Pelexia longicornu var. minor
Guimarães, Leonardo R. S., Salazar, Gerardo A. & Barros, Fábio De, 2019, Lectotypifications and taxonomic notes in the Stenorrhynchos clade (Spiranthinae, Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 394 (1), pp. 111-111
: 111
111 |
Talpa minor
Popov, Vasil V., 2004, Pliocene small mammals (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Muselievo (North Bulgaria), Geodiversitas 26 (3), pp. 403-491
: 408
408 |
Orgilus minor
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
8151 |
Melanopsis mellalensis subsp. var. var. minor
Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358
: 179
179 |
Cuyabasa minor
Roie, Martijn Van, D’Hont, Anouk, Konstantinov, Alexander & Furth, David, 2023, Types of Cuyabasa Bechyné, Palmaraltica Bechyné and Rhynchasphaera Bechyné (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini: Oedionychina) of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, with keys to species and descriptions of genitalia, and new combinations for species transferred to the oedionychine, Zootaxa 5318 (1), pp. 67-82
: 71-72
71-72 |
Eocyzicus minor
Rogers, D. Christopher, 2020, Spinicaudata Catalogus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)., Zoological Studies 59 (45), pp. 1-44
: 29
29 |
Siagonella minor
Merene, Yeshitla, Lorenz, Wolfgang, Opgenoorth, Lars, Woldehawariat, Yitbarek & Schmidt, Joachim, 2023, Ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cicindelidae) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: a provisional faunistic checklist based on literature data, Zootaxa 5247 (1), pp. 1-345
: 37
37 |
Masicera minor
Sforzi, Alessandra & Sommaggio, Daniele, 2021, Catalog of the Diptera types described by Camillo Rondani, Zootaxa 4989 (1), pp. 1-438
: 330
330 |
Nanochromis minor
Ulrich K. Schliewen & Melanie L. J. Stiassny, 2006, A new species of Nanochromis (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Mai Ndombe, central Congo Basin, Democratic Republic of Congo., Zootaxa 1169, pp. 33-46
: 34
34 |
Eragrostis minor
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Poaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1458-1570
: 1556
1556 |
Thyrocopa minor
Medeiros, Matthew J., 2009, A revision of the endemic Hawaiian genus Thyrocopa (Lepidoptera: Xyloryctidae: Xyloryctinae), Zootaxa 2202, pp. 1-47
: 30-31
30-31 |
Aglyptinus minor
Peck, Stewart B. & Cook, Joyce, 2019, The Leiodidae (Coleoptera) of the Biologia Centrali-Americana, with Descriptions of New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 73 (1), pp. 78-84
: 81
81 |
new species
Broun, Thomas, 1917, Descriptions of new genera and species of Coleoptera. Part V, New Zealand Institute bulletin 1, No. 5, pp. 347-474
: 364
364 |
Artamus minor subsp. derbyi
Lecroy, Mary, 2014, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, And Corvidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 (393), pp. 1-165
: 68
68 |
Juraheterosmylus minor
sp. nov.
Wang, Yongjie, Liu, Zhiqi, Ren, Dong & Shih, Chungkun, 2010, A new genus of Protosmylinae from the Middle Jurassic of China (Neuroptera: Osmylidae), Zootaxa 2480, pp. 45-53
: 49-50
49-50 |
Eurosomides (Eblisia) minor
Peschel, Rüdiger, 2023, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Stutzkäfer (Coleoptera, Histeridae) im österreichischen Natur- und Landschaftsschutzgebiet Neusiedler See und Umgebung mit vorläufiger Checkliste, Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (2), pp. 623-639
: 628
628 |
Plexippus minor
sp. nov.
