Quercusia quercus
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2017, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XI: Riodinidae y Lycaenidae. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 17, pp. 385-399
: 389-390
389-390 |
Quercus purhepecha
sp. nov.
Luna-Bonilla, Oscar Angel De, González-Rodríguez, Antonio, Rodríguez-Correa, Hernando, Piña-Torres, Javier, Coombes, Allen J. & Valencia-A, Susana, 2024, Quercus purhepecha (Fagaceae), a new species of shrub oak endemic to the state of Michoacán, Mexico, Phytotaxa 670 (4), pp. 191-202
: 195-198
195-198 |
Fernández, José Manuel Diéguez, 2023, Catálogo provisional de los Aderidae Winkler, 1927 (Coleoptera) de Cataluña (España), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 27, pp. 119-123
: 121
121 |
Torrella, Pablo, 2023, Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) de Galicia en la colección entomológica del Museo de Historia Natural de la SGHN (Ferrol, Galicia, España), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26, pp. 219-244
: 226
226 |
Quercus grisea
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
Quercus suber
S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC
: 21
21 |
Quercus undetermined
Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129
: 105
105 |
Sanborn, Allen F., Phillips, Polly K. & Gilllis, Philip, 2008, The Cicadas of Florida (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae), Zootaxa 1916, pp. 1-43
: 9
9 |
Marumba quercus
Wieser, Christian, 2017, Weitere Erstfunde und bemerkenswerte Schmetterlingsnachweise aus Kärnten (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Rudolfinum – Jahrbuch des Landesmuseums für Kärnten 2017, pp. 285-291
: 290
290 |
Quercus greggii
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
Quercus rubra
S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC
: 34-35
34-35 |
Papilio quercus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 482
482 |
Quercus calliprinos
HamadiK, Ali & BarbarK, Ziad, 2024, New records of mites (Acari: Mesostigmata, Sarcoptiformes, Trombidiformes) from Hama Province, Syria, Acarologia 64 (3), pp. 907-918
: 914
914 |
Shachar, Einat, Melika, George, Inbar, Moshe & Dorchin, Netta, 2018, The oak gall wasps of Israel (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini) - diversity, distribution and life history, Zootaxa 4521 (4), pp. 451-498
: 475
475 |
Trimeroptes quercus
Xue, Xiao-Feng, Han, Xiao, Song, Zi-Wei & Hong, Xiao-Yue, 2012, Eriophyoid mite fauna of Shaanxi Province, China, with descriptions of five new species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) 3292, Zootaxa 3292 (1), pp. 1-71
: 62
62 |
Quercus glauca
Melika, George, Tang, Chang-Ti, Yang, Man-Miao, Bihari, Péter, Bozsó, Miklós & Pénzes, Zsolt, 2012, New species of cynipid inquilines of the genus Ufo Melika & Pujade-Villar, 2005 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini), Zootaxa 3478, pp. 143-163
: 156
156 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, Nascimbene, Juri, Barcella, Matteo, Bracco, Francesco & Assini, Silvia, 2022, Epiphytic lichens of woodland habitats in the lower Ticino river valley and in the “ Bosco Siro Negri ” Integral Nature State Reserve (NW Italy), Natural History Sciences 9 (2), pp. 7-18
: 12-13
12-13 |
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 697
697 |
Denk, Thomas, Sami, Marco, Teodoridis, Vasilis & Martinetto, Edoardo, 2022, The Late Early Pleistocene Flora Of Oriolo, Faenza (Italy): Assembly Of The Modern Forest Biome, Fossil Imprint 78 (1), pp. 217-262
: 232-234
232-234 |
Quercus undetermined
Barney, Robert J., 2018, Definition and Revision of the pectoralis Species-Group of Eastern North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (3), pp. 471-499
: 492
492 |
Quercus ilex
Dobado, Pablo M., 2020, Lista provisional de los Noctuoidea de la provincia de Córdoba (sur de España): II. Noctuidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 319-345
: 327
327 |
