Paraneolepta limbella
comb. nov.
Hazmi, Izfa Riza & Wagner, Thomas, 2013, Revision Of Neolepta Jacoby, 1884 And Related Galerucines From The Oriental Region, Including Descriptions Of Two New Genera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 61 (1), pp. 73-95
: 85-86
85-86 |
Xyleborus uncatus
Bright, Donald E., 2014, A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Supplement 3 (2000 - 2010), with notes on subfamily and tribal reclassifications, Insecta Mundi 2014 (356), pp. 1-336
: 301-303
301-303 |
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 6-7
6-7 |
Cryptoxyleborus confusus
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Cryptoxyleborus eggersi
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Cryptoxyleborus mawdsleyi
sp. nov.
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Cryptoxyleborus simplex
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Xyleborus naevus
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Centistidea paracarinata
sp. nov.
Liu, Zhen & Polaszek, Andrew, 2024, First record of Centistidea Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Miracinae) from Borneo, with description of six new species, Journal of Natural History 58 (45 - 48), pp. 1979-2002
: 1991-1993
1991-1993 |
Centistidea albantennalis
sp. nov.
Liu, Zhen & Polaszek, Andrew, 2024, First record of Centistidea Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Miracinae) from Borneo, with description of six new species, Journal of Natural History 58 (45 - 48), pp. 1979-2002
: 1982-1985
1982-1985 |
Thaumatodryinus philippinus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 251-252
251-252 |
Higonius (Higonius) spongiosus
sp. nov.
Mantilleri, Antoine, 2009, Révision des Higonius Lewis, 1883, et genres apparentés (Insecta, Coleoptera, Brentidae), Zoosystema 31 (4), pp. 899-943
: 930-932
930-932 |
Theopea lunduensis
Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, Zootaxa 4683 (4), pp. 451-507
: 466-468
466-468 |
Ischnobracon laboriosus
Butcher, Buntika Areekul & Quicke, Donald L. J., 2010, Revision of the Indo-Australian braconine wasp genus Ischnobracon Baltazar (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with description of six new species from Thailand, Laos and Sri Lanka, Journal of Natural History 44 (35 - 36), pp. 2187-2212
: 2204-2205
2204-2205 |
Pseudodryinus beckeri
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 311-312
311-312 |
Orphnebius undefined-9
Assing, Volker, 2016, On some Lomechusini of the Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (1), pp. 13-111
: 63
63 |
Anteon hilare
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 108-112
108-112 |
Exochomoscirtes sphaericus
comb. nov.
Ruta, Rafał & Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki, 2010, Revision of the genus Exochomoscirtes Pic (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2598, Zootaxa 2598 (1), pp. 1-80
: 60-61
60-61 |
Aphelopus borneanus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 21
21 |
Anteon diaoluoshanense
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 94-96
94-96 |
Anteon parapriscum
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 149-150
149-150 |
Theopea tsoui
sp. nov.
Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, Zootaxa 4683 (4), pp. 451-507
: 495
495 |
Genyocerus exilis
Beaver, R. A. & L. - Y, 2007, A review of the genus Genyocerus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new synonyms and keys to species, Zootaxa 1576 (1), pp. 25-56
: 35-36
35-36 |
Theopea fairmairei
Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, Zootaxa 4683 (4), pp. 451-507
: 482-485
482-485 |
Zyras (Zyras) montanus
Assing, Volker, 2017, On Zyras sensu strictu in the East Palaearctic and Oriental regions, with a focus on the faunas of the Himalaya, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Lomechusini), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 117-192
: 157
157 |
Zyras (Zyras) bettotanus
Assing, Volker, 2017, On Zyras sensu strictu in the East Palaearctic and Oriental regions, with a focus on the faunas of the Himalaya, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Sulawesi (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Lomechusini), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 117-192
: 156-157
156-157 |
Genyocerus borneensis
Beaver, R. A. & L. - Y, 2007, A review of the genus Genyocerus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new synonyms and keys to species, Zootaxa 1576 (1), pp. 25-56
: 34
34 |
Bocchus pedunculatus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 234-235
234-235 |
Theopea elegantula
Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, Zootaxa 4683 (4), pp. 451-507
: 478-482
478-482 |
Bocchus levis
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 233-234
233-234 |
Pachysternum apicatum
Fikáček, Martin, Jia, Fenglong & Prokin, Alexander, 2012, A review of the Asian species of the genus Pachysternum (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae), Zootaxa 3219, pp. 1-53
: 15-20
15-20 |
Genyocerus serratus
Beaver, R. A. & L. - Y, 2007, A review of the genus Genyocerus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new synonyms and keys to species, Zootaxa 1576 (1), pp. 25-56
: 40
40 |
Anteon sarawaki
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 166
166 |
Theopea kedenburgi
Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdĕk, Jan, 2019, Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus, Zootaxa 4683 (4), pp. 451-507
: 487-490
487-490 |
Anteon chui
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 89
89 |
Anteon peterseni
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 152-153
152-153 |
Genyocerus frontalis
Beaver, R. A. & L. - Y, 2007, A review of the genus Genyocerus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new synonyms and keys to species, Zootaxa 1576 (1), pp. 25-56
: 36-37
36-37 |
Anteon thai
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 180-181
180-181 |
Anteon sabahnum
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 163
163 |
Aphelopus spadiceus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 36-37
36-37 |
Exochomoscirtes dilaticornis
sp. nov.