Wesolowska, W. & van Harten, A., 2010, Order Araneae, Arthropod fauna of the UAE, Abu Dhabi: Dar Al Ummah, pp. 27-69
: 49
49 |
Pseudohomonyx minor
Yang, Qiao-Zhi, Geshev, Georgi & Pathomwattananurak, Wuttipon, 2023, A new species of the genus Pseudohomonyx Arrow, 1908 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Malaysia and Thailand, with first description of P. apoensis Miyake & Yamaya, 1997 male and a catalogue of the genus, Zootaxa 5361 (1), pp. 114-124
: 122
122 |
Tupaia minor
Don E. Wilson, 1993, Order Scandentia, Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 131-133
: 132
132 |
Stephanibyx melanopterus subsp. minor
Frahnert, Sylke, Turner, Donald A. & Bracker, Cordula, 2023, Type specimens and type localities of birds (Aves) collected by Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848 - 1886) in East Africa, Zootaxa 5334 (1), pp. 1-84
: 15-16
15-16 |
Heteropia minor
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 87-91
87-91 |
Unionicola minor
Tuzovskij, Petr V. & Semenchenko, Ksenia A., 2015, Water mites of the genus Unionicola Haldeman, 1842 (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Unionicolidae) in Russia, Zootaxa 3919 (3), pp. 401-456
: 417-419
417-419 |
Apiocera minor
Yeates, David K. & Oberprieler, Stefanie K., 2013, Review of the Australian Apiocera minor Norris species-group (Diptera: Apioceridae) with a revised key to species, Zootaxa 3680 (1), pp. 195-209
: 197
197 |
new species
Beier, Max, 1973, Weiteres zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpioniden Südwestafrikas., Cimbebasia 2, pp. 97-101
: 99
99 |
Mycetocylapus minor
Wolski, Andrzej, 2010, Revision of the Rhinocylapus - group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae), Zootaxa 2653, pp. 1-36
: 9
9 |
Ammobates (Ammobates) minor
Lhomme, Patrick, 2020, The wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Morocco, Zootaxa 4892 (1), pp. 1-159
: 37
37 |
Acanthocephalus minor
Nagasawa, Kazuya & Nitta, Masato, 2015, Rediscovery of a Fish Acanthocephalan, Acanthocephalus minor (Echinorhynchida: Echinorhynchidae), in the Lake Biwa Basin, Central Japan, with a Review of the Fish Acanthocephalan Fauna of the Basin, Species Diversity 20, pp. 73-81
: 75-76
75-76 |
Apogonia minor
Bezdĕk, Aleš, 2004, Catalogue of Diplotaxini (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Melolonthinae) of the Old World, Zootaxa 463 (1), pp. 1-90
: 32
32 |
Purenleon minor
Miller, Robert B. & Stange, Lionel A., 2011, Antlions of Hispaniola (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), Insecta Mundi 2011 (182), pp. 1-28
: 19
19 |
Ulmus minor
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Ulmaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |
Pyrrhula minor
LeCroy, Mary, 2013, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Drepanididae, Vireonidae, Icteridae, Fringillinae, Carduelinae, Estrildidae, And Viduinae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (381), pp. 1-155
: 82
82 |
Picus minor
spec. nov.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius
: 114
114 |
Naiacoccus serpentinus subsp. minor
Moghaddam, Masumeh, 2013, A review of the mealybugs (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae, Putoidae and Rhizoecidae) of Iran, with descriptions of four new species and three new records for the Iranian fauna, Zootaxa 3632 (1), pp. 1-107
: 89-90
89-90 |
Helochares minor
Hendrich, Lars & Balke, Michael, 2004, Aquatic Coleoptera Of Singapore: Species Richness, Ecology And Conservation #, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 (1), pp. 97-145
: 128
128 |
Vinca minor
Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Apocynaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 780-780
: 780
780 |
Tetrigimyia minor
sp. nov.
Shima, Hiroshi & Takahashi, Hajime, 2011, Tetrigimyia minor, a new genus and species of Tachinidae (Diptera) parasitic on Formosatettix larvatus (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) in Japan, Zootaxa 2921, pp. 39-46
: 42-45
42-45 |
Utricularia minor
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Lentibulariaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 266
266 |
Neoscutops minor
sp. nov.
Ale-Rocha, Rosaly & Freitas, Geovânia, 2011, Revision of the Neotropical genus Neoscutops Malloch (Diptera: Periscelididae), Zootaxa 3016, pp. 1-28
: 18-20
18-20 |
Lasiurus minor
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Vespertilionidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 716-981
: 879-880
879-880 |
Isotomiella minor
H. - J & Burkhardt, U., 2012, Interessante Collembolennachweise aus Ostkreta (Hexapoda, Collembola), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1669-1676
: 1673
1673 |
Rhinanthus minor
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Orobanchaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |
new species
Eigenmann, C. H. & Henn, A. W., 1914, On new species of fishes from Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil. (Contrib. Zool. Lab. Ind. Univ. No. 140), Ind. Univ. Studies 24, pp. 231-234
: 231
231 |
Teuchophorus minor
sp. nov.
