Itauara julia
sp. n.
Robertson, Desiree R. & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2011, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Itauara Mueller, 1888 (Trichoptera, Glossosomatidae), ZooKeys 114, pp. 41-100
: 59-60
59-60 |
Anthocharis julia
Stout, Todd L., 2018, A review of three species-level taxa of the Anthocharis sara complex (Lepidoptera: Pieridae: Pierinae: Anthocharidini), Insecta Mundi 615, pp. 1-38
: 4
4 |
new species
Rocha Filho, Léo Correia Da, 2016, A revision of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Coelioxys (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) from Australia, European Journal of Entomology 113, pp. 9-28
: 9-28
9-28 |
Itauara julia
Alves, André Almeida, Dumas, Leandro Lourenço, Nessimian, Jorge Luiz & Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, 2023, Born from rock: eight new species of Itauara Müller, 1888 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae) from southeastern Brazil, including phylogenetic and distributional comments on the genus, European Journal of Taxonomy 885, pp. 99-133
: 132
132 |
Itauara julia
Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557
: 1557
1557 |
new genus
Gould, A. A., 1862, Descriptions of new genera and species of shells, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 8, pp. 280-284
: 283
283 |
new species
Smith, David R. & Eiseman, Charles S., 2017, A New Species of Fenusa (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Mining Leaves of Rosa woodsii Lindl. (Rosaceae) in North America, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 119, No. 2, pp. 233-238
: 234
234 |
Itauara julia
Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557
: 1557
1557 |
Orthetrum julia
Legrand, Jean, 2003, Les Odonates du Nimba et de sa région, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 190, pp. 231-310
: 286
286 |
Asadipus julia
sp. nov.
PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328
: 267-268
267-268 |
Podagrion julia
Janšta, Petr, Delvare, Gérard, Baur, Hannes, Wipfler, Benjamin & Peters, Ralph S., 2020, Data-rich description of a new genus of praying mantid egg parasitoids, Lasallegrion gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Podagrionini), with a re-examination of Podagrion species of Australia and New Caledonia, Journal of Natural History 54 (9), pp. 755-790
: 785
785 |
Hyalella julia
sp. nov.
Mussini, Giovanni, Stepan, Nicole D. & Vargas, Gersey, 2024, Two new species of Hyalella (Amphipoda, Dogielinotidae) from the Humid Chaco ecoregion of Paraguay, ZooKeys 1191, pp. 105-127
: 105
105 |
new species
Gould, A. A., 1862, Descriptions of new genera and species of shells, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 8, pp. 280-284
: 284
284 |
Juliaca sertigerula
Dos Santos, Alana C., Cavichioli, Rodney R., Takiya, Daniela M. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2018, Juliaca Melichar, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini): description of a new species from Southeastern Brazil and redescriptions of J. sertigerula (Jacobi, 1905) and J. xanthogramma (Signoret, 1854) comb. nov., Zootaxa 4472 (1), pp. 165-175
: 168-171
168-171 |
Juliaca xanthogramma
comb. nov.
Dos Santos, Alana C., Cavichioli, Rodney R., Takiya, Daniela M. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2018, Juliaca Melichar, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini): description of a new species from Southeastern Brazil and redescriptions of J. sertigerula (Jacobi, 1905) and J. xanthogramma (Signoret, 1854) comb. nov., Zootaxa 4472 (1), pp. 165-175
: 172-174
172-174 |
Juliaca nigrosignata
sp. nov.
Felix, Márcio, Silva, Adriane Pereira, Quintas, Victor, Pecly, Nathalia Hiluy, Froza, Joyce Adriana & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2025, Juliaca Melichar, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) from Ecuador: description of a new species and identification key, Zootaxa 5604 (1), pp. 77-83
: 78-81
78-81 |
Felix, Márcio, Silva, Adriane Pereira, Quintas, Victor, Pecly, Nathalia Hiluy, Froza, Joyce Adriana & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2025, Juliaca Melichar, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) from Ecuador: description of a new species and identification key, Zootaxa 5604 (1), pp. 77-83
: 81-82
81-82 |
Juliaca nigra
sp. nov.
