yao, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 83 Treatments

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Neoperla yao     Wang, Guo-Quan, Li, Wei-Hai & Yang, Juan, 2013, New species and records of the stonefly genus Neoperla (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from Jinhuacha Nature Reserve, Guangxi of China, ZooKeys 351, pp. 37-48 : 43 43
Dianous yao     Tang, Liang & Li, Li-Zhen, 2013, Notes on the Chinese species of Dianous group I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), ZooKeys 342, pp. 13-19 : 16-17 16-17
Neoperla yao     Stark, Bill P. & Sivec, Ignac, 2008, New Species And Records Of Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Vietnam, Illiesia 4 (3), pp. 19-54 : 41-42 41-42
Nesticella yao   sp. n.  Lin, Yucheng, Ballarin, Francesco & Li, Shuqiang, 2016, A survey of the spider family Nesticidae (Arachnida, Araneae) in Asia and Madagascar, with the description of forty-three new species, ZooKeys 627, pp. 1-168 : 35 35
Dianous yao     Tang, Liang, Li, Li-Zhen & Cao, Guang-Hong, 2011, On Chinese species of Dianous group I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Steninae), ZooKeys 111, pp. 67-85 : 75 75
Cyana (Cornutivulpecula) yao   sp. nov.  Volynkin, Anton V. & László, Gyula M., 2020, Review of the Cyana rejecta (Walker, 1854) species-group, with descriptions of three new species from mainland Africa and a new subspecies from Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini), Zootaxa 4890 (3), pp. 330-346 : 336 336
Dianous yao     Puthz, Volker, 2015, Übersicht über die Arten der Gattung Dianous LEACH group I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 345. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1747-1783 : 1763 1763
Amphinemura yao     Mo, Raorao, Wang, Guoquan, Yang, Ding, Li, Weihai & Murányi, Dávid, 2021, Two new species and four unknown larvae of Amphinemurinae (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) from southern China, Zootaxa 5040 (1), pp. 77-101 : 89-94 89-94
Tetraserica yaoanica   sp. n.  Liu, Wan-Gang, Fabrizi, Silvia, Bai, Ming, Yang, Xing-Ke & Ahrens, Dirk, 2014, A taxonomic review on the species of Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004, of China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini), ZooKeys 448, pp. 83-121 : 108-109 108-109
Globimesosoma yaoarum     Tselikh, E. V., Lee, J. & Ku, D. - S., 2023, New data on the chalcid wasps of the family Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from South Korea, Far Eastern Entomologist 482, pp. 10-21 : 13 13
Sharqencyrtus yaobangi   sp. nov.  Wang, Haiyang, Zhang, Chenghui, Chi, Zhihao, Xue, Hao & Zu, Guohao, 2023, First report of Sharqencyrtus Hayat and Kazmi (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) from China, with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 5361 (2), pp. 287-291 : 288-291 288-291
Yaobinthrips yangtzei   sp. nov.  Zhang, Hongrui, Mound, Laurence A. & Xie, Yonghui, 2010, A new genus and species from southwestern China in the Frankliniella genus-group (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Zootaxa 2729, pp. 65-68 : 68 68
Yaobinthrips yangtzei     Xie, Yong-Hui & Zhang, Hongrui, 2016, First description of the male of Yaobinthrips yangtzei (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Zootaxa 4066 (1), pp. 83-84 : 83-84 83-84
Yaobinthrips   gen. nov.  Zhang, Hongrui, Mound, Laurence A. & Xie, Yonghui, 2010, A new genus and species from southwestern China in the Frankliniella genus-group (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Zootaxa 2729, pp. 65-68 : 65-66 65-66