Meuffels, Henk & Grootaert, Patrick, 2004, The genus Teuchophorus in South-East Asia and New Guinea, description of new species, species-groups and their phylogeny (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae), Journal of Natural History 38 (2), pp. 143-258
: 206-207
206-207 |
new species
Szidat, L., 1944, Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Trematodenfauna einheimischer Susswasserfische. ii. Mitteilung. Die Gattung Sphaerostomum (Stiles and Hassall, 1898) Looss, 1899 und Verwandte., Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde 13, No. 2, pp. 183-214
: 192
192 |
Hemitrichia minor
Lado, Carlos & Basanta, Diana Wrigley De, 2018, Typification of the myxomycete taxa described by the Listers and preserved at the Natural History Museum, London (BM), Phytotaxa 341 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Pyrola minor
Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Pyrolaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag
: 895
895 |
Odontomachus (Champsomyrmex) Coquereli var. minor
Forel, A., 1907, Ameisen von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika., Ameisen von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika (Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903 - 1905 mitteln der Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung ausgeführt von Professor Dr. Alfred Voeltzkow. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2 (2)), pp. 75-92
: 75
75 |
Batis minor subsp. suahelicus
Frahnert, Sylke, Louette, Michel & Eckhoff, Pascal, 2021, Type specimens of birds of the genus Batis (Aves: Platysteiridae) at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Zootaxa 5052 (2), pp. 249-260
: 257
257 |
Narvesus minor
Diez, Fernando & Coscaron, Maria del Carmen, 2014, The Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) of Argentina, ZooKeys 452, pp. 51-77
: 61
61 |
Cosmocercella minor
González, Cynthya Elizabeth & Inés, Hamann Monika, 2015, Checklist of nematode parasites of amphibians from Argentina, Zootaxa 3980 (4), pp. 451-476
: 457
457 |
Ixodes minor
Guglielmone, Alberto A., Nava, Santiago & Robbins, Richard G., 2023, Geographic distribution of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) of the world by countries and territories, Zootaxa 5251 (1), pp. 1-274
: 24
24 |
Palaeochrysa minor
sp. nov.
Jepson, James E. & Makarkin, Vladimir N., 2023, Fossil Neuropterida (Insecta: Neuroptera and Raphidioptera) from the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Montana, USA, Zootaxa 5306 (4), pp. 427-444
: 434-435
434-435 |
Noctilio albiventris subsp. minor
Ospina-Garcés, Sandra Milena & León-Paniagua, Livia, 2022, The influence of geography in the cranial diversification of the bulldog bats of the genus Noctilio (Noctilionidae: Chiroptera), Organisms Diversity & Evolution 22 (4), pp. 1099-1121
: 1116
1116 |
Eurosomides minor
Sergeeva, E. V. & Stolbov, V. A., 2021, New data on the beetle family Histeridae (Coleoptera) from Tyumen Region, Amurian Zoological Journal XIII (4), pp. 505-515
: 510
510 |
Marilia minor
Paprocki, Henrique & Franca, Diogo, 2014, Brazilian Trichoptera Checklist II, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1557-1557
: 1557
1557 |
Eucyon minor
Rook, Lorenzo, 2009, The wide ranging genus Eucyon Tedford & Qiu, 1996 (Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canini) in the Mio-Pliocene of the Old World, Geodiversitas 31 (4), pp. 723-741
: 729-730
729-730 |
Orobanche minor
Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111
: 88
88 |
Tomocerus minor
Thibaud, Jean-Marc, 2017, Catalogue des collemboles de France, Zoosystema 39 (3), pp. 297-436
: 375
375 |
Renda minor
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 41-43
41-43 |
Berytinus minor
Sakenin, H., Samin, N., Rastegari, J., Havaskary, M., Imani, S. & R. E, 2011, A faunistic survey on Heteroptera (Insecta) of Western Iran, Linzer biologische Beiträge 43 (1), pp. 861-872
: 862
862 |
Astata minor
Tomarchio, S. & G. F, 2006, New or little known Sphecidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) from Sicily (Italy), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (1), pp. 953-960
: 954-955
954-955 |
new species
Odhner, T., 1911, Zum naturlichen System der digenen Trematoden. III. (Ein weitere Fall von sekundärum Anus), Zoologischer Anzeiger 38, pp. 97-117
: 105
105 |
Lattus minor
comb. nov.
