Gasterosteidae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 70 Treatments

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Gasterosteiformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1874, Révision des espèces du groupe des Épinoches, Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 2 10, pp. 5-32 : 35 35
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Storer, H. R., 1850, Observations on the fishes of Nova Scotia and Labrador, with descriptions of new species, Boston Journal of Natural History 6, pp. 247-270 : 254 254
Pungitius platygaster     Çiçek, Erdoğan, Fricke, Ronald, Eagderi, Soheil, Sungur, Sevil, Coad, Brian W & Hamdard, Mohammad Hamid, 2023, Fishes of Afghanistan; a revised and updated annotated checklist, Zootaxa 5305 (1), pp. 1-69 : 55 55
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1874, Révision des espèces du groupe des Épinoches, Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 2 10, pp. 5-32 : 32 32
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza & Doadrio, Ignacio, 2020, Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies 59 (21), pp. 1-303 : 284-286 284-286
Gasterosteus   gen. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 295 295
Gasterosteus ductor   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 295 295
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Saad, Adib, Çiçek, Erdoğan, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Fricke, Ronald, Sungur, Sevil & Eagderi, Soheil, 2023, Freshwater fishes of Syria: a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2023, Zootaxa 5350 (1), pp. 1-62 : 47 47
Gasterosteus aculeatus subsp. aculeatus     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 45 45
Spinachia spinachia     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 45 45
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 102 102
Pungitius pungitius     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 102 102
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1874, Révision des espèces du groupe des Épinoches, Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 2 10, pp. 5-32 : 15 15
Gasterosteus     Benton, MJ, Donoghue, PCJ, Vinther, J, Asher, RJ, Friedman, M & Near, TJ, 2015, Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history, Palaeontologia Electronica (Florence, Italy) 15 (1), pp. 1-107 : 45 45
Pungitius platygaster     Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza & Doadrio, Ignacio, 2020, Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies 59 (21), pp. 1-303 : 286-287 286-287
Gasterosteus aculeatus   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 295 295
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Otaki, K., 1908, Stickle-backs of Japan, Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 2, No. 1, pp. 85-91 : 87 87
Gasterosteidae     Arai, Hisao P. & Smith, John W., 2016, Guide to the Parasites of Fishes of Canada Part V: Nematoda, Zootaxa 4185 (1), pp. 1-274 : 203 203
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Ayres, W. O., 1843, Descriptions of four species of fish from Brookhaven, L. I., all of which are believed to be new, Boston Journal of Natural History 4, No. 3, pp. 293-302 : 294 294
Gasterosteus     Alexander, Timothy & Seehausen, Ole, 2021, Diversity, distribution and community composition of fish in perialpine lakes – “ Projet Lac ” synthesis report, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology : 140 140
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Houttuyn, M., 1782, Beschryving van eenige Japanese visschen, en andere zee-schepzelen, Verhandelingen van de Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen, Haarlem 20, No. 2, pp. 311-350 : 329 329
Gasterosteus     Benton, MJ, Donoghue, PCJ, Vinther, J, Asher, RJ, Friedman, M & Near, TJ, 2015, Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history, Palaeontologia Electronica (Florence, Italy) 15 (1), pp. 1-107 : 40-42 40-42
Gasterosteidae     Benton, MJ, Donoghue, PCJ, Vinther, J, Asher, RJ, Friedman, M & Near, TJ, 2015, Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history, Palaeontologia Electronica (Florence, Italy) 15 (1), pp. 1-107 : 46 46
Apeltes quadracus     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 395 395
Pungitius     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 399 399
Gasterosteidae     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 395 395
Pungitius pungitius     Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384 : 375 375
Apeltes quadracus     Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384 : 375 375
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Béarez, Philippe, Pruvost, Patrice, Feunteun, Eric, Iglésias, Samuel P., Francour, Patrice, Causse, Romain, De Mazieres, Jeanne, Tercerie, Sandrine & Bailly, Nicolas, 2017, Checklist of the marine fishes from metropolitan France, Cybium 41 (4), pp. 351-371 : 363 363
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Denys, Gael, Geiger, Matthias F., Persat, H., Keith, Philippe & Dettai, Agnès, 2015, Invalidity of Gasterosteus gymnurus (Cuvier, 1829) (Actinopterygii, Gasterosteidae) according to integrative taxonomy, Cybium 39, No. 1, pp. 37-45 : 37-45 37-45
Gasterosteidae     Lipej, Lovrenc & Dulčić, Jakov, 2010, Checklist of the Adriatic Sea Fishes 2589, Zootaxa 2589 (1), pp. 1-92 : 36 36
Gasterosteidae     Çiçek, Erdogan, Sungur, Sevil & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Turkey; a revised and updated annotated checklist 2020, Zootaxa 4809 (2), pp. 241-270 : 259 259
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Dawson, J. W., 1859, On a new species of stickleback (Gasterosteus gymnetes), The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist 4, No. 5, pp. 321-324 : 321 321
Gasterosteidae     Mucientes, Gonzalo & Arronte, Juan Carlos, 2010, Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist, Zootaxa 2667, pp. 1-27 : 14 14
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99 : 92 92
Pungitius platygaster     Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99 : 92 92
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Stephanidis, A., 1971, On some Greek fresh-water fishes, Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 3, No. 2, pp. 213-241 : 228 228
Gasterosteus occidentalis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 295 295