Dos Santos, Alana C., Cavichioli, Rodney R., Takiya, Daniela M. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2018, Juliaca Melichar, 1926 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini): description of a new species from Southeastern Brazil and redescriptions of J. sertigerula (Jacobi, 1905) and J. xanthogramma (Signoret, 1854) comb. nov., Zootaxa 4472 (1), pp. 165-175
: 166-168
166-168 |
Oxymycterus juliacae
Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535
: 466
466 |
Juliacorbula aequivalvis
Arruda, Eliane P., 2020, Taxonomic revision of the recent marine Corbulidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4851 (1), pp. 1-59
: 36-39
36-39 |
Juliacorbula aequivalvis
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 51-52
51-52 |
Juliacorbula bicarinata
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 52
52 |
Juliacorbula bicarinata
Arruda, Eliane P., 2020, Taxonomic revision of the recent marine Corbulidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4851 (1), pp. 1-59
: 39-41
39-41 |
Arruda, Eliane P., 2020, Taxonomic revision of the recent marine Corbulidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Brazil, Zootaxa 4851 (1), pp. 1-59
: 36
36 |
Skuinocyclus juliae
new species
Mychko, Eduard & Alekseev, Alexander, 2018, Two new genera of Cyclida (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Branchiura) from the Cisuralian (Lower Permian) of Southern Urals (Russia), Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 289, No. 1, pp. 23-34
: 23-34
23-34 |
Dodomeira juliae
Baviera, Cosimo, 2017, A taxonomic monograph of the genus Dodomeira Bellò & Baviera, a new genus of Peritelini from Sicily (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), Zootaxa 4334 (1), pp. 1-138
: 38-40
38-40 |
Andrena (Avandrena) juliae
Wood, Thomas J., 2023, The genus Andrena Fabricius, 1775 in the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96, pp. 241-484
: 241
241 |
Meteorus juliae
sp. nov.
Aguirre, Helmuth & Shaw, Scott R., 2014, Neotropical species of Meteorus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Meteorinae) parasitizing Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Erebidae), Zootaxa 3779 (3), pp. 353-367
: 358-360
358-360 |
Schoenoplectiella juliae
comb. nov.
Doweld, Alexander B., 2018, New names of fossil Cyperaceae of Northern Eurasia, Phytotaxa 356 (2), pp. 131-144
: 136
136 |
Anillinus juliae
Bousquet, Yves, 2012, Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico, ZooKeys 245, pp. 1-1722
: 457
457 |
Polyplectropus juliae
Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557
: 1557
1557 |
Eoadalia juliae
POORANI, J., 2023, An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini, Zootaxa 5332 (1), pp. 1-307
: 112
112 |
Parakonarus juliae
Abarca-Ávila, Mónica Mariel, Herrera-Dorantes, María Teresa, Winfield, Ignacio & Ardisson, Pedro-Luis, 2019, Updated checklist and identification key of benthic tanaidaceans (Crustacea Peracarida) of the sublittoral zone of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 51-76
: 62
62 |
Primulina juliae
Hong, Xin, Zhou, Shou-Biao & Wen, Fang, 2012, Primulina chizhouensis sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae), a new species from a limestone cave in Anhui, China, Phytotaxa 50 (1), pp. 13-18
: 14-16
14-16 |
Lepidocyrtus juliae
sp. nov.
Mateos, Eduardo, 2011, New Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 taxa from Greece (Collembola: Entomobryidae), Zootaxa 3108, pp. 25-40
: 37-38
37-38 |
Polyplectropus juliae
sp. nov.
Chamorro, Maria Lourdes & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2010, 2582, Zootaxa 2582, pp. 1-252
: 138-140
138-140 |
Eoadalia juliae
POORANI, J., 2023, An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini, Zootaxa 5332 (1), pp. 1-307
: 281
281 |
Glycera juliae
sp. nov.