Zhang, Jing, Dolibaina, Diego R., Cong, Qian, Shen, Jinhui, Song, Leina, Mielke, Carlos G. C., Casagrande, Mirna M., Mielke, Olaf H. H. & Grishin, Nick V., 2023, Taxonomic notes on Neotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5271 (1), pp. 91-114
: 104
104 |
Polistes minor
Genaro, Julio A., 2011, Vespidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Puerto Rico, West Indies, Insecta Mundi 2011 (202), pp. 1-35
: 18-19
18-19 |
Clemmus minor
Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D., Cornish, J. Winston, Tigreros, Gabriel & McHugh, Joseph V., 2025, Progress toward a list of saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) in the southeastern USA, ZooKeys 1232, pp. 1-95
: 1-95
1-95 |
Unionicola (Hexatax) minor
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 58
58 |
Halecium minor
Calder, Dale R. & Choong, Henry H. C., 2018, Names of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) established by Charles McLean Fraser (1872 - 1946), excluding those from Allan Hancock Expeditions, Zootaxa 4487 (1), pp. 1-83
: 33
33 |
Engonia minor
Fianco, Marcos, 2023, Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Guartelá State Park, State of Paraná, Southern Brazil: diversity, bioacoustics and description of five new species, Journal of Natural History 57 (1), pp. 1080-1137
: 1104
1104 |
new species
Burckhardt, Daniel, 2009, Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Gondwanan moss bugs or Peloridiidae (Hemiptera, Coleorrhyncha), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 56, No. 2, pp. 173-235
: 220
220 |
Ptenochirus minor
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Pteropodidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 16-162
: 68
68 |
Sanguisorba minor subsp. balearica
Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111
: 105
105 |
new species
Beveridge, Ian & Justine, Jean-Lou, 2006, Gilquiniid cestodes (Trypanorhyncha) from elasmobranch fishes off New Caledonia with descriptions of two new genera and a new species, Systematic Parasitology 65, pp. 235-249
: 245
245 |
Sphecodes minor
Gibbs, Jason, Ascher, John S., Rightmyer, Molly G. & Isaacs, Rufus, 2017, The bees of Michigan (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), with notes on distribution, taxonomy, pollination, and natural history, Zootaxa 4352 (1), pp. 1-160
: 96
96 |
Orgilus minor
Broad, Gavin R., Shaw, Mark R. & Godfray, H. Charles J., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Braconidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8151-8151
: 8151
8151 |
Helix (Cochlodina) pantagruelina var. minor
Breure, Abraham S. H. & Tardy, Emmanuel, 2016, From the shadows of the past: Moricand senior and junior, two 19 th century naturalists from Geneva, with their newly described taxa and molluscan types, Revue suisse de Zoologie 123 (1), pp. 113-138
: 122
122 |
Antropora minor
Dick, Matthew H., Ngai, Nguyen Danh & Doan, Hung Dinh, 2020, Taxonomy and diversity of coelobite bryozoans from drift coral cobbles on Co To Island, northern Vietnam, Zootaxa 4747 (2), pp. 201-252
: 210-211
210-211 |
Ulmus minor subsp. minor
Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56
: 35
35 |
Brontostoma ogloblini subsp. minor
Carmen, Maria Del, 2011, Assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) of Uruguay: A synoptic catalogue as a contribution to the study of Austral biodiversity, Zootaxa 3006, pp. 50-62
: 51
51 |
Macrotus minor
Turni, Hendrik & Kock, Dieter, 2008, Type specimens of bats (Chiroptera: Mammalia) in the collections of the Museum f r Naturkunde, Berlin, Zootaxa 1869 (1), pp. 1-82
: 45
45 |
Plexippus minor
Prószyński, Jerzy, 2017, Remarks on the genus Plexippus C. L. Koch, 1846 (Araneae: Salticidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 13, pp. 39-69
: 61
61 |
Hemitrichia minor
Kryvomaz, Tetiana, Michaud, Alain & Stephenson, Steven L., 2020, Myxomycete biodiversity on five islands of the Seychelles, Zootaxa 4851 (2), pp. 201-244
: 231
231 |
new species
Beier, Max, 1947, Pseudoskorpione im Baltischen Bernstein und die Untersuchung von Bernstein-Einschlüssen, Mikroscopie, Wien 1, pp. 188-199
: 193
193 |
Tabanus minor
Wolff, Marta & Miranda-Esquivel, Daniel Rafael, 2016, FAMILY TABANIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 249-301
: 258
258 |
Lasiurus (Lasiurus) minor
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Chiroptera - Family Vespertilionidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 451-529
: 460
460 |
Themira minor
Patrick T. Rohner & Gerhard Bächli, 2016, Faunistic data of Sepsidae (Diptera) from Switzerland and additional countries including the first Swiss record of Meroplius fukuharai (Iwasa, 1984), Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 89, pp. 237-260
: 258
258 |
Sanguisorba minor
Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129
: 109
109 |
Dobsonia minor
James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Chiroptera, Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 111-215
: 113
113 |
Catoplatus minor
Heiss, Ernst, Eckelt, Andreas, Lederwasch, Manfred, Unterasinger, Romed & T, Familie, 2022, Die Heteropterensammlung Ernst Heiss im Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Teil V: Tingoidea, Familie Tingidae LAPORTE, 1832, Linzer biologische Beiträge 54 (1), pp. 85-142
: 96
96 |
Namtokocoris minor
sp. nov.
