-74.915276, -9.643333: 78 Treatments

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Ernassa persivalei   sp. nov.  Grados, Juan, 2024, Beyond appearances: the genus Ernassa Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Phaegopterina) and the description of eight new species, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 301-327 : 312-313 312-313
Ernassa sanguinolenta     Grados, Juan, 2024, Beyond appearances: the genus Ernassa Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Phaegopterina) and the description of eight new species, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 301-327 : 306-308 306-308
Attonitus vari     Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M., 2024, Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230086) 22 (1), pp. 1-548 : 111 111
Teramocerus curtirostris   sp. nov.  Mantilleri, Antoine, 2015, What is Teramocerus Schoenherr, 1840? A new definition from revision and phylogeny of the group (Insecta, Coleoptera, Brentidae), Zoosystema 37 (2), pp. 285-322 : 302-304 302-304
Hemibrycon huambonicus     Bertaco, Vinicius A. & Malabarba, Luiz R., 2010, A review of the Cis-Andean species of Hemibrycon Günther (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae), with description of two new species, Neotropical Ichthyology 8 (4), pp. 737-770 : 743-747 743-747
Podisus fuscescens     Brugnera, Ricardo, Roell, Talita, Campos, Luiz Alexandre & Grazia, Jocelia, 2020, Taxonomy of widespread Neotropical species of Podisus Herrich-Schäffer (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae): redescription of P. distinctus (Stål, 1860) and revalidation of P. fuscescens (Dallas, 1851), Zootaxa 4751 (3), pp. 546-562 : 550-555 550-555
Hydrochus obliquus   sp. nov.  Perkins, Philip D., 2020, Taxonomy of Peruvian water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae), Zootaxa 4868 (1), pp. 61-89 : 74-77 74-77
Brycon hilarii     Lima, Flávio C. T., 2017, A revision of the cis-andean species of the genus Brycon Müller & Troschel (Characiformes: Characidae), Zootaxa 4222 (1), pp. 1-189 : 98-108 98-108
Oxyepoecus     Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes & Brandão, Carlos R. F., 2013, Catalogue Of Dacetini And Solenopsidini Ant Type Specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) Deposited In The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53 (14), pp. 187-209 : 196-199 196-199
Clausiadinychus quadricaudatus     Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 5360 (2), pp. 255-268 : 256-257 256-257
Pristimantis asimus   sp. nov.  Köhler, Jörn, Glaw, Frank, Aguilar-Puntriano, César, Castroviejo-Fisher, Santiago, Chaparro, Juan C., De la Riva, Ignacio, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Giussepe, Gutiérrez, Roberto, Vences, Miguel & Padial, José M., 2024, Similar looking sisters: A new sibling species in the Pristimantis danae group from the southwestern Amazon basin (Anura, Strabomantidae), Zoosystematics and Evolution 100 (2), pp. 565-582 : 565-582 565-582
Sadala velox     Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80 : 23-25 23-25
Cryptorhopalum calvum   sp. nov.  HávA, Jiří, Herrmann, Andreas & Kadej, Marcin, 2015, Cryptorhopalum calvum sp. nov., a new species from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 313-316 : 314-316 314-316
Osoriosetus hanagarthi   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, New Neotropical genera and species of the tribe Osoriini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (1), pp. 173-196 : 182 182
Gryonoides fuscoclavatus   sp. nov.  Miko, Istvan, Masner, Lubomir, Ulmer, Jonah M., Raymond, Monique, Hobbie, Julia, Tarasov, Sergei, Margaria, Cecilia Beatriz, Seltmann, Katja C. & Talamas, Elijah J., 2021, A semantically enriched taxonomic revision of Gryonoides Dodd, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), with a review of the hosts of Teleasinae, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 523-573 : 523 523
Meri abuna   sp. nov.  Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80 : 33-36 33-36
Stagmatoptera supplicaria     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 377 377
Cylapus citus     Wolski, Andrzej, 2017, Taxonomic review of the plant bug genera Amapacylapus and Cylapus with descriptions of two new species and a key to the genera of Cylapini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 57 (2), pp. 399-455 : 425-429 425-429
