Bern, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 99 Treatments

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Ananteris bernabei   sp. nov.  Giupponi, Alessandro, de Vasconcelos, Eduardo & Lourenco, Wilson, 2009, The genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in southeast Brazil, with the description of three new species, ZooKeys 13 (13), pp. 29-41 : 38-39 38-39
Perciformes   new species  Boulenger, George Albert, 1902, Pisces. Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions during the voyage of the “ Southern Cross ”, Rep. " Southern Cross, " Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). 5, pp. 174-189 : 181 181
Polygona bernadensis     Lyons, William G. & Snyder, Martin Avery, 2019, Fasciolariidae (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) of French Guiana and nearby regions, with descriptions of two new species and comments on marine zoogeography of northeastern South America, Zootaxa 4585 (2), pp. 239-268 : 258-259 258-259
Colletes bernadettae     Proshchalykin, M. Yu. & Kuhlmann, M., 2018, New records of rarely collected bees of the genus Colletes Latreille (Hymenoptera, Colletidae) from Asia and the Caucasus, Far Eastern Entomologist 355, pp. 1-12 : 4 4
Colletes bernadettae     Kuhlmann, Michael & Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2013, The genus Colletes (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) in Central Asia, Zootaxa 3750 (5), pp. 401-449 : 414 414
Aloe bernadettae   sp. nov.  Castillon, Jean-Bernard, 2000, Deux nouvelles espèces d’Aloe (Liliaceae) de Madagascar, Adansonia (3) 22 (1), pp. 135-138 : 136-138 136-138
Pentilia bernadette   sp. nov.  Gordon, Robert D., F, Guillermo González & Hanley, Guy A., 2019, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XXI: systematic revision of South American Pentilia Mulsant (Cryptognathini), Insecta Mundi 729 (729), pp. 1-27 : 5-6 5-6
Pseudorthocladius bernadetti     Tasdemir, Ayse & Akyildiz, Gurcay Kivanc, 2023, Checklist of the Family Chironomidae (Order: Diptera) from Turkey, Zootaxa 5318 (3), pp. 301-338 : 319 319
Bernadottea natalensis   sp. nov.  Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2018, A needle in a haystack: the new genus Bernadottea (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Winnertziinae) with four new species in the Old World, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 529-538 : 533 533
Bernadottea pahangensis   sp. nov.  Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2018, A needle in a haystack: the new genus Bernadottea (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Winnertziinae) with four new species in the Old World, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 529-538 : 534-536 534-536
Bernadottea selangorensis   sp. nov.  Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2018, A needle in a haystack: the new genus Bernadottea (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Winnertziinae) with four new species in the Old World, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 529-538 : 536-537 536-537
Bernadottea   gen. nov.  Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2018, A needle in a haystack: the new genus Bernadottea (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Winnertziinae) with four new species in the Old World, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 529-538 : 530-532 530-532
Bernadottea honshuensis   sp. nov.  Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2018, A needle in a haystack: the new genus Bernadottea (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Winnertziinae) with four new species in the Old World, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 529-538 : 533 533
Perciformes   new species  Jordan, David Starr & Starks, E. C., 1905, On a collection of fishes made in Korea, by Pierre Louis Jouy, with descriptions of new species, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 28, pp. 193-212 : 207 207
Bernaeinae     Shcherbakov, Dmitry E., Drohojowska, Jowita & Szwedo, Jacek, 2020, Nomenclatorial note on Bernaeinae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae), Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 593-596 : 594 594