Magalhães, Wagner F. & Rizzo, Alexandra E., 2012, Glyceridae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Guam, Mariana Islands with description of a new species of Glycera Savigny in Lamarck, 1818, Zootaxa 3338, pp. 60-68
: 61-65
61-65 |
Leptocephalus juliae
new species
Tommasi, L. R., 1960, Sobre tres Leptocephalus del plancton brasileño colectados por el “ NE Almirante Saldanha. ”, Neotropica, La Plata 6, pp. 91-94
: 91
91 |
Arachnothera juliae
Pachycephalidae, Aegithalidae, Remizidae, Paridae, Sittidae, Neosittidae, Certhiidae, Rhabdornithidae, Climacteridae, Dicaeidae, Pardalotidae, Nectariniidae, And & Lecroy, Mary, 2010, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 8. Passeriformes:, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 (333), pp. 1-178
: 152
152 |
Gagea juliae
Tekşen, Mehtap & Erkul, Seher Karaman, 2015, The synopsis of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 230 (1), pp. 101-129
: 110
110 |
Erythrolamprus juliae subsp. copeae
Bochaton, Corentin, Boistel, Renaud, Grouard, Sandrine, Ineich, Ivan, Tresset, Anne & Bailon, Salvador, 2019, Fossil dipsadid snakes from the Guadeloupe Islands (French West-Indies) and their interactions with past human populations, Geodiversitas 41 (12), pp. 501-523
: 512-514
512-514 |
Primula juliae
Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292
: 238-239
238-239 |
Lepidocyrtus juliae
sp. nov.
Mateos, Eduardo, 2011, New Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 taxa from Greece (Collembola: Entomobryidae), Zootaxa 3108, pp. 25-40
: 28-31
28-31 |
Urytalpa juliae
sp. nov.
Chandler, Peter J., 2009, The fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of Sardinia, with description of six new species *, Zootaxa 2318
: -1
-1 |
Pleurolidia juliae
Tibiriçá, Yara, Pola, Marta & Cervera, Juan Lucas, 2017, Astonishing diversity revealed: an annotated and illustrated inventory of Nudipleura (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from Mozambique, Zootaxa 4359 (1), pp. 1-133
: 115
115 |
Stirkia juliae
comb. nov.
Barros-Barreto, Maria Beatriz, Jaramillo, Maria Alejandra, Hommersand, Max H., Ferreira, Paulo C. G. & Maggs, Christine A., 2023, Phylogenetic analysis of the red algal tribe Ceramieae reveals multiple morphological homoplasies but defines new genera, Cryptogamie, Algologie 44 (2), pp. 13-58
: 28
28 |
Anillinus juliae
sp. nov.
Sokolov, Igor M. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2010, New species of Anillinus Casey (Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini) from the Southern Appalachians and phylogeography of the A. loweae species group, Zootaxa 2502, pp. 1-23
: 7-9
7-9 |
Tobrilus juliae
sp. nov.
Naumova, Tatyana V. & Gagarin, Vladimir G., 2019, Two new nematode species of the genus Tobrilus Andrássy, 1959 (Nematoda, Triplonchida) from Lake Baikal, Russia, European Journal of Taxonomy 579, pp. 1-13
: 7-10
7-10 |
Pseudoleptochelia juliae
sp. nov.
Morales-Núñez, Andrés G., Heard, Richard W. & Alfaro, Mónica, 2013, A new species of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea: Leptocheliidae) from the Northwest Atlantic with observations on the status of the genus, Zootaxa 3664 (2), pp. 259-282
: 265-280
265-280 |
Echinoderes juliae
Grzelak, Katarzyna & Sørensen, Martin V., 2022, Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, European Journal of Taxonomy 844, pp. 1-108
: 96-98
96-98 |
Pleurotoma juliae
Harzhauser, Mathias, Landau, Bernard & Janssen, Ronald, 2022, The Clavatulidae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea with considerations on fossil and extant Clavatulidae genera, Zootaxa 5123 (1), pp. 1-172
: 40
40 |
Milimonggamys juliae
new species
Turvey, Samuel T., Crees, Jennifer J., Hansford, James, Jeffree, Timothy E., Crumpton, Nick, Kurniawan, Iwan, Setiyabudi, Erick, Guillerme, Thomas, Paranggarimu, Umbu, Dosseto, Anthony & van den Bergh, Gerrit D., 2017, Quaternary vertebrate faunas from Sumba, Indonesia: implications for Wallacean biogeography and evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences 284, No. 20171278
: Supplementary Information (electronic online text)
Supplementary Information (electronic online text) |
Solenopsis juliae
Csosz, Sandor, Seifert, Bernhard, Laszlo, Mark, Yusupov, Zalimkhan M. & Herczeg, Gabor, 2023, Broadly sympatric occurrence of two thief ant species Solenopsis fugax (Latreille, 1798) and S. juliae (Arakelian, 1991) in the East European Pontic-Caspian region (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) is disclosed, ZooKeys 1187, pp. 189-222
: 189
189 |
Fergusobia juliae
sp. nov.