Gavrilov, Ilya A., 2010, Descriptions of two new species of Pseudococcidae (Homoptera: Coccinea) and additions to the scale insect fauna of Bulgaria, Zootaxa 2635, pp. 32-40
: 40
40 |
Quercus blaoensis
Binh, Hoang Thi, Ngoc, Nguyen Van, Tagane, Shuichiro, Toyama, Hironori, Mase, Keiko, Mitsuyuki, Chika, Strijk, Joeri Sergej, Suyama, Yoshihisa & Yahara, Tetsukazu, 2018, A taxonomic study of Quercus langbianensis complex based on morphology and DNA barcodes of classic and next generation sequences, PhytoKeys 95, pp. 37-70
: 53-54
53-54 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, Nascimbene, Juri, Barcella, Matteo, Bracco, Francesco & Assini, Silvia, 2022, Epiphytic lichens of woodland habitats in the lower Ticino river valley and in the “ Bosco Siro Negri ” Integral Nature State Reserve (NW Italy), Natural History Sciences 9 (2), pp. 7-18
: 13
13 |
Quercus ilex
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 61-62
61-62 |
Quercus undetermined
Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129
: 105
105 |
Quercus coccifera
Scheller, Ulf, 2014, New records of Pauropoda (Myriapoda) with descriptions of new taxa, Zootaxa 3866 (3), pp. 301-332
: 312
312 |
Coccus quercus
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 455
455 |
Quercus ilex
Dobado, Pablo M., 2019, Lista provisional de los Noctuoidea de la provincia de Córdoba (sur de España): I. Notodontidae, Nolidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 21, pp. 195-210
: 198
198 |
Kermes quercus
Williams, Douglas J. & Ben-Dov, Yair, 2009, 2285, Zootaxa 2285, pp. 1-64
: 40
40 |
Quercus serra
Casale, Achille, Grafitti, Giuseppe & Latella, Leonardo, 2009, The Cholevidae (Coleoptera) of Sardinia *, Zootaxa 2318, pp. 290-316
: 300-301
300-301 |
Quercus undetermined
Berx, Peter, Bosmans, Bart, Dekoninck, Wouter, Janssen, Marc, Stassen, Eugène & Crevecoeur, Luc, 2023, Faunistic survey of myrmecophilous and other ant-associated beetles and spiders in the Belgian province of Limburg (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 141, pp. 1-61
: 39-40
39-40 |
Quercus mongolica
Vasilyeva, Larissa & Ma, Haixia, 2014, Diatrypaceous fungi in north-eastern China. 1. Cryptosphaeria and Diatrype, Phytotaxa 186 (5), pp. 261-270
: 267-268
267-268 |
Phaonia quercus
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 73
73 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, 2018, Addenda to the lichen flora of the Ticino river valley (western Po Plain, Italy), Natural History Sciences 5 (2), pp. 33-40
: 35
35 |
Quercus frainetto
Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Galasso, Gabriele, Domina, Gianniantonio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Santangelo, Annalisa, Alessandrini, Alessandro, Astuti, Giovanni, D’Antraccoli, Marco, Roma-Marzio, Francesco, Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., Barberis, Giuseppina, Conti, Fabio, Bernardo, Liliana, Peccenini, Simonetta, Stinca, Adriano, Wagensommer, Robert P., Bonari, Gianmaria, Iamonico, Duilio, Iberite, Mauro, Viciani, Daniele, Guacchio, Emanuele Del, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Villani, Mariacristina, Brunu, Antonello, Magrini, Sara, Pistarino, Annalaura, Brullo, Salvatore & Salmeri, Cristina, 2019, An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types, Phytotaxa 410 (1), pp. 1-215
: 137
137 |
Quercus niger
Barney, Robert J., 2017, Definition and Revision of theLuridusSpecies-Group of North AmericanPachybrachisChevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (1), pp. 1-45
: 30
30 |
Heffern, Daniel J., Vlasak, Josef & Alten, Ronald L., 2018, Larval Host Plant Records, Distributional Records, and Biological Information on North American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (4), pp. 739-750
: 747-748
747-748 |
Quercus calliprinos
Shachar, Einat, Melika, George, Inbar, Moshe & Dorchin, Netta, 2018, The oak gall wasps of Israel (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini) - diversity, distribution and life history, Zootaxa 4521 (4), pp. 451-498