Brachymetra bernaldi   sp. nov.  Pacheco-Chaves, Bernald, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo & Springer, Monika, 2018, The water striders (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) of Costa Rica: new species, checklist, and new records, Zootaxa 4471 (3), pp. 493-522 : 494-495 494-495
Brachymetra bernaldi   sp. nov.  Pacheco-Chaves, Bernald, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo & Springer, Monika, 2018, The water striders (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) of Costa Rica: new species, checklist, and new records, Zootaxa 4471 (3), pp. 493-522 : 497 497
Phlebotomus bernalei     Bejarano, Eduar Elías & Estrada, Luis Gregorio, 2016, FAMILY PSYCHODIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 187-238 : 194 194
Tillandsia bernalensis   sp. nov.  Hernández-Cárdenas, Rodrigo Alejandro, Espejo-Serna, Adolfo, Lópezferrari, Ana Rosa & Hernández-Sandoval, Luis, 2023, Tillandsia bernalensis (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae), a new species from the state of Querétaro, Mexico, Phytotaxa 583 (1), pp. 91-98 : 92-96 92-96
Ptiloneura bernali     Obando, Ranulfo González, Gironza, Nancy Carrejo, Panche, Jeferson & Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García, 2020, An appraisal of the genus Ptiloneura Enderlein (Insecta: Psocodea: Psocomorpha Ptiloneuridae), new species from Colombia and Peru, and a key to the males, Zootaxa 4801 (3), pp. 401-449 : 413-416 413-416
Thyriochlorota bernali     Paucar-Cabrera, Aura, 2005, A catalog and distributional analysis of the Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Ecuador, Zootaxa 948 (1), pp. 1-92 : 55-56 55-56
Alisotrichia bernali   sp. nov.  Harris, Steven C. & Armitage, Brian J., 2019, The Trichoptera of Panama X. The Quebrada Rambala drainage, with description of 19 new species of microcaddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae), Insecta Mundi 707 (707), pp. 1-54 : 8 8
Geonoma bernalii   sp. nov.  Henderson, Andrew, 2011, A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 17, pp. 1-271 : 38-40 38-40
Ochthebius (Ochthebius) bernard   sp. nov.  Ribera, Ignacio, Hernando, Carles & Cieslak, Alexandra, 2019, Aquatic Coleoptera of North Oman, with description of new species of Hydraenidae and Hydrophilidae, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 59 (1), pp. 253-272 : 260-263 260-263
Angelica sylvestris subsp. bernardae     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Apiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Barbus bernardcarpi   new species  Jubb, R. A., 1958, A preliminary report on the collections of freshwater fishes made by the Bernard Carp expeditions to the Caprivi Strip, 1949, the Lower Sabi River, 1950, and the Baroteseland, 1952, Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia 3, No. 22, pp. 177-189 : 183 183
Amanayara bernardesi   sp. nov.  Pereira, Marcelo Ribeiro, Sperber, Carlos Frankl & Lhano, Marcos Gonçalves, 2010, First report and three new species of Amanayara (Orthoptera: Grylloidea) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, Zootaxa 2542 (1), pp. 1-17 : 7-9 7-9
Chryseobacterium bernardetii     Hwang, Chi Young, Cho, Eui-Sang, Jung, Dong-Hyun, Lee, Ki-Eun, Cha, In-Tae & Seo, Won-Jae Chi and Myung-Ji, 2023, A report on 10 unrecorded bacterial species isolated from the Korean islands in 2022, Journal of Species Research 12, pp. 54-59 : 58 58
Dracontogena bernardi     Aarvik, Leif, Karisch, Timm & Marthinsen, Gunnhild, 2012, Review of the Afrotropical genus Dracontogena Diakonoff, 1970 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) with descriptions of eight new species, Zootaxa 3478, pp. 345-372 : 355 355
Colotes bernardi     Ghahari, H., Hayat, R., Tabari, M., Ostovan, H. & Imani, S., 2008, A contribution to the predator and parasitoid fauna of rice pests in Iran, and a discussion on the biodiversity and IPM in rice fields, Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 735-764 : 739 739
Hydrochus bernardi     Perkins, Philip D., 2021, Taxonomy of Central American water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae), Zootaxa 4974 (3), pp. 459-503 : 473 473