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1874, Révision des espèces du groupe des Épinoches, Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 2 10, pp. 5-32 : 20 20
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Jordan, David Starr & Starks, E. C., 1902, A review of the hemibranchiate fishes of Japan, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 26, pp. 57-73 : 62 62
Gasterosteus ovatus   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 296 296
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 396-398 396-398
Pungitius laevis     Béarez, Philippe, Pruvost, Patrice, Feunteun, Eric, Iglésias, Samuel P., Francour, Patrice, Causse, Romain, De Mazieres, Jeanne, Tercerie, Sandrine & Bailly, Nicolas, 2017, Checklist of the marine fishes from metropolitan France, Cybium 41 (4), pp. 351-371 : 371 371
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1766, Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Laurentii Salvii : 490 490
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Warpachowski, N. A. & Herzenstein, S. M., 1888, Remarks on the ichthyology of the River Amur Basin and adjacent countries, Trudy St. Petersburg. Obsh. Estestv. 19, No. 8, pp. 1-58 : 13 13
Gasterosteidae     Laan, Richard Van Der, Eschmeyer, William N. & Fricke, Ronald, 2014, Family-group names of Recent fishes, Zootaxa 3882 (2), pp. 1-230 : 80 80
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1880, Ichthyologische Beiträge (IX). I. Über eine Sammlung von Flussfischen von Tohizona auf Madagascar. II. Über zwei neue Agonus - Arten aus Californien. III. Über einige Fischarten aus dem nördlichen Japan, gesammelt von Professor Dybowski, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 82, No. 1, pp. 238-266 : 264 264
Pungitius platygaster     Eagderi, Soheil, Mouludi-Saleh, Atta, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Nasri, Manoochehr, 2022, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2022, Turkish Journal of Zoology 46 (6), pp. 500-522 : 515 515
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Eagderi, Soheil, Mouludi-Saleh, Atta, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Nasri, Manoochehr, 2022, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2022, Turkish Journal of Zoology 46 (6), pp. 500-522 : 515 515
Gasterosteus     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 396 396
Gasterosteus spinarella   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 297 297
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1766, Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Laurentii Salvii : 491 491
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384 : 375 375
Pungitius modestus   sp. nov.  Matsumoto, Tatsuya, Matsuura, Keiichi & Hanzawa, Naoto, 2021, A new species of nine-spined stickleback, Pungitius modestus (Gasterosteiformes, Gasterosteidae), from northern Honshu, Japan, Zootaxa 5005 (1), pp. 1-20 : 3-18 3-18
Gasterosteidae     Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza & Doadrio, Ignacio, 2020, Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Fig. 21. Sesarmops mora n in Paralbunea dayriti, Zoological Studies 59 (21), pp. 1-303 : 284 284
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Bean, T. H., 1879, Description of an apparently new species of Gasterosteus (G. atkinsii) from the Schoodic Lakes, Maine, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 2, pp. 67-69 : 67 67
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Alexander, Timothy & Seehausen, Ole, 2021, Diversity, distribution and community composition of fish in perialpine lakes – “ Projet Lac ” synthesis report, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology : 140-141 140-141
Gasterosteidae     Schwarzhans, Werner, Klots, Oleksandr, Kovalchuk, Oleksandr, Dubikovska, Anastasiia, Ryabokon, Tamara & Kovalenko, Volodymyr, 2024, Life on a Miocene barrier reef - fish communities and environments in the Medobory backreef, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 46) 27 (3), pp. 1-44 : 16 16
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Ayres, W. O., 1855, [Descriptions of new species of Californian fishes.] A number of short notices read before the Society at several meetings in 1855, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 1 1, No. 1, pp. 23-77 : 48 48
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Guichenot, A., 1869, Notice sur quelques poissons inédits de Madagascar et de la Chine, Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Série 2 5, No. 3, pp. 193-206 : 204 204
Pungitius pungitius     Artüz, M. Levent & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, Response to the comments regarding “ The marine teleost fishes of the Sea of Marmara; an updated and annotated checklist ” by Artüz & Fricke (2019), Zootaxa 4802 (2), pp. 395-400 : 397 397
Pungitius pungitius     Denys, Gaël P. J., Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Urtizberea, Frank & Bernatchez, Louis, 2022, Diadromous fishes from Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago: diagnoses, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 385-413 : 399-400 399-400
Gasterosteus volitans   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 296 296
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Girard, Charles Frédéric, 1856, Contributions to the ichthyology of the western coast of the United States, from specimens in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8, pp. 131-137 : 135 135
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1766, Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Laurentii Salvii : 491 491
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1865, Partial catalogue of the cold-blooded Vertebrata of Michigan. Part II, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 17, pp. 78-88 : 81 81
Gasterosteus aculeatus     Nurettin Meriç, Lütfiye Eryilmaz & Müfit Özulug, 2007, A catalogue of the fishes held in the Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Hydrobiology Museum., Zootaxa 1472, pp. 29-54 : 29 29
Gasterosteus spinachia   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 296 296
Gasterosteus pungitius   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 296 296
Gasterosteiformes   new species  Kirtland, J. P., 1840, Descriptions of four new species of fishes, Boston Journal of Natural History 3, No. 1, pp. 273-277 : 273 273

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