometrica Seguenza, 1877 and three new deep-sea protobranchs from the Mediterranean (Bivalvia), Journal of Natural History 38, pp. 1045-1057
: 1047-1048
1047-1048 |
Yoldiella similis
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 20
20 |
Microgloma macaron
sp. n.
Benaim, Natalia Pereira & Absalao, Ricardo Silva, 2011, Microgloma Sanders & Allen, 1973 (Nuculanidae) and Pristigloma Dall, 1900 (Pristiglomidae) (Pelecypoda) in the Campos Basin of Brazil, ZooKeys 152, pp. 1-20
: 9-12
9-12 |
Microgloma pusilla
Ortega, José Rafael & Gofas, Serge, 2019, The unknown bathyal of the Canaries: new species and new records of deep-sea Mollusca, Zoosystema 41 (26), pp. 513-551
: 545
545 |
Yoldiella nana
Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), Zootaxa 4186 (1), pp. 1-97
: 18
18 |
Yoldiella derjugini
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 35
35 |
Gofas, Serge, Luque, Ángel A., Oliver, Joan Daniel, Templado, José & Serrano, Alberto, 2021, The Mollusca of Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic Ocean), European Journal of Taxonomy 785 (1), pp. 1-114
: 76
76 |
Ledina paucigradata
Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206
: 144
144 |
Yoldiella extensa
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella ella
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella curupira
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldiella lapernoi
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Yoldia (Cnesterium) seminuda
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 33
33 |
Yoldiella curta
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 19
19 |
Microgloma nhanduti
sp. n.
Benaim, Natalia Pereira & Absalao, Ricardo Silva, 2011, Microgloma Sanders & Allen, 1973 (Nuculanidae) and Pristigloma Dall, 1900 (Pristiglomidae) (Pelecypoda) in the Campos Basin of Brazil, ZooKeys 152, pp. 1-20
: 12-14
12-14 |
Gao, Qi, Tang, Yan & Zhang, Junlong, 2024, A new species of the genus Yoldiella (Bivalvia, Protobranchia, Yoldiidae) from Haima Cold Seep, South China Sea, China, ZooKeys 1204, pp. 223-240
: 223-240
223-240 |
Microgloma mirmidina
Benaim, Natalia Pereira & Absalao, Ricardo Silva, 2011, Microgloma Sanders & Allen, 1973 (Nuculanidae) and Pristigloma Dall, 1900 (Pristiglomidae) (Pelecypoda) in the Campos Basin of Brazil, ZooKeys 152, pp. 1-20
: 7-9
7-9 |
Yoldiella valorousae
Gofas, Serge, Luque, Ángel A., Oliver, Joan Daniel, Templado, José & Serrano, Alberto, 2021, The Mollusca of Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic Ocean), European Journal of Taxonomy 785 (1), pp. 1-114
: 76
76 |
Portlandia lischkei
Dulenina, P. A., 2013, The species composition of bivalve mollusks in the western part of Tatarsky Strait (Sea of Japan), The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 17, pp. 27-78
: 33
33 |