Colotes bernardi     Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260 : 257 257
Lachesilla bernardi     Lienhard, Charles & Mifsud, David, 2015, Psocids from Malta (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’), with new synonymy for Peripsocus stagnivagus based on the discovery of its first Palaearctic male, Zootaxa 3936 (2), pp. 251-260 : 254 254
Canis lupus subsp. bernardi     Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Carnivora, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 532-628 : 576 576
Cosa bernardi   comb. nov.  Darragh, Thomas A., 2024, A checklist of Australian marine Cenozoic Mollusca, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 83, pp. 37-206 : 151 151
Solifugae   new species  Pocock, Reginald Innes, 1900, Some new Arachnida from Cape Colony., Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology, Being a Continuation of the ' Magazine of Botany and Zoology', and of Louden and Charlesworth's ' Magazine of Natural History', Series 7 6, pp. 316-333 : 317 317
Acerentuloides bernardi   sp. nov.  Shrubovych, Julia, Starý, Josef & D’Haese, Cyrille A., 2017, Molecular phylogeny of Acerentomidae (Protura), with description of Acerentuloides bernardi sp. nov. from North America, Florida Entomologist 100 (2), pp. 433-443 : 434-438 434-438
Cerochiton bernardi   sp. nov.  Chris J. Hodgson & Douglas J. Williams, 2016, (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha, Coccomorpha) with particular reference to species from the Afrotropical, western Palaearctic and western Oriental Regions, with the revival of Antecerococcus Green and description of a new genus and fifteen new species, and with ten new synonomies, Zootaxa 4091 (1), pp. 1-175 : 145-147 145-147
Lachesilla bernardi     Georgiev, Dilian, 2018, Four species of Psocoptera as new records for Bulgaria, ZooNotes 2018 (130), pp. 1-2 : 1 1
Cryptopecten bernardi     Dijkstra, Henk H. & Maestrati, Philippe, 2008, New species and new records of deep-water Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) from the South Pacific, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 196, pp. 77-114 : 108 108
Hainosaurus bernardi     Conrad, J. L., 2008, Phylogeny And Systematics Of Squamata (Reptilia) Based On Morphology, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (310), pp. 1-182 : 130 130
Lachesilla bernardi     Georgiev, Dilian, 2021, Some Psocoptera records from South-West Bulgaria, ZooNotes 2021 (171), pp. 1-3 : 2 2
Lipseuma bernardi   sp. nov.  Golovatch, Sergei I., Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques & Mauriès, Jean-Paul, 2006, Four new Chordeumatida (Diplopoda) from caves in China, Zoosystema 28 (1), pp. 75-92 : 90-91 90-91
Bembecinus bernardi     Schmid, Christian, 2024, Description of nine species of the genus Bembecinus A. COSTA, 1859 and revision of the B. acanthomerus species group (Hymenoptera, Spheciformes), Linzer biologische Beiträge 56 (1), pp. 313-336 : 314 314
Thaumalea bernardi     Sinclair, Bradley J., Pivar, Robert J. & Arnaud, Paul H., 2022, World Catalogue of the family Thaumaleidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha), Zootaxa 5225 (1), pp. 1-66 : 32 32
Pseudoscorpiones   new species  Beier, Max, 1939, Die Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna der iberischen Halbinsel, Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 72, pp. 157-202 : 173 173
Bernardia myricaefolia     Hespenheide, Henry A., 2003, A Reconsideration of Pachyschelus schwarzi Kerremans and a Review of American Pachyschelus North of MÉxico (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (4), pp. 459-468 : 460 460
Bernardia xenomorpha   sp. nov.  Pujol-Luz, José Roberto & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2023, Alone in paradise: a new genus and species of Hirmoneurini tangle-veined flies (Diptera, Nemestrinidae) in South America, Zootaxa 5311 (1), pp. 123-134 : 129-132 129-132
Bernardia hamadryadica   sp. nov.  Carrión, Juan F., Cordeiro, Inês & Amorim, André Márcio, 2017, A new species of Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae) from the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia State, Brazil, Phytotaxa 317 (1), pp. 69-75 : 70-74 70-74