Sites, Robert W. & Vitheepradit, And Akekawat, 2007, Namtokocoris Sites, a new genus of Naucoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in waterfalls of Indochina, with descriptions of six new species, Zootaxa 1588, pp. 1-29
: 21-22
21-22 |
Persicaria minor
Funez, Luís A. & Hassemer, Gustavo, 2021, Novelties in Persicaria (Polygonaceae): description of a narrowly endemic new species from southern Brazil, and typification of the name Polygonum minus, Phytotaxa 490 (1), pp. 60-70
: 64-67
64-67 |
Choeroniscus minor
Velazco, Paúl M., Voss, Robert S., Fleck, David W. & Simmons, Nancy B., 2021, Mammalian Diversity And Matses Ethnomammalogy In Amazonian Peru Part 4: Bats, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2021 (451), pp. 1-201
: 42-43
42-43 |
Parameletus minor
Tiunova, Tatiana M., 2008, Two new species of Parameletus Bengtsson, 1908 (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae), and notes on other species from the Far East of Russia, Zootaxa 1725, pp. 17-26
: 23-25
23-25 |
Oedichirus minor
Rougemont, Guillaume de, 2018, New oriental Oedichirus (Staphylinidae, Paederinae, Pinophilini), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 461-536
: 489-490
489-490 |
new species
Liu, Zhong, Chen, M. - s. & Li, K. - f., 1984, Two trematodes from birds in Jilin, China., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 9, No. 1, pp. 23024-23024
: 23, 24
23, 24 |
Isotomiella minor
Jantarit, Sopark, Bedos, Anne & Deharveng, Louis, 2016, An annotated checklist of the Collembolan fauna of Thailand, Zootaxa 4169 (2), pp. 301-360
: 329-330
329-330 |
Berytinus (Berytinus) minor
Samin, Najmeh & E, Rauno, 2015, A faunistic study on Heteroptera (Insecta) from some regions of Eastern Iran, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1811-1817
: 1812
1812 |
Tupaia minor
James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Scandentia, Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 107-109
: 108
108 |
Gryllotalpella minor
Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., 2015, The phylogeny of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpoidea: Gryllotalpidae), Zootaxa 3985 (4), pp. 451-490
: 472
472 |
Eloeophila minor
Kolcsar, Levente-Peter, Oosterbroek, Pjotr, Gavryushin, Dmitry I., Olsen, Kjell Magne, Paramonov, Nikolai M., Pilipenko, Valentin E., Stary, Jaroslav, Polevoi, Alexei, Lantsov, Vladimir I., Eiroa, Eulalia, Andersson, Michael, Salmela, Jukka, Quindroit, Clovis, d'Oliveira, Micha C., Hancock, E. Geoffrey, Mederos, Jorge, Boardman, Pete, Viitanen, Esko & Watanabe, Kozo, 2021, Contribution to the knowledge of Limoniidae (Diptera: Tipuloidea): first records of 244 species from various European countries, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 67085-67085
: 67085
67085 |
Messor minor
Schifani, Enrico, Csősz, SÁndor, Viviano, Roberto & Alicata, Antonio, 2021, Ant diversity on the largest Mediterranean islands: on the presence or absence of 28 species in Sicily (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Natural History Sciences 8 (1), pp. 55-70
: 64
64 |