Serica (Serica) yaogiensis     Ahrens, Dirk, Zhao, Ming-Zhi, Pham, Phu Van & Liu, Wan-Gang, 2024, Taxonomic updates on Pachyserica Brenske, 1898 and Serica MacLeay, 1819 reveal 38 new species and new challenges of Sericini systematics regarding DNA barcodes and genus-level diagnostic key characters (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericinae), Zootaxa 5491 (1), pp. 1-89 : 59 59
Pireneitega yaoi   sp. n.  Zhang, Xiaoqing, Zhao, Zhe, Zheng, Guo & Li, Shuqiang, 2016, Nine new species of the spider genus Pireneitega Kishida, 1955 (Agelenidae, Coelotinae) from Xinjiang, China, ZooKeys 601, pp. 49-74 : 64 64
Smodiscinodes yaoi   sp. nov.  Tang, Guo & Li, Shuqiang, 2010, Crab spiders from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China (Araneae, Thomisidae) 2703, Zootaxa 2703, pp. 1-105 : 63-66 63-66
Neurigona yaoi   sp. nov.  Wang, Mengqing, Chen, Hongyin & Yang, Ding, 2010, New species of the genus Neurigona (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China, Zootaxa 2517 (1), pp. 53-61 : 58 58
Eriovixia yaoi   sp. nov.  Mi, Xiaoqi & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, On nine species of the spider genus Eriovixia (Araneae, Araneidae) from Xishuangbanna, China, ZooKeys 1034, pp. 199-236 : 199 199
Paraplotes yaoi   sp. nov.  Lee, Chi-Feng, 2015, The genus Paraplotes Laboissière, 1933 in Taiwan, a speciose group with brachelytrous females (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 3904 (2), pp. 223-248 : 239-242 239-242
Paraplotes yaoi key    Lee, Chi-Feng, 2015, The genus Paraplotes Laboissière, 1933 in Taiwan, a speciose group with brachelytrous females (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 3904 (2), pp. 223-248 : 242-244 242-244
Latouchia yaoi   sp. nov.  Hao, Long, Yu, Kun & Zhang, Feng, 2025, Description of five new species from southern China, with note on the type species of Latouchia Pocock, 1901 (Araneae, Halonoproctidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 137852-e 137852 : e137852--1 e137852--1
Euochin yaoi   sp. nov.  Wang, Cheng & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, On ten species of jumping spiders from Xishuangbanna, China (Araneae, Salticidae), ZooKeys 1062, pp. 123-155 : 123 123
Turriseiffelus yaoi   sp. nov.  Dumitrica, Paulian & Zügel, Peter, 2003, Lower Tithonian mono- and dicyrtid Nassellaria (Radiolaria) from the Solnhofen area (southern Germany), Geodiversitas 25 (1), pp. 5-72 : 20-22 20-22
Balta yaoi   sp. n.  Qiu, Zhi-Wei, Che, Yan-Li, Zheng, Yu-Hong & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2017, The cockroaches of Balta Tepper from China, with the description of four new species (Blattodea, Ectobiidae, Pseudophyllodromiinae), ZooKeys 714, pp. 13-32 : 21-24 21-24
Conculus yaoi   sp. nov.  Zhang, Qiqi & Lin, Yucheng, 2019, Two new spider species of the genus Conculus (Araneae, Anapidae) from Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4612 (3), pp. 423-430 : 427 427
Leptonetela yaoi   sp. nov.  Wang, Chunxia & Li, Shuqiang, 2011, 2841, Zootaxa 2841, pp. 1-90 : 17 17
Clubiona yaoi   sp. nov.  Yu, Hao & Li, Shuqiang, 2019, Eight new species of the genus Clubiona Latreille, 1804 from Xishuangbanna Rainforest, southwestern China (Araneae, Clubionidae), Zootaxa 4545 (2), pp. 151-178 : 152-153 152-153
Clubiona yaoi     Zhang, Jianshuang, Yu, Hao & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, Taxonomic studies on the sac spider genus Clubiona (Araneae, Clubionidae) from Xishuangbanna Rainforest, China, ZooKeys 1034, pp. 1-163 : 1 1