Bernardia fluviatilis   sp. nov.  Carrión, Juan F. & Amorim, André M., 2024, A new species of Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae) with stellate trichomes from South America, Phytotaxa 650 (1), pp. 1-7 : 2-6 2-6
Bernardia caperoniifolia     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia simplex     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia leptostachys     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia macrophylla     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia polymorpha var. curuguatensis     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia   gen. nov.  Pujol-Luz, José Roberto & Lamas, Carlos José Einicker, 2023, Alone in paradise: a new genus and species of Hirmoneurini tangle-veined flies (Diptera, Nemestrinidae) in South America, Zootaxa 5311 (1), pp. 123-134 : 126-129 126-129
Pandanus   sect. nov.  Callmander, Martin W., 2014, Validating a striking new species endemic from New Caledonia: Pandanus bernardii H. St. John ex Callm., sp. nov. (Pandanaceae) and its monospecific section: Pandanus Parkinson sect. Bernardia B. C. Stone ex Callm., sect. nov., Adansonia (3) 36 (1), pp. 45-51 : 46 46
Bernardia paraguariensis     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia hassleriana     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia polymorpha var. polymorpha     Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Bernardia key    Carrión, Juan F. & Amorim, André M., 2024, A new species of Bernardia (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae) with stellate trichomes from South America, Phytotaxa 650 (1), pp. 1-7 : 6 6
Bernardia dichotoma     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 261 261
Polyscias bernardiana   sp. nov.  Lowry Ii, Porter P., Callmander, Martin W. & Spichiger, Rodolphe, 2020, Polysciadis (Araliaceae) species nova e Madagascaria in honorem Luciani Bernardii felsinei nominata, Candollea 75 (1), pp. 107-114 : 109-113 109-113
Isastrea bernardiana     Vasseur, Raphaël & Lathuilière, Bernard, 2021, Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys, Geodiversitas 43 (22), pp. 1187-1291 : 1277-1279 1277-1279
Malpighiales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1974, A concise revision of the Flacourtiaceae of New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 22, pp. 123-147 : 134 134
Pseudocoenia bernardiana     Baron-Szabo, Rosemarie C., 2008, Dendrophylliina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and Stylinina, Zootaxa 1952, pp. 1-244 : 196 196
Bernardichthyidae     Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167 : 68 68
Eidmanacris bernardii     Campos, Lucas Denadai De, Souza-Dias, Pedro G. B., Nihei, Silvio Shigueo & De Mello, Francisco De A. G., 2015, New species of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 from Brazil (Orthoptera: Phalangopsidae: Luzarinae), Zootaxa 4018 (2), pp. 228-248 : 230-233 230-233
Opisthoporus bernardii     Sutcharit, Chirasak, Thach, Phanara, Chhuoy, Samol, Ngor, Peng Bun, Jeratthitikul, Ekgachai, Siriwut, Warut, Srisonchai, Ruttapon, Ng, Ting Hui, Pholyotha, Arthit, Jirapatrasilp, Parin & Panha, Somsak, 2020, Annotated checklist of the land snail fauna from southern Cambodia (Mollusca, Gastropoda), ZooKeys 948, pp. 1-46 : 1 1
Pandanus bernardii   sp. nov.  Callmander, Martin W., 2014, Validating a striking new species endemic from New Caledonia: Pandanus bernardii H. St. John ex Callm., sp. nov. (Pandanaceae) and its monospecific section: Pandanus Parkinson sect. Bernardia B. C. Stone ex Callm., sect. nov., Adansonia (3) 36 (1), pp. 45-51 : 47-50 47-50
Carrerapyrgota bernardii   sp. nov.  Mello, Ramon Luciano, Lamas, Carlos José Einicker & Rafael, José Albertino, 2010, Revision of the Neotropical genus Carrerapyrgota Aczél (Diptera, Pyrgotidae) with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 2515, pp. 45-64 : 51-55 51-55
Terebra bernardii     Salvador, Andreia & Pickering, Joan, 2017, Type catalogue of Terebridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea) in the Natural History Museum, London, U. K., Zootaxa 4250 (2), pp. 101-142 : 108 108
Aquilegia bernardii     Jeanmonod, Daniel & éd., 2018, Notes à la flore de Corse, XXVI, Candollea 73 (1), pp. 75-90 : 87 87