Metaleptobasis furcifera   sp. nov.  Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155 : 37-39 37-39
Angela quinquemaculata     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 368 368
Stammeroplitis panguanaensis   sp. nov.  Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 5360 (2), pp. 255-268 : 261-262 261-262
Neolindus luciamans   sp. nov.  Volker, A., 2012, Two new species of Neolindus from Peru and Venezuela (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Cylindroxystina), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62 (6), pp. 291-297 : 292-294 292-294
Glyptoma nitidum     Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, The neotropical genus Glyptoma ERICHSON, 1839 with descriptions of new species and a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 297-325 : 316-317 316-317
Gryonoides flaviclavus subsp. var. var. nigrigaster     Miko, Istvan, Masner, Lubomir, Ulmer, Jonah M., Raymond, Monique, Hobbie, Julia, Tarasov, Sergei, Margaria, Cecilia Beatriz, Seltmann, Katja C. & Talamas, Elijah J., 2021, A semantically enriched taxonomic revision of Gryonoides Dodd, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), with a review of the hosts of Teleasinae, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 523-573 : 523 523
Prolycosides aussereri   comb. nov.  Paredes-Munguía, Williams, Brescovit, Antonio D. & Teixeira, Renato A., 2024, Revision of Neotropical wolf spider genus Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847 (Araneae: Lycosidae), with description of seven new species, Zootaxa 5414 (1), pp. 1-83 : 59-66 59-66
Helenus wachteli   sp. nov.  Heiss, Ernst, 2016, Review of the Neotropical genus Helenus White, 1879, with description of a new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae), Zootaxa 4088 (4), pp. 555-562 : 559-561 559-561
Dorothee panguanensis   sp. nov.  Herrera-Flórez, Andrés Fabián, 2021, Dorothee, a new genus of Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Peru, Zootaxa 5005 (4), pp. 587-595 : 591-594 591-594
Taito adrik   sp. nov.  Friedrich, Stefan & Lehmann, Tobias, 2020, Taito adrik, a new harvestman species from the Área de Conservación Privada Panguana, Peruvian Amazonia (Opiliones: Laniatores: Cosmetidae), Zootaxa 4729 (1), pp. 105-115 : 106-112 106-112
Monstrobovella mancocapaci   sp. nov.  Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2024, Notes on the genus Elegansovella Hirschmann, 1989 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Urodinychidae), ZooKeys 1205, pp. 39-50 : 39-50 39-50
Vates biplagiata     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 378 378
Afrotrachytes peruensis   sp. nov.  Kontschán, Jenő & Friedrich, Stefan, 2020, First record of the genus Afrotrachytes Kontschán (Acari: Uropodina) in Peru with the description of a new species, Acarological Studies 2 (2), pp. 77-82 : 77-78 77-78
Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) koepckeorum   sp. nov.  Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 5360 (2), pp. 255-268 : 264-266 264-266
Osoriellus sticticus   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354 : 307-308 307-308
Diochus hanagarthi   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62 : 10-11 10-11
Ouloglene barberi     Irmler, Ulrich, 2010, The Neotropical species of the genus Osorius G - M, 1829 with remarks to the Neotropical Osoriid complex (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 60 (2), pp. 363-426 : 369 369
Oxyepoecus quadratus   sp. nov.  Albuquerque, Nicolas Lavor De & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2004, A Revision Of The Neotropical Solenopsidini Ant Genus Oxyepoecus Santschi, 1926 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). 1. The Vezenyii Species- Group, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 44 (4), pp. 55-80 : 73-75 73-75
Guadana panguana   sp. nov.  Rheims, Cristina Anne, 2010, A new genus of huntsman spiders from the Neotropical region (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae), Zootaxa 2650 (1), pp. 33-46 : 40 40