Neoserica yaoi   sp. n.  Ahrens, Dirk, Liu, Wan-Gang, Fabrizi, Silvia, Bai, Ming & Yang, Xing-Ke, 2014, A taxonomic review of the Neoserica (sensu lato) abnormis group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini), ZooKeys 439, pp. 27-82 : 30 30
Nidirana yaoica   sp. nov.  Lyu, Zhi-Tong, Mo, Yun-Ming, Wan, Han, Li, Yu-Long, Pang, Hong & Wang, Ying-Yong, 2019, Description of a new species of Music frogs (Anura, Ranidae, Nidirana) from Mt Dayao, southern China, ZooKeys 858, pp. 109-126 : 109 109
Simaoa yaojia   sp. nov.  Miller, Jeremy, Griswold, Charles & Yin, Chang, 2009, The symphytognathoid spiders of the Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China (Araneae: Araneoidea): Systematics and diversity of micro-orbweavers, ZooKeys 11 (11), pp. 9-195 : 43-44 43-44
Celaenorrhinus yaojiani     Huang, Zhen-Fu, Chiba, Hideyuki, Fei, Wen & Fan, Xiao-Ling, 2014, The maculosus group of the genus Celaenorrhinus Hübner, 1819 from China, with discovery of female C. kuznetsovi Devyatkin, 2000 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Pyrginae), Zootaxa 3881 (3), pp. 279-290 : 289 289
Celaenorrhinus yaojiani     Xue, Guo-Xi, Sun, Hao, Sun, Zhou & Wang, Shao-Neng, 2016, A preliminary checklist of the skippers (Rhopalocera: Hesperiidae) of Guangxi, China, Zootaxa 4147 (3), pp. 311-334 : 318 318
Molestia yaojiapingensis   sp. nov.  Irfan, Muhammad, Zhang, Zhi-Sheng & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2022, Survey of Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) spiders from Yunnan, China, Megataxa 8 (1), pp. 1-292 : 177-179 177-179
Impatiens yaojiapingensis   sp. nov.  Hu, Tian, Peng, Shuai, Zhou, Xin-Xin, Zheng, Yi-Ming, Cong, Yi-Yan & Hu, Guang-Wan, 2022, Two new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China, Phytotaxa 566 (3), pp. 268-278 : 275 275
Sinopoda yaojingensis   sp. nov.  Liu, Jie, Li, Shuqiang & Jäger, Peter, 2008, New cave-dwelling huntsman spider species of the genus Sinopoda (Araneae: Sparassidae) from southern China, Zootaxa 1857, pp. 1-20 : 15-19 15-19
Teratozephyrus yaolihuoi     Huang, Si-Yao, Jiang, Fan & Song, Hai-Tian, 2021, A new species of the genus Teratozephyrus Sibatani, 1946 from China (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae, Theclinae), Zootaxa 4963 (1), pp. 187-192 : 188-190 188-190
Lathrobium yaoluopingense   sp. nov.  Peng, Zhong, Li, Li-Zhen & Zhao, Mei-Jun, 2014, Seventeen new species and additional records of Lathrobium (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from mainland China, Zootaxa 3780 (1), pp. 1-35 : 10-11 10-11
Cordyceps yaoluopingensis   sp. nov.  Yang, Yu, Xiao, Yuan-Ping, Cheng, Yan-Ni, Xu, Fei-Yan, Han, Hao-Ming & Luo, Xia, 2022, Cordyceps yaoluopingensis sp. nov., a new entomopathogenic species from China, Phytotaxa 571 (3), pp. 278-290 : 282-284 282-284
Pseudocosmetura yaoluopingensis   sp. nov.  Wang, Tao & Shi, Fuming, 2020, Two new species of the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) from China and male song characters of Pseudocosmetura yaoluopingensis sp. nov., Journal of Orthoptera Research 29 (2), pp. 115-120 : 115-117 115-117
Diartiger yaoluopingensis   sp. nov.  Yin, Zi-Wei & Li, Li-Zhen, 2013, Notes on synonymy of Diartiger Sharp with Microdiartiger Sawada (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), with description of two new species from East China, Zootaxa 3717 (3), pp. 369-376 : 370 370