Ruta, Rafał & Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki, 2010, Revision of the genus Exochomoscirtes Pic (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2598, Zootaxa 2598 (1), pp. 1-80
: 65-67
65-67 |
Pterocryptis vorax
sp. nov.
Ng, Heok Hee, Kahar, Rafhiah & Tan, Heok Hui, 2025, A new species of catfish, Pterocryptis vorax (Actinopterygii: Siluridae), from northern Borneo, Zootaxa 5575 (4), pp. 535-544
: 536-542
536-542 |
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa and notes on palm and false-leaf katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae, Sexavaini; Pseudophyllinae, Cymatomerini) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4808 (2), pp. 301-316
: 311
311 |
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 244-270
: 249
249 |
Microparmarion sallehi
sp. n.
Schilthuizen, Menno, Berenyi, Simon, Ezzwan, Nurilya Syamimi Muhammad Nazirul, Hamdani, Nur Izzah Amal Afiqah, Wu, Harrison, De Antoni, Luca, Vincenzi, Leonardo, de Gier, Werner, van Peursen, Anthonie D. P., Njunjic, Iva, Delledonne, Massimo, Slik, Ferry, Grafe, Ulmar & Cicuzza, Daniele, 2023, A new semi-slug of the genus Microparmarion from Brunei, discovered, described and DNA-barcoded on citizen-science ' taxon expeditions' (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Ariophantidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 101579-101579
: 101579
101579 |
Microperus nanus
comb. nov.
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Pseudoscoparipes kinabalensis
Lis, Jerzy A. & Domagała, Paweł J., 2023, New distributional data for nine interesting Old World burrower bug species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), Heteroptera Poloniae - Acta Faunistica 26 (1), pp. 173-175
: 174
174 |
Leptomorphus sevciki
sp. nov.
Kaspřák, David, Borkent, Christopher J. & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Leptomorphus sevciki sp. nov., a remarkable new wasp-mimicking fungus gnat from Brunei (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 57 (1), pp. 195-203
: 197-200
197-200 |
Velarifictorus aspersus subsp. aspersus
Tan, Ming Kai, Ingrisch, Sigfrid & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, First Velarifictorus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae, Gryllinae) cricket described from Borneo (Southeast Asia) and notes on a co-occurring congener, Zootaxa 4282 (2), pp. 374-384
: 379
379 |
Velarifictorus temburongensis
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Ingrisch, Sigfrid & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, First Velarifictorus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae, Gryllinae) cricket described from Borneo (Southeast Asia) and notes on a co-occurring congener, Zootaxa 4282 (2), pp. 374-384
: 375-379
375-379 |
Baiocis orientalis
sp. nov.
Beaver, Roger A., 2018, A review of the genus Baiocis Browne, 1962 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new species, new synonymy and a key to males, Zootaxa 4434 (3), pp. 481-501
: 485-487
485-487 |
Baiocis spiniventris
sp. nov.