Begonia humilis     Moonlight, Peter. W., Jara-Muñoz, Orlando A., Purvis, David A., Delves, Jay, Allen, Josh P. & Reynel, Carlos, 2023, The genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Peru, European Journal of Taxonomy 881, pp. 1-334 : 120-126 120-126
Macromantis hyalina     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 370-371 370-371
Metriomantis boliviana     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 371 371
Hesus cordatus     Heiss, E., 2009, Review of the Neotropical genus Hesus STÅL 1862 with description of a new species (Heteroptera, Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (1), pp. 343-357 : 346-348 346-348
Parotocrania curvata   sp. nov.  Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), Zootaxa 5444 (1), pp. 1-454 : 138-139 138-139
Lithocharodes bicornis   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2021, The Neotropical species of the genus Lithocharodes SHARP, 1876 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Xantholinini), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 71 (1), pp. 29-85 : 36 36
Osoriellus hanagarthi   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354 : 237 237
Arctosa jibarosa   sp. nov.  Paredes-Munguía, Williams, Brescovit, Antonio D. & Teixeira, Renato A., 2024, Revision of Neotropical wolf spider genus Arctosa C. L. Koch, 1847 (Araneae: Lycosidae), with description of seven new species, Zootaxa 5414 (1), pp. 1-83 : 23-28 23-28
Osoriellus boliviensis   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354 : 260-261 260-261
Hydaticus lateralis     Megna, Yoandri S., Balke, Michael, Apenborn, Rico & Hendrich, Lars, 2019, A review of Peruvian diving beetles of the genus Hydaticus Leach, 1817, with description of Hydaticus (Prodaticus) panguana sp. nov. and notes on other Neotropical species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 4615 (1), pp. 113-130 : 116-117 116-117
Sadala yuyapichis   sp. nov.  Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80 : 25-26 25-26
Diochus perplexus     Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62 : 41-55 41-55
Acanthops royi     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 373 373
Chelonuropoda peruesis   sp. nov.  Kontschán, Jenő & Friedrich, Stefan, 2018, First record of Chelonuropoda in Peru, with the description of a new species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Oplitidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 16, pp. 124-129 : 125-127 125-127
Lelegeis helenavictoriae   sp. nov.  Bremer, Hans Joachim & Hauth, David, 2023, A new species of Lelegeis Champion, 1886 from lowland natural forest of the Amazon basin of Peru (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, Diaperini), Zootaxa 5318 (2), pp. 291-294 : 291-293 291-293
Glyptoma lescheni   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, The neotropical genus Glyptoma ERICHSON, 1839 with descriptions of new species and a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 297-325 : 310-311 310-311
Tumboecus verhaaghi   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, New Neotropical genera and species of the tribe Osoriini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (1), pp. 173-196 : 180 180
Trichouropoda solaris     Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 5360 (2), pp. 255-268 : 257 257
Hydaticus (Prodaticus) panguana   sp. nov.  Megna, Yoandri S., Balke, Michael, Apenborn, Rico & Hendrich, Lars, 2019, A review of Peruvian diving beetles of the genus Hydaticus Leach, 1817, with description of Hydaticus (Prodaticus) panguana sp. nov. and notes on other Neotropical species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 4615 (1), pp. 113-130 : 114-116 114-116
Angela guianensis     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 367 367
Buthidae     Teruel, Rolando, Kovařík, František, Lowe, Graeme & Friedrich, Stefan, 2017, Complements to the taxonomy of some Amazonian scorpions (Scorpiones Buthidae), Euscorpius 245, pp. 1-7 : 1-6 1-6
Lithocharis sororcula     Assing, Volker, 2015, A revison of the Lithocharis species of the Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Medonina), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1133-1178 : 1145-1147 1145-1147