Cyclotus bernardii     Inkhavilay, Khamla, Sutcharit, Chirasak, Bantaowong, Ueangfa, Chanabun, Ratmanee, Siriwut, Warut, Srisonchai, Ruttapon, Pholyotha, Arthit, Jirapatrasilp, Parin & Panha, Somsak, 2019, Annotated checklist of the terrestrial molluscs from Laos (Mollusca, Gastropoda), ZooKeys 834, pp. 1-166 : 1 1
Alloiteaucoenia bernardina     Löser, Hannes, Nieto, Luis M., Castro, José Manuel & Reolid, Matías, 2019, A Lower Valanginian coral fauna from the South Iberian Palaeomargin (Internal Prebetic, SE Spain), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 06) 24 (1), pp. 1-57 : 37-39 37-39
Bernardinidae     Zelaya Marina Güller, Diego G. & Ituarte, Cristián, 2020, Filling a blank in bivalve taxonomy: an integrative analysis of Cyamioidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 190, pp. 558-591 : 585 585
Megachile bernardinensis   comb. nov.  Raw, Anthony, 2002, New combinations and synonymies of leafcutter and mason bees of the Americas (Megachile, Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Zootaxa 71 (1), pp. 1-43 : 33 33
Coeliaria bernardinensis   comb. nov.  Churata-Salcedo, Julissa M. & Almeida, Lúcia M., 2017, Review of Coeliaria (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Chnoodini), Zoologia (e 19866) 34, pp. 1-11 : 4-7 4-7
Cypriniformes   new species  Girard, Charles Frédéric, 1856, Researches upon the cyprinoid fishes inhabiting the fresh waters of the United States, west of the Mississippi Valley, from specimens in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8, pp. 165-213 : 175 [11] 175 [11]
San bernardino     Elliott, William R., Reddell, James R., Rudolph, D. Craig, Graening, G. O., Briggs, Thomas S., Ubick, Darrell, Aalbu, Rolf L., Krejca, Jean & Taylor, Steven J., 2017, The Cave Fauna of California, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 64, pp. 1-311 : 45 45
Hypochilus bernardino     Ciaccio, Erik, Debray, Andrew & Hedin, Marshal, 2022, Phylogenomics of paleoendemic lampshade spiders (Araneae, Hypochilidae, Hypochilus), with the description of a new species from montane California, ZooKeys 1086, pp. 163-204 : 163 163
Platypedia bernardinoensis     Sanborn, Allen F., 1999, Cicada (Homoptera: Cicadoidea) Type Material in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History, California Academy of Sciences, Snow Entomological Museum, Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, and the United States National Museum, The Florida Entomologist 82 (1), pp. 34-60 : 53 53
Eptesicus fuscus subsp. bernardinus     Ramírez-Chaves, Héctor E., Alarcón Cifuentes, Mallerly, Noguera-Urbano, Elkin A., Pérez, Weimar A., Torres-Martínez, Maria M., Ossa-López, Paula A., Rivera-Páez, Fredy A. & Morales-Martínez, Darwin Manuel, 2023, Systematics, morphometry, and distribution of Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis (H. Allen, 1866) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), with notes on baculum morphology and natural history, Therya 14 (2), pp. 299-311 : 311 311
Eptesicus (Eptesicus) fuscus subsp. bernardinus     Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Chiroptera - Family Vespertilionidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 451-529 : 454 454
Spermophilus (Callospermophilus) lateralis subsp. bernardinus     Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Sciuridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 754-818 : 807 807
Robbea bernarditae   sp. nov.  Scharhauser, Florian, Saavedra, Daniel E. M., Pröts, Philipp, Ot, Jörg A., Geier, Benedikt, Gruber-Vodicka, Harald R., Polikarpov, Maxim, Bourenkov, Gleb & Leisch, Nikolaus, 2025, Revision of the genus Robbea (Stilbonematinae: Desmodoridae), worldwide abundant marine nematodes with chromophoric Fe-Br inclusions and the description of a new stilbonematine genus, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 203 (1), pp. 1-28 : 8-9 8-9
Bernardite     Salas, María José & Vaccari, N. Emilio, 2012, New insights into the early diversification of the Ostracoda: Tremadocian ostracods from the Cordillera Oriental, Argentina, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (1), pp. 175-190 : 179-180 179-180
