Calchas nordmanni
Fet, Victor, Soleglad, Michael E. & Kovařík, František, 2009, Etudes on iurids, II. Revision of genus Calchas Birula, 1899, with the description of two new species (Scorpiones: Iuridae), Euscorpius 82 (82), pp. 1-72
: 42-57
42-57 |
Ottobius irikensis
Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103
: 39
39 |
Monotarsobius integer
Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103
: 38
38 |
Bothriogaster signata
Dyachkov, Yurii V., Ali Al-Yacoub, Ghassan A. & Mohammed Al-Khazali, Azhar M., 2023, A preliminary annotated checklist of Chilopoda from Iraq, Ecologica Montenegrina 63, pp. 59-78
: 63-64
63-64 |
Tegenaria sorani
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 261
261 |
Phradonoma cercyonoides
Háva, Jiří, 2024, New faunistic records and remarks on Dermestidae (Coleoptera) - Part 26, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 28, pp. 253-256
: 255
255 |
Glyptothorax cous
Freyhof, Jörg, Kaya, Cüneyt, Abdullah, Younis Sabir & Geiger, Matthias F., 2021, The Glyptothorax catfishes of the Euphrates and Tigris with the description of a new species (Teleostei: Sisoridae), Zootaxa 4969 (3), pp. 453-491
: 465-472
465-472 |
Quedius hermonensis
Assing, V., 2014, On the Staphylinidae of Israel II, with a revision of some species of Dinusa SAULCY (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1179-1210
: 1188
1188 |
Anthobium fusculum
Shavrin, Alexey V., 2025, New species and records of Omaliinae MacLeay, 1925 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the eastern Palaearctic region, Zootaxa 5601 (1), pp. 157-168
: 158
158 |
Atomaria rudolfina
sp. nov.
Esser, Jens, 2019, Neue Arten der Gattung Atomaria STEPHENS, 1830 aus der Türkei und dem Irak (Coleoptera, Cryptophagidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (1), pp. 55-62
: 56-57
56-57 |
Quedius (Raphirus) microcapillatus
Assing, Volker, 2018, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some West Palaearctic Quedius species, with a focus on the East Mediterranean and the species allied to Quedius umbrinus and Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 149-182
: 158-159
158-159 |
Microhoria luristanica
Telnov, Dmitry, 2022, Revisional notes on the genus Microhoria Chevrolat, 1877 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey, with new descriptions, an annotated catalogue, and a key, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (2), pp. 195-312
: 260
260 |
Quedius (Raphirus) ortrudae
Assing, Volker, 2018, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some West Palaearctic Quedius species, with a focus on the East Mediterranean and the species allied to Quedius umbrinus and Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 149-182
: 168-174
168-174 |
Sunius fulgocephalus
Assing, Volker, 2017, A revision of Sunius XVI. Two new species from Iran and Iraq (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology (Beitr. Entomol.) 67 (2), pp. 247-254
: 248-250
248-250 |
Xantholinus (Helicophallus) kurdistanicus
sp. nov.
Assing, V., 2008, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Palaearctic Paederinae and Xantholinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1237-1294
: 1285-1287
1285-1287 |
Orsodacne mesopotamicus
sp. nov.
Legalov, Andrei A., 2022, A new species of the genus Orsodacne Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Orsodacnidae) from Iraqi Kurdistan, Ecologica Montenegrina 54, pp. 81-85
: 82-84
82-84 |
Quedius josue
Assing, V., 2014, On the Staphylinidae of Israel II, with a revision of some species of Dinusa SAULCY (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1179-1210
: 1188-1189
1188-1189 |