Davies, Kerrie, Giblin-Davis, Robin, Ye, Weimin, Taylor, Gary & Thomas, Kelley, 2012, Nematodes from galls on Myrtaceae. III. Fergusobia from flower bud and stigma galls on Eucalyptus, with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 3532, pp. 1-36
: 15-20
15-20 |
Penaincisalia juliae
sp. nov.
Hall, Jason P. W., Willmott, Keith R. & Busby, Robert C., 2005, Five new Penaincisalia species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Eumaeini) from the Andes of southern Ecuador and northern Peru, Zootaxa 797, pp. 1-20
: 8-10
8-10 |
Andrena (Avandrena) juliae
Risch, Stephan, Roberts, Stuart P. M., Smit, Jan, Wood, Thomas J., Michez, Denis & Reverté, Sara, 2023, The new annotated checklist of the wild bees of Europe (Hymenoptera: Anthophila), Zootaxa 5327 (1), pp. 1-147
: 13
13 |
Alesa juliae
sp. nov.
Santos, Wildio Ikaro Da Graça, Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo, Dias, Fernando Maia Silva, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2023, A review of the South American metalmark genus Alesa Doubleday, 1847 (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Eurybiini) with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 5284 (1), pp. 77-120
: 89-91
89-91 |
Metagonia juliae
Huber, Bernhard A. & Villarreal, Osvaldo, 2020, On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 718, pp. 1-317
: 189-191
189-191 |
Hottentotta juliae
sp. nov.
Kovařík, František, Yağmur, Ersen Aydin & Fet, Victor, 2019, Review of Hottentotta described by A. A. Birula, with descriptions of two new species and comments on Birula’s collection (Scorpiones: Buthidae), Euscorpius 282, pp. 1-30
: 19
19 |
new species
Hay, Arthur, 1877, Reports on the collections of birds made during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger - No. II. On the birds of the Philippine Islands, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1877, pp. 535-551
: 547
547 |
Polyplectropus juliae
Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557
: 1557
1557 |
Stenus juliae
Puthz, Volker, 2015, Neotropische Stenus-Arten mit seitlich gerandetem Abdomen und gelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 344. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1601-1727
: 1613-1614
1613-1614 |
Callimetopus juliae
Barševskis, Arvīds, 2020, To The Knowledge Of Long-Horned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Of The Oriental Region. Part 3., Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 20 (2), pp. 173-188
: 187
187 |
Callimetopus juliae
Barševskis, Arvīds, 2019, To The Knowledge Of Long-Horned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Of The Oriental Region. Part 2., Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (2), pp. 287-295
: 292
292 |
Edwardsia juliae
sp. nov.
Daly, Marymegan & Ljubenkov, John C., 2008, Edwardsiid sea anemones of California (Cnidaria: Actiniaria: Edwardsiidae), with descriptions of eight new species, Zootaxa 1860, pp. 1-27
: 9-10
9-10 |
Calumma juliae
sp. nov.
David Prötzel, Miguel Vences, Oliver Hawlitschek, Mark D. Scherz, Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina & Frank Glaw, 2018, Endangered beauties: micro-CT cranial osteology, molecular genetics and external morphology reveal three new species of chameleons in the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2018 (20), pp. 1-28
: 15-20
15-20 |
Stenus (Parastenus) juliae
Macháčková, Lenka, Mikátová, Šárka & Hájek, Jiří, 2017, Catalogue of type specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 57 (2), pp. 791-834
: 812
812 |
Echinoderes juliae
sp. nov.