Neoxyphinus petrogoblin   sp. nov.  Abrahim, Naiara, Brescovit, Antonio D., Rheims, Cristina A., Santos, Adalberto J., Ott, Ricardo & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2012, A Revision of the Neotropical Goblin Spider Genus Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953 (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2012 (3743), pp. 1-76 : 42-47 42-47
Phanocles virgulatus   comb. nov.  Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), Zootaxa 5444 (1), pp. 1-454 : 220-222 220-222
Microphotina panguanensis   sp. nov.  Schwarz, Christian J., Ehrmann, Reinhard, Stiewe, Martin B. D., Mörtter, Rolf & Falkenberg, Michael, 2020, Mantodea of Panguana (Insecta: Dictyoptera), Zootaxa 4824 (1), pp. 1-66 : 27-31 27-31
Miradessus beni   sp. nov.  Miller, Kelly B., Benetti, Cesar J. & Michat, Mariano C., 2023, Miradessus gen. nov. from South America described for two species previously in Amarodytes Regimbart, 1900 and two new species (Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera, Adephaga, Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Bidessini), ZooKeys 1176, pp. 13-28 : 13 13
Hydaticus subfasciatus     Megna, Yoandri S., Balke, Michael, Apenborn, Rico & Hendrich, Lars, 2019, A review of Peruvian diving beetles of the genus Hydaticus Leach, 1817, with description of Hydaticus (Prodaticus) panguana sp. nov. and notes on other Neotropical species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 4615 (1), pp. 113-130 : 117-118 117-118
Osorius puncticeps     Irmler, Ulrich, 2010, The Neotropical species of the genus Osorius G - M, 1829 with remarks to the Neotropical Osoriid complex (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 60 (2), pp. 363-426 : 398-400 398-400
Diochus verhaaghi   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62 : 32-34 32-34
Parastagmatoptera vitreola     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 376 376
Tupirinna gigantea   sp. nov.  Xavier, Cláudia & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2021, Taxonomic revision of the genus Tupirinna Bonaldo, 2000 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Corinninae), Zootaxa 5004 (2), pp. 201-250 : 222-223 222-223
Ecitonides volans   sp. nov.  Assing, V., 2012, A new species of the myrmecophilous genus Ecitonides from Peru (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 401-408 : 402-407 402-407
Hydaticus xanthomelas     Megna, Yoandri S., Balke, Michael, Apenborn, Rico & Hendrich, Lars, 2019, A review of Peruvian diving beetles of the genus Hydaticus Leach, 1817, with description of Hydaticus (Prodaticus) panguana sp. nov. and notes on other Neotropical species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), Zootaxa 4615 (1), pp. 113-130 : 118-122 118-122
Prisopus ariadne     Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 98-101 98-101
Raptrix occidentalis     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 373 373
Acanthops erosula     Rivera, Julio & Vergara-Cobián, Clorinda, 2017, A checklist of the praying mantises of Peru: new records, one new genus (Piscomantis gen. n.) and biogeographic remarks (Insecta, Mantodea), Zootaxa 4337 (3), pp. 361-389 : 373 373
Cerceris dilatata     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2021, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " collection in Linz, Austria, from the Nearctic and Neotropical Region (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), pp. 569-576 : 571 571
Osorius sublaevis     Irmler, Ulrich, 2010, The Neotropical species of the genus Osorius G - M, 1829 with remarks to the Neotropical Osoriid complex (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 60 (2), pp. 363-426 : 403-406 403-406
Espeson titschacki     Irmler, U., 2012, The Neotropical species of the genera Pseudespeson L, 1994 and Espeson S, 1882 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62 (2), pp. 331-360 : 348-350 348-350
Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) dillerae     Kontschán, Jenő, Ermilov, Sergey G. & Friedrich, Stefan, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the Neotropical Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 5360 (2), pp. 255-268 : 263 263
Ooderella microptera   sp. nov.  Gibson, Gary A. P., 2017, Revision of world Ooderella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), with description of the first males for the genus, Zootaxa 4289 (1), pp. 1-74 : 30-32 30-32

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