Tipula (Emodotipula) yaoluopingensis   sp. nov.  Men, Qiu-Lei, 2015, Report on crane flies of the genus Tipula (Diptera: Tipulidae: Tipulinae) from Anhui Province, China, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55 (2), pp. 797-810 : 798-801 798-801
Panorpa yaoluopingensis   sp. nov.  Li, Ning, Wang, Ji-Shen & Hua, Bao-Zhen, 2021, Morphological phylogenetic analyses and taxonomic revision of the Panorpa davidi group (Mecoptera: Panorpidae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 79, pp. 309-342 : 309 309
Diartiger yaoluopingensis     Yin, Zi-Wei & Li, Li-Zhen, 2013, Notes on synonymy of Diartiger Sharp with Microdiartiger Sawada (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), with description of two new species from East China, Zootaxa 3717 (3), pp. 369-376 : 373 373
Stenus yaoluopingus   sp. nov.  Hu, Cheng-Zhi & Tang, Liang, 2018, Notes on the Stenus indubius group with descriptions of four new species from China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Zootaxa 4471 (2), pp. 341-350 : 342-344 342-344
Nazeris yaoluopingus   sp. nov.  Miao, Zheng-Yi & Hu, Jia-Yao, 2020, New data of Nazeris Fauvel in Anhui, China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), Zootaxa 4896 (2), pp. 277-282 : 280 280
Gomphonema yaominae   sp. nov.  Gong, Zhijun & Li, Yanling, 2012, Gomphonema yaominae sp. nov. Li, a new species of diatom (Bacillariophyta) from lakes near Yangtze River, China, Phytotaxa 54, pp. 59-64 : 60-63 60-63
Pachyserica yaonani   sp. nov.  Ahrens, Dirk, Zhao, Ming-Zhi, Pham, Phu Van & Liu, Wan-Gang, 2024, Taxonomic updates on Pachyserica Brenske, 1898 and Serica MacLeay, 1819 reveal 38 new species and new challenges of Sericini systematics regarding DNA barcodes and genus-level diagnostic key characters (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericinae), Zootaxa 5491 (1), pp. 1-89 : 37-38 37-38
Yaontogonia unipuncta   sp. nov.  A. Viraktamath, C., Yeshwanth, H. M. & D. Webb, M., 2020, Leafhopper tribe Stegelytrini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) of the Indian subcontinent, with a note on Aeternus hieroglyphicus Distant (Cicadellidae Athysanini), Zootaxa 4822 (4), pp. 551-566 : 553-554 553-554
Triplophysa yaopeizhii     Ye, Enqi, Xing, Yingchun, Zhang, Chunguang & Zhao, Yahui, 2015, Catalogue of the type specimens in the fish collection of the National Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Zootaxa 3962 (1), pp. 10-113 : 70 70
Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) yaophilus   sp. nov.  Tian, Mingyi, Yin, Haomin & Huang, Sunbin, 2014, Du'an Karst of Guangxi: a kingdom of the cavernicolous genus Dongodytes Deuve (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), ZooKeys 454, pp. 69-107 : 83-87 83-87
Quedius (Microsaurus) yaoqi     Cai, Yan-Peng, Zhao, Zong-Yi & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2015, Taxonomy on Quedius euryalus group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini: Quediina) from China with description of eight new species, Zootaxa 3966 (1), pp. 1-70 : 64-69 64-69
Introrsa yaoquensis     Cao, Wenjun & Xing, Jichun, 2022, Japananoides, a new leafhopper genus from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), Zootaxa 5154 (3), pp. 345-354 : 347 347
Claranemobius yaoquensis   sp. nov.  He, Zhixin, Zhang, Tao & Ma, Libin, 2021, Crickets of subfamily Nemobiinae Saussure, 1877 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Trigonidiidae) from China with descriptions of new genera and new species, Zootaxa 5011 (1), pp. 1-70 : 4 4