: 458-459
458-459 |
Shachar, Einat, Melika, George, Inbar, Moshe & Dorchin, Netta, 2018, The oak gall wasps of Israel (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini) - diversity, distribution and life history, Zootaxa 4521 (4), pp. 451-498
: 459
459 |
Quercus urbani
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
Platycerus quercus
Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95
: 1-95
1-95 |
Platycerus quercus
Freese, Edwin L., Veal, Doug A. & Lago, Paul K., 2020, The Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of Iowa: An annotated checklist, Insecta Mundi 2020 (787), pp. 1-83
: 12
12 |
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 18
18 |
Kermes quercus
Moghaddam, Masumeh, 2013, An annotated checklist of the scale insects of Iran (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Coccoidea) with new records and distribution data, ZooKeys 334, pp. 1-92
: 52
52 |
Hespenheide, Henry A., Westcott, Richard L. & Bellamy, Charles L., 2011, Agrilus Curtis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of the Baja California peninsula, México, Zootaxa 2805, pp. 36-56
: 43-44
43-44 |
Quercus roburoides
Martinetto, Edoardo, Bertini, Adele, Mantzouka, Dimitra, Natalicchio, Marcello, Niccolini, Gabriele & Kovar-Eder, Johanna, 2022, Remains Of A Subtropical Humid Forest In A Messinian Evaporitebearing Succession At Govone, Northwestern Italy - Preliminary Results, Fossil Imprint 78 (1), pp. 157-188
: 171
171 |
Quercus tepicana
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC
: 15-17
15-17 |
Cynips quercus
Tataroğlu, Musa & Katilmiş, Yusuf, 2024, Gall wasp (Cynipoidea: Cynipidae and Diplolepididae) fauna of the Eastern Black Sea Region (Türkiye), Zootaxa 5468 (1), pp. 112-144
: 128
128 |
Quercus undetermined
Teodoridis, Vasilis, Kvaček, Zlatko, Sami, Marco, Utescher, Torsten & Martinetto, Edoardo, 2015, Palaeoenvironmental Analysis Of The Messinian Macrofossil Floras Of Tossignano And Monte Tondo (Vena Del Gesso Basin, Romagna Apennines, Northern Italy), Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 71 (3 - 4), pp. 249-292
: 261-262
261-262 |
Quercus robur
Berx, Peter, Bosmans, Bart, Dekoninck, Wouter, Janssen, Marc, Stassen, Eugène & Crevecoeur, Luc, 2023, Faunistic survey of myrmecophilous and other ant-associated beetles and spiders in the Belgian province of Limburg (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 141, pp. 1-61
: 16
16 |
Stenocorus (Anisorus) quercus
Irurzun, José Ignacio Recalde & San Martín Moreno, Antonio F., 2022, Registro de Cyrtoclytus capra (Germar, 1824) y Stenostola ferrea (Schrank, 1776) en el norte de la Península Ibérica, y otras aportaciones sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de Navarra, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 221-238
: 234
234 |
Pseudococcus quercus
Moghaddam, Masumeh, 2013, A review of the mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae, Putoidae and Rhizoecidae) of Iran, with descriptions of four new species and three new records for the Iranian fauna, Zootaxa 3632 (1), pp. 1-107
: 46-47
46-47 |
Quercus grahamii
Valencia-A, Susana, Flores-Franco, Gabriel & Jiménez-Ramírez, Jaime, 2015, A nomenclatural revision of Quercus acutifolia, Q. conspersa and Q. grahamii (Lobatae, Fagaceae), Phytotaxa 218 (3), pp. 289-294
: 292
292 |
Quercus kubinyii
Teodoridis, Vasilis, Kvaček, Zlatko, Sami, Marco, Utescher, Torsten & Martinetto, Edoardo, 2015, Palaeoenvironmental Analysis Of The Messinian Macrofossil Floras Of Tossignano And Monte Tondo (Vena Del Gesso Basin, Romagna Apennines, Northern Italy), Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 71 (3 - 4), pp. 249-292
: 261
261 |
Acaphylla quercus
sp. nov.
Lv, An-Kang, He, Wei-Qiaochu, Gao, Xian-Liangyu, Tan, Meng-Chao & Wang, Guo-Quan, 2022, Two new species and a new record of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyodea) from Guangxi, China, Zootaxa 5175 (5), pp. 521-534
: 522-526
522-526 |
Quercus ngochoaensis
sp. nov.