Sørensen, Martin V., Rohal, Melissa & Thistle, David, 2018, Deep-sea Echinoderidae (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Northwest Pacific, European Journal of Taxonomy 456, pp. 1-75
: 37-45
37-45 |
Callimetopus juliae
Barševskis, Arvīds, 2018, To The Knowledge Of The Genus Callimetopus Blanchard, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 18 (1), pp. 95-104
: 98
98 |
Paramannokeraia juliae
sp. n.
Achterberg, Cornelis van, Quicke, Donald L. J. & Boring, C. Andrew, 2017, A revision of the tribe Planitorini van Achterberg (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae), with description of a new genus from Australia, ZooKeys 718, pp. 35-64
: 46-48
46-48 |
Robiquetia juliae
comb. nov.
Kocyan, Alexander & Schuiteman, André, 2014, New combinations in Aeridinae (Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 161 (1), pp. 61-85
: 69
69 |
Urytalpa juliae
Zhu, Yi, Huang, Junhao, Liu, Liwei, Qi, Lei, Wang, Yang, Wu, Hong & Wang, Qingyun, 2024, A new species and a new record of Urytalpa Edwards, 1929 (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from China, Zootaxa 5447 (1), pp. 113-123
: 120
120 |
Lohmannia (Lohmannia) juliae
Revelo-Tobar, Harol, Ojeda, Margarita, García-Ayala, Leonardo J. & Palacios-Vargas, José G., 2024, Checklist Of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) From Mexico, Zootaxa 5465 (1), pp. 1-178
: 18
18 |
Remaneicaris juliae
sp. nov.
Corgosinho, Paulo Henrique C. & Arbizu, Pedro Martínez, 2007, Three new species of Remaneicaris Jakobi, 1972 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenocarididae) from the Ribeirão do Ouro River, Minas Gerais, Brazil, with some remarks on the groundpattern of the Parastenocarididae, Zootaxa 1437, pp. 1-28
: 13-23
13-23 |
new species
Willan, R & Huber, M, 2007, Gari juliae, a New Species of Bivalve from Malesia (BIVALVIA: TELLINOIDEA: PSAMMOBIIDAE)., Visaya 2, No. 2, pp. 112-118
: 113
113 |
Chalarus juliae
Kehlmaier, Christian & Assmann, Thorsten, 2008, The European species of Chalarus Walker, 1834 revisited (Diptera: Pipunculidae), Zootaxa 1936, pp. 1-39
: 24
24 |
Strumigenys juliae
Tang, Kit Lam & Guénard, Benoit, 2023, Further additions to the knowledge of Strumigenys (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) within South East Asia, with the descriptions of 20 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 907, pp. 1-144
: 78-79
78-79 |
Hammatoderus juliae
sp. nov.
Botero, Juan Pablo & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2017, Four new species, taxonomic, and nomenclatural notes in Hammatoderus Gemminger & Harold, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 4231 (3), pp. 377-397
: 379-382
379-382 |
Dryocosmus juliae
sp. nov.
Nicholls, James A., Melika, George & Stone, Graham N., 2018, New species of Dryocosmus Giraud gallwasps from California (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) galling Chrysolepis Hjelmq. (Fagaceae), Zootaxa 4532 (3), pp. 407-433
: 414-417
414-417 |
Ipomoea juliagutierreziae
Wood, John R. I., Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo, Williams, Bethany R. M. & Scotland, Robert W., 2020, A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World, PhytoKeys 143, pp. 1-823
: 1
1 |
Geophis juliai
Wilson, Larry David & Townsend, Josiah H., 2007, A checklist and key to the snakes of the genus Geophis (Squamata: Colubridae: Dipsadinae), with commentary on distribution and conservation, Zootaxa 1395, pp. 1-31
: 12
12 |
Julialpium alabardatum
Kime, Richard Desmond & Enghoff, Henrik, 2021, Atlas of European millipedes 3: Order Chordeumatida (Class Diplopoda), European Journal of Taxonomy 769, pp. 1-244
: 45
45 |
Stiles, F. Gary, Remsen, J. V. & Mcguire, Jimmy A., 2017, The generic classification of the Trochilini (Aves: Trochilidae): Reconciling taxonomy with phylogeny, Zootaxa 4353 (3), pp. 401-424
: 424
424 |