Tetraserica yaoquensis   sp. n.  Liu, Wan-Gang, Fabrizi, Silvia, Bai, Ming, Yang, Xing-Ke & Ahrens, Dirk, 2014, A taxonomic review on the species of Tetraserica Ahrens, 2004, of China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini), ZooKeys 448, pp. 83-121 : 94 94
Introrsa yaoquensis   sp. nov.  Dai, Wu, Cui, Wei, Xiao, Bin & Zhang, Yalin, 2010, A new genus and species of Old World Opsiini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), with a key to genera and species checklist for the tribe, Zootaxa 2607, pp. 55-68 : 60-62 60-62
Tetraserica yaoquensis     Fabrizi, Silvia, Dalstein, Vivian & Ahrens, Dirk, 2019, A monograph on the genus Tetraserica from the Indochinese region (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini), ZooKeys 837, pp. 1-155 : 65 65
Claranemobius yaoquensis   sp. nov.  He, Zhixin, Zhang, Tao & Ma, Libin, 2021, Crickets of subfamily Nemobiinae Saussure, 1877 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Trigonidiidae) from China with descriptions of new genera and new species, Zootaxa 5011 (1), pp. 1-70 : 9-10 9-10
Chimarra yaorum     Malicky, H., 2012, Neue asiatische Köcherfliegen aus neuen Ausbeuten (Insecta, Trichoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1263-1310 : 1269 1269
Pinelema yaosaensis     Zhao, Huifeng, Li, Shuqiang & Zhang, Aibing, 2020, Taxonomic revision of Telemidae (Arachnida, Araneae) from East and Southeast Asia, ZooKeys 933, pp. 15-93 : 15 15
Pinelema yaosaensis   sp. nov.  Wang, Chunxia & Li, Shuqiang, 2016, Four new species of the spider genus Pinelema (Araneae, Telemidae) from caves in South China, Ecologica Montenegrina 7, pp. 546-566 : 561 561
Chaetocnema (Chaetocnema) yaosanica     Ruan, Yongying, Yang, Xingke, Konstantinov, Alexander S., Prathapan, Kaniyarikkal D. & Zhang, Mengna, 2019, Revision of the Oriental Chaetocnema species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini), Zootaxa 4699 (1), pp. 1-206 : 119-121 119-121
Stephanocampta yaosekoensis     Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2021, Illustrated key to the genera and catalogue of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) in the Afrotropical region, Zootaxa 5036 (1), pp. 1-166 : 47 47
Pholcus yaoshan     Zhao, Fangyu, Jiang, Tian, Yang, Lan, He, Qiaoqiao, Zheng, Guo & Yao, Zhiyuan, 2023, Pholcid spiders of the Pholcus phungiformes species-group (Araneae, Pholcidae) from Liaoning Province, China: an overview, with description of a new species, ZooKeys 1156, pp. 1-14 : 1 1
Neoperla yaoshana   sp. nov.  Li, Weihai, Wang, Hongliang & Lu, Wenyan, 2011, Species of the genus Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Henan, China, Zootaxa 2735, pp. 57-63 : 58-62 58-62
Neoperla yaoshana     Li, Weihai, Li, Shan, Feng, Guangwei & Wang, Yunbing, 2014, Species of Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Henan Province, China, Zootaxa 3838 (2), pp. 174-182 : 178 178
Rhacophorus yaoshanensis     Chen, Weicai, Liao, Xiaowen, Zhou, Shichu, Mo, Yunming & Huang, Yong, 2018, Rediscovery of Rhacophorus yaoshanensis and Theloderma kwangsiensis at their type localities after five decades, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 484-496 : 487-492 487-492
Cypriniformes   new species  Wu, H. - W., 1939, On the fishes of Li-Kiang, Sinensia 10, No. 1, pp. 92-142 : 128 128
Vararia yaoshanensis   sp. nov.  Deng, Yinglian, Jabeen, Sana & Zhao, Changlin, 2024, Species diversity and taxonomy of Vararia (Russulales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of six species from Southwestern China, MycoKeys 103, pp. 97-128 : 97 97