Binh, Hoang Thi, Ngoc, Nguyen Van, Son, Hoang Thanh, Tagane, Shuichiro & Yahara, Tetsukazu, 2021, Quercus ngochoaensis (Fagaceae), a new species from Ba Vi National Park, northern, Vietnam, Phytotaxa 516 (3), pp. 283-288
: 284-285
284-285 |
Quercus pubescens
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 695
695 |
Quercus rotundifolia
Petitpierre, Eduard, Sacarés, Antoni & Jurado-Rivera, José A., 2017, Updated checklist of Balearic leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 151-177
: 155
155 |
Quercus ilex
S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC
: 19-20
19-20 |
Quercus stellata
Thornhill, Robert, Krings, Alexander, Lindbo, David & Stucky, Jon, 2014, Guide to the Vascular Flora of the Savannas and Flatwoods of Shaken Creek Preserve and Vicinity (Pender & Onslow Counties, North Carolina, U. S. A.), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1099-1099
: 1099
1099 |
Quercus brantii
Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba & Bagheri, Mohammad, 2021, Raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Raphignathoidea) in parts of the Azerbaijan provinces of Iran, Acarological Studies 3 (2), pp. 56-65
: 60
60 |
Quercus tomentella
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
Quercus macrocarpa
Wijayawardene, Nalin N., Dai, Dong-Qin, Premarathne, Bhagya M., Wimalasena, Madhara K., Jayalal, Udeni, Wickramanayake, Kawmini D., Dangalla, Hasanka, Jayathunga, Hashini, Brahmanage, Rashika S., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Weerakoon, Gothamie, Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U., Yapa, Neelamanie, Madawala, Sumedha, Nanayakkara, Chandrika M., Fan, Xin-Lei, Kirk, Paul M., Zhang, Gui-Qing, Ediriweera, Aseni, Bhat, Jayarama, Dawoud, Turki M. & Tibpromma, Saowaluck, 2023, Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 611 (1), pp. 1-105
: 16
16 |
Kermes quercus
Williams, Douglas J. & Ben-Dov, Yair, 2009, 2285, Zootaxa 2285, pp. 1-64
: 40
40 |
Quercus faginea
Viñolas, Amador, 2016, Actualización del contenido específico del género Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792 en la Península Ibérica, con la descripción de una nueva especie de Castellón (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 15, pp. 221-236
: 224
224 |
Quercus undetermined
Viñolas, Amador, 2016, Actualización del contenido específico del género Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792 en la Península Ibérica, con la descripción de una nueva especie de Castellón (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 15, pp. 221-236
: 224
224 |
Quercus sessiliflora var. pinnatifida
Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156
: 79
79 |
Agrilus quercus
Westcott, Richard L. & Hespenheide, Henry A., 2006, The description of a new species of Agrilus Curtis, with distributional records, and taxonomic and biological notes for Agrilinae and Trachyinae (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Mexico and Central America, Zootaxa 1367, pp. 1-35
: 21
21 |
Fernández, José Manuel Diéguez, 2023, Catálogo provisional de los Aderidae Winkler, 1927 (Coleoptera) de Cataluña (España), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 27, pp. 119-123
: 119-120
119-120 |
Quercus rubra
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part Q), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 783-784
: 784
784 |
Quercus acuta
DENG, Min, LI, Qiansheng, COOMBES, Allen & XU, Jin, 2013, Typification of Quercus acuta Thunb. and Q. glauca Thunb. (Fagaceae), Phytotaxa 137 (1), pp. 27-34
: 30-31
30-31 |
Quercus candicans
Bartholomew, Bruce & Almeda, Frank, 2023, Nomenclator botanicus of Fagaceae in Latin America, Phytotaxa 580 (1), pp. 1921-1935
: 1921-1935
1921-1935 |
Lasiocampa quercus
Verheyde, Fons, Hoekstra, Paul, Libert, Pierre-Nicolas, Meijer, Hilco, Ketelaere, Augustijn De, Vandaudenard, Thibaud, Belgers, Dick & Brosens, Edwin, 1880, Two hundred and five ichneumonid wasps reported for the first time in Belgium and the Netherlands (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 122, pp. 1-142
: 55
55 |
Quercus faginea
S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC
: 30-32
30-32 |
Quercus serrata
Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952
: 113952
113952 |
Elliott, Sara J., Grettenberger, Christen L., Donovan, Michael P., Wilf, Peter, Walter, Robert C. & Merritts, Dorothy J., 2016, Riparian and valley-margin hardwood species of pre-colonial Piedmont forests: A preliminary study of subfossil leaves from White Clay Creek, southeastern Pennsylvania, USA, Palaeontologia Electronica 13 (16), pp. 1-26
: 11
11 |
Quercus protoroburoides
sp. nov.