Afroromieuxia bernardlandryi   sp. nov.  Bassi, Graziano, 2021, New genera and species of Afrotropical Ancylolomiini Ragonot, 1889 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae sensu lato: Crambinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 128 (2), pp. 477-486 : 483-485 483-485
Elopothrissus bernardlemorti   sp. nov.  Lin, Chien-Hsiang & Nolf, Dirk, 2022, Middle and late Eocene fish otoliths from the eastern and southern USA, European Journal of Taxonomy 814, pp. 1-122 : 24-26 24-26
Phanerotoma bernardoespinozai   sp. nov.  Sharkey, Michael J., Janzen, Daniel H., Hallwachs, Winnie, Chapman, Eric G., Smith, M. Alex, Dapkey, Tanya, Brown, Allison, Ratnasingham, Sujeevan, Naik, Suresh, Manjunath, Ramya, Perez, Kate, Milton, Megan, Hebert, Paul, Shaw, Scott R., Kittel, Rebecca N., Solis, M. Alma, Metz, Mark A., Goldstein, Paul Z., Brown, John W., Quicke, Donald L. J., Achterberg, C. van, Brown, Brian V. & Burns, John M., 2021, Minimalist revision and description of 403 new species in 11 subfamilies of Costa Rican braconid parasitoid wasps, including host records for 219 species, ZooKeys 1013, pp. 1-665 : 1 1
Bracon bernardoespinozai   sp. nov.  Sharkey, Michael J., Janzen, Daniel H., Hallwachs, Winnie, Chapman, Eric G., Smith, M. Alex, Dapkey, Tanya, Brown, Allison, Ratnasingham, Sujeevan, Naik, Suresh, Manjunath, Ramya, Perez, Kate, Milton, Megan, Hebert, Paul, Shaw, Scott R., Kittel, Rebecca N., Solis, M. Alma, Metz, Mark A., Goldstein, Paul Z., Brown, John W., Quicke, Donald L. J., Achterberg, C. van, Brown, Brian V. & Burns, John M., 2021, Minimalist revision and description of 403 new species in 11 subfamilies of Costa Rican braconid parasitoid wasps, including host records for 219 species, ZooKeys 1013, pp. 1-665 : 1 1
Chlamydastis bernardoespinozai   sp. nov.  Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie, Brown, John W., Hallwachs, Winnie & Janzen, Daniel H., 2021, Chlamydastis Meyrick of Costa Rica: barcodes, biology, and descriptions of 36 new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (868), pp. 1-96 : 18 18
Apanteles bernardoespinozai   sp. n.  Fernandez-Triana, Jose L., Whitfield, James B., Rodriguez, Josephine J., Smith, M. Alex, Janzen, Daniel H., Hallwachs, Winnie D., Hajibabaei, Mehrdad, Burns, John M., Solis, M. Alma, Brown, John, Cardinal, Sophie, Goulet, Henri & Hebert, Paul D. N., 2014, Review of Apantelessensu stricto (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, northwestern Costa Rica, with keys to all described species from Mesoamerica, ZooKeys 383, pp. 1-565 : 88-89 88-89
Micronychiurus bernardoi     Beruete, Enrique, Arbea, Javier I., Baquero, Enrique & Jordana, Rafael, 2021, The family Onychiuridae (Collembola) from karst caves of the Basque biospeleologic district, with description of four new species, Zootaxa 5040 (2), pp. 151-194 : 174 174
Syzygium bernardoi     Fernando, E. S., Quimado, M. O. & Mansibang, J. A., 2024, Two New Species Of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) From Ultramafic Soils In Northeastern Mindanao, Philippines, With Notes On Three Other Rare Species, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 81 (2027), pp. 1-19 : 3-7 3-7
Cryptodacus bernardoi   sp. nov.  Rodriguez, Pedro Alexander, Rodriguez, Erick J., Norrbom, Allen L. & Arévalo, Emilio, 2016, A new species and new records of Cryptodacus (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, Zootaxa 4111 (3), pp. 276-290 : 277-279 277-279
Rhinella bernardoi   sp. nov.  Sanabria, Eduardo, Quiroga, Lorena, Arias, Federico & Cortez, Ricardo, 2010, A new species of Rhinella (Anura: Bufonidae) from Ischigualasto Provincial Park, San Juan, Argentina, Zootaxa 2396, pp. 50-60 : 51-56 51-56
Charaxes bernardus subsp. hierax     Irungbam, Jatishwor Singh, Meitei, Laishram Ricky, Huidrom, Harmenn, Soibam, Baleshwor Singh, Ngangom, Aomao, Ngangom, Bendang, Meitei, Ronald & Fric, Zdenek Faltynek, 2020, An Inventory Of The Butterflies Of Manipur, India (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 4882 (1), pp. 1-91 : 54-55 54-55
Macropus bernardus     James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Marsupialia, Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 18-51 : 46 46

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