Boulenophrys yaoshanensis   sp. nov.  Qi, Shuo, Lyu, Zhi-Tong, Wang, Jian, Mo, Yun-Ming, Zeng, Zhao-Chi, Zeng, Yang-Jin, Dai, Ke-Yuan, Li, Yuan-Qiu, Grismer, L. Lee & Wang, Ying-Yong, 2021, Three new species of the genus Boulenophrys (Anura, Megophryidae) from southern China, Zootaxa 5072 (5), pp. 401-438 : 412-416 412-416
Yaoshania   gen. nov.  Yang, Jian, Kottelat, Maurice, Yang, Jun-Xing & Chen, Xiao-Yong, 2012, Yaoshania and Erromyzon kalotaenia, a new genus and a new species of balitorid loaches from Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Zootaxa 3586, pp. 173-186 : 174 174
Yaoshania pachychilus     Yang, Jian, Kottelat, Maurice, Yang, Jun-Xing & Chen, Xiao-Yong, 2012, Yaoshania and Erromyzon kalotaenia, a new genus and a new species of balitorid loaches from Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Zootaxa 3586, pp. 173-186 : 175-179 175-179
Microlepia yaoshanica     Triana-Moreno, Luz A., Yañez, Agustina, Kuo, Li-Yaung, Rothfels, Carl J., Pena, Nelson Túlio L., Schwartsburd, Pedro B. & Sundue, Michael, 2023, Phylogenetic revision of Dennstaedtioideae (Dennstaedtiaceae: Polypodiales) with description of Mucura, gen. nov., TAXON 72 (1), pp. 20-46 : 34 34
Cypriniformes   new species  Fang, P. - W., 1931, Notes on new species of homalopterin loaches referring to Sinohomaloptera from Szechuan, China, Sinensia 1, No. 9, pp. 137-145 : 137 137
Yaothrips   gen. nov.  Mirab-Balou, Majid, Wei, Shu-Jun, Lu, Hong & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2011, Yaothrips shii gen. et sp. n. from western China (Thripidae: Thripinae), Zootaxa 2900, pp. 46-50 : 47 47
Yaothrips shii   sp. nov.  Mirab-Balou, Majid, Wei, Shu-Jun, Lu, Hong & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2011, Yaothrips shii gen. et sp. n. from western China (Thripidae: Thripinae), Zootaxa 2900, pp. 46-50 : 47-50 47-50
Yaotriton wenxianensis     Luo, Tao, Yan, Shasha, Xiao, Ning, Li, Wei, Deng, Huaiqing & Zhou, Jiang, 2022, A new species of the genus Tylototriton (Amphibia: Urodela: Salamandridae) from the Eastern Dalou Mountains in Guizhou, China, Zoological Systematics 47 (1), pp. 66-88 : 73-82 73-82
Malpighiales   new species  Schlechter, Fridrich Richard Rudolf, 1906, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora von Neu-Kaledonien, Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 39, No. 1, pp. 1-160 : 146 146
Yaoundea     Wang, Yang, Dietrich, Christopher H. & Zhang, Yalin, 2017, Review of two genera of Nirvanini leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Evacanthinae) from Africa, Zootaxa 4231 (3), pp. 431-441 : 440 440
Orthotrichia yaowachon   sp. nov.  Malicky, H. & Chantaramongkol, P., 2007, Beiträge zur Kenntnis asiatischer Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (2), pp. 1009-1099 : 1039 1039
Lagynochthonius yaowangguensis     SUN, JIANZHOU, GUO, XIANGBO & ZHANG, FENG, 2024, A review of the genus Lagynochthonius Beier, 1951 (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from China, Megataxa 12 (2), pp. 177-250 : 239 239
Lagynochthonius yaowangguensis   sp. nov.  Hou, Yanmeng, Gao, Zhizhong & Zhang, Feng, 2022, Diversity of cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions from eastern Yunnan in China, with the description of eleven new species of the genus Lagynochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae), Zootaxa 5198 (1), pp. 1-65 : 56-61 56-61

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