Tashev, Alexander & Tsavkov, Evgeni, 2017, Validation of the name Quercus protoroburoides (Fagaceae), Phytotaxa 308 (2), pp. 232-238
: 233-236
233-236 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, Nascimbene, Juri, Barcella, Matteo, Bracco, Francesco & Assini, Silvia, 2022, Epiphytic lichens of woodland habitats in the lower Ticino river valley and in the “ Bosco Siro Negri ” Integral Nature State Reserve (NW Italy), Natural History Sciences 9 (2), pp. 7-18
: 12
12 |
Quercus ithaburensis
Shachar, Einat, Melika, George, Inbar, Moshe & Dorchin, Netta, 2018, The oak gall wasps of Israel (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini) - diversity, distribution and life history, Zootaxa 4521 (4), pp. 451-498
: 479
479 |
Quercus garryana
Westcott, Richard L., 2023, New host and distribution records plus additional notes for North American species of Chrysobothris Eschscholtz (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with designation of a lectotype for Chrysobothris vulcanica LeConte, 1861, Insecta Mundi 2023 (967), pp. 1-10
: 9
9 |
Cynips quercus
Askew, Richard R., Melika, George, Pujade-Villar, Juli, Schönrogge, Karsten, Stone, Graham N. & Nieves-Aldrey, José Luis, 2013, Catalogue of parasitoids and inquilines in cynipid oak galls in the West Palaearctic, Zootaxa 3643 (1), pp. 1-133
: 105
105 |
Kermes quercus
Williams, Douglas J. & Ben-Dov, Yair, 2009, 2285, Zootaxa 2285, pp. 1-64
: 39
39 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, Nascimbene, Juri, Barcella, Matteo, Bracco, Francesco & Assini, Silvia, 2022, Epiphytic lichens of woodland habitats in the lower Ticino river valley and in the “ Bosco Siro Negri ” Integral Nature State Reserve (NW Italy), Natural History Sciences 9 (2), pp. 7-18
: 12
12 |
Torrella, Pablo, 2023, Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) de Galicia en la colección entomológica del Museo de Historia Natural de la SGHN (Ferrol, Galicia, España), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26, pp. 219-244
: 223
223 |
Stomaphis quercus
Depa, Łukasz, Mróz, Ewa, Bugaj-Nawrocka, Agnieszka & Orczewska, Anna, 2017, Do ants drive speciation in aphids? A possible case of ant-driven speciation in the aphid genus Stomaphis Walker (Aphidoidea, Lachninae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (1), pp. 41-61
: 56-58
56-58 |
Quercus laevis
Barney, Robert J., 2018, Definition and Revision of the Atomarius Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Including Descriptions of Nine New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (1), pp. 9-74
: 59-65
59-65 |
Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Torrella, Pablo, 2023, Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) de Galicia en la colección entomológica del Museo de Historia Natural de la SGHN (Ferrol, Galicia, España), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26, pp. 219-244
: 223
223 |
Quercus petraea
Chifu, Toader, Manzu, Ciprian & Zamfiresen, Oana, 2006, Flora Moldovei - Flora, Iasi: Editura Universitatii ' Alexandru Ioan Cuza'
: 47
47 |
Quercus sapotifolia
MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Quercus humilis
Irurzun, José Ignacio Recalde & Moreno, Antonio Fermín San Martín, 2015, Sobre la presencia de Platysoma (Cylister) lineare Erichson, 1834 en los Pirineos (Coleoptera: Histeridae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 219-220
: 220
220 |
Rahman, A. U., Ullah, Z., Qureshi, R., Burslem, D. F. R. P. & Mashwani, Z. U. R., 2022, Composition and structure of plant communities in the Moist Temperate Forest Ecosystem of the Hindukush Mountains, Pakistan, Brazilian Journal of Biology (e 266637) 82, pp. 1-14
: 5
5 |
Quercus undetermined
Buhl, Peter N. & Notton, David G., 2009, A revised catalogue of the Platygastridae of the British Isles (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea), Journal of Natural History 43 (27 - 28), pp. 1651-1703
: 1689-1690
1689-1690 |
Quercus rubra
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Fagaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 218-222
: 220
220 |
Quercus undetermined
Berx, Peter, Bosmans, Bart, Dekoninck, Wouter, Janssen, Marc, Stassen, Eugène & Crevecoeur, Luc, 2023, Faunistic survey of myrmecophilous and other ant-associated beetles and spiders in the Belgian province of Limburg (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 141, pp. 1-61
: 9
9 |
Quercus frainetto
Iamandei, Stanila, Iamandei, Eugenia & Todea, Petru, 2020, Palaeoxylotomical Study Of A New Collection From Zarand Miocene Petrified Forest, South Apuseni Mts., Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 16 (1), pp. 19-34
: 28-31
28-31 |
Quercus aliena
Suh, Soo-Jung, 2020, Host plant list of the scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in South Korea, Insecta Mundi 2020 (757), pp. 1-26
: 18
18 |
Quercus robur
Gheza, Gabriele, 2018, Addenda to the lichen flora of the Ticino river valley (western Po Plain, Italy), Natural History Sciences 5 (2), pp. 33-40
: 36
36 |