Homoeothrix juliana
Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084
: 10084
10084 |
Prunus domestica var. juliana
var. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 475
475 |
Prunus domestica var. juliana
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part P), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 718-782
: 775
775 |
Nervilia juliana
Ormerod, Paul, Kurzweil, Hubert & Watthana, Santi, 2021, Annotated List of Orchidaceae for Myanmar, Phytotaxa 481 (1), pp. 1-262
: 170
170 |
Aplysia juliana
Araya, Juan Francisco, 2015, Current status of the non-indigenous molluscs in Chile, with the first record of Otala punctata (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in the country and new records for Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) and Deroceras laeve (Müller, 1774), Journal of Natural History 49 (29), pp. 1731-1761
: 1738-1739
1738-1739 |
Leptusa (Chondropisalia) juliana
Assing, Volker, 2017, On the Leptusa fauna of the Caucasus region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1049-1074
: 1070
1070 |
Aplysia juliana
Gutiérrez, Manuel Caballer, Ortea, Jesús, Rivero, Nelsy, Tucker, Gabriela Carias, Malaquias, Manuel António E. & Narciso, Samuel, 2015, The opisthobranch gastropods (Mollusca: Heterobranchia) from Venezuela: an annotated and illustrated inventory of species, Zootaxa 4034 (2), pp. 201-256
: 217
217 |
Magnolia juliana
sp. nov.
Archila, Fredy, Navas, Erick Tribouillier, Alvarado, Otto, Pérez, Álvaro J., Shalisko, Viacheslav, Mendoza, Sandy & Vázquez-García, J. Antonio, 2024, Three new small-flowered Magnolia species (Magnolia sect. Magnolia, Magnoliaceae) from Guatemala, Phytotaxa 665 (2), pp. 129-144
: 139-143
139-143 |
Andrena (Notandrena) juliana
Risch, Stephan, Roberts, Stuart P. M., Smit, Jan, Wood, Thomas J., Michez, Denis & Reverté, Sara, 2023, The new annotated checklist of the wild bees of Europe (Hymenoptera: Anthophila), Zootaxa 5327 (1), pp. 1-147
: 13
13 |
Passiflora juliana
Porter-Utley, Kristen, 2014, A revision of Passiflora L. subgenus Decaloba (DC.) Rchb. supersection Cieca (Medik.) J. M. MacDougal & Feuillet (Passifloraceae), PhytoKeys 43, pp. 1-224
: 98-99
98-99 |
gen. nov.
Duellman, William E., Marion, Angela B. & Hedges, Blair, 2016, Phylogenetics, classification, and biogeography of the treefrogs (Amphibia: Anura: Arboranae), Zootaxa 4104 (1), pp. 1-109
: 28
28 |
Micromeria juliana
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877
: 818
818 |
Homoeothrix juliana
Gkelis, Spyros, Ourailidis, Iordanis, Panou, Manthos & Pappas, Nikos, 2016, Cyanobacteria of Greece: an annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 10084-10084
: 10084
10084 |
Satureja juliana
Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Galasso, Gabriele, Domina, Gianniantonio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Santangelo, Annalisa, Alessandrini, Alessandro, Astuti, Giovanni, D’Antraccoli, Marco, Roma-Marzio, Francesco, Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., Barberis, Giuseppina, Conti, Fabio, Bernardo, Liliana, Peccenini, Simonetta, Stinca, Adriano, Wagensommer, Robert P., Bonari, Gianmaria, Iamonico, Duilio, Iberite, Mauro, Viciani, Daniele, Guacchio, Emanuele Del, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Villani, Mariacristina, Brunu, Antonello, Magrini, Sara, Pistarino, Annalaura, Brullo, Salvatore & Salmeri, Cristina, 2019, An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types, Phytotaxa 410 (1), pp. 1-215
: 109
109 |
Solatopupa juliana
Kokshoorn, Bas & Gittenberger, Edmund, 2010, Chondrinidae taxonomy revisited: New synonymies, new taxa, and a checklist of species and subspecies (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) 2539, Zootaxa 2539 (1), pp. 1-62
: 10
10 |
Prunus cerasus var. juliana
var. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 474
474 |