Beaver, Roger A., 2018, A review of the genus Baiocis Browne, 1962 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new species, new synonymy and a key to males, Zootaxa 4434 (3), pp. 481-501
: 489-490
489-490 |
Dryocoetiops moestus
Beaver, Roger A., Smith, Sarah M. & Sanguansub, Sunisa, 2019, A review of the genus Dryocoetiops Schedl, with new species, new synonymy and a key to species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 4712 (2), pp. 236-250
: 244-245
244-245 |
Skusella subvittata
Cranston, Peter S. & Tang, Hongqu, 2018, Skusella Freeman (Diptera: Chironomidae): new species, immature stages from Africa, Asia and Australia, and expanded distributions, Zootaxa 4450 (1), pp. 41-65
: 46-49
46-49 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) nippon
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 54-56
54-56 |
Baiocis pernanulus
Beaver, Roger A., 2018, A review of the genus Baiocis Browne, 1962 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new species, new synonymy and a key to males, Zootaxa 4434 (3), pp. 481-501
: 496-497
496-497 |
Chassalia involucrata
sp. nov.
Yu, Tian Yi, Turner, Ian M. & Cheek, Martin, 2021, Revision of Chassalia (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae-Palicoureeae) in Borneo, with 14 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 738, pp. 1-60
: 23-26
23-26 |
Shangomyia impectinata
Cranston, Peter S., 2003, The Oriental Genus Shangomyia Saether & Wang (Chironomidae: Diptera): Immature Stages, Biology, Putative Relationships And The Evolution Of Wood Mining In Chironomid Larvae, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51 (2), pp. 179-186
: 180-183
180-183 |
Dryocoetiops nitidus
Beaver, Roger A., Smith, Sarah M. & Sanguansub, Sunisa, 2019, A review of the genus Dryocoetiops Schedl, with new species, new synonymy and a key to species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 4712 (2), pp. 236-250
: 246
246 |
Borniella parva
sp. nov.
Grall, Elena & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Four new genera of Heteropodinae Thorell, 1873 from Malaysia, Brunei and Papua New Guinea (Araneae: Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5169 (1), pp. 1-25
: 3-5
3-5 |
Therates batesii
s. str.
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 4
4 |
Nisitrus vittatus
Tan, Ming Kai, Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy, Chung, Authur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2021, Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 761 (1), pp. 1-75
: 64-68
64-68 |
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes on crickets of the subfamily Landrevinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 440-454
: 442
442 |
Neoperla securifera
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 15
15 |
Pteroplistes bruneiensis
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrei V., Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy & Chung, Arthur Y. C., 2019, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllinae, Phaloriinae and Pteroplistinae) from northern Borneo (Belait and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4661 (1), pp. 101-117
: 108-112
108-112 |
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, Notes on the taxonomy of poorly known Gryllacrididae (Stenopelmatoidea) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Zootaxa 4462 (4), pp. 579-591
: 584-587
584-587 |
Mimicogryllus splendens
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrei V., Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy & Chung, Arthur Y. C., 2019, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllinae, Phaloriinae and Pteroplistinae) from northern Borneo (Belait and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4661 (1), pp. 101-117
: 103-105
103-105 |
Thismia brunneomitra
sp. nov.
Hroneš, Michal, Kobrlová, Lucie, Taraška, Vojtěch, Popelka, Ondřej, Hédl, Radim, Sukri, Rahayu Sukmaria, Metali, Faizah & Dančák, Martin, 2015, Thismia brunneomitra, another new species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Ulu Temburong, Brunei Darussalam, Phytotaxa 234 (2), pp. 172-178
: 173-176
173-176 |
Monseremus bellus
comb. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2022, A review of the genus Monseremus Ingrisch, 2018 (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea Gryllacrididae) from Borneo, Zootaxa 5165 (1), pp. 107-114
: 112-113
112-113 |
Clavicornaltica mataikanensis
sp. nov.
Otani, Sean, Bertoli, Luca, Lucchini, Filippo, van den Beuken, Tom P. G., Boin, Desanne, Ellis, Lehman, Friedrich, Holm, Jacquot, Brittany, Kountouras, Sotiris, Lim, Sarah Yu Rou, Nigro, Eleonora, Su'eif, Syafi'ie, Tan, Wei Harn, Grafe, Ulmar, Cicuzza, Daniele, Delledonne, Massimo, Njunjic, Iva & Schilthuizen, Menno, 2024, A new, unusually large, Clavicornaltica Scherer, 1974 flea beetle from Borneo, described and sequenced in the field by citizen scientists (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 119481-119481
: 119481
119481 |
Isolapotamon feeae
sp. nov.
Ng, Peter K. L., , Martyn E. Y. Low, Clark, & Paul F., 2022, Historical notes on various collectors of unidentified freshwater crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, with descriptions of two new species of Isolapotamon Bott, 1968 Potamidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 70, pp. 550-571
: 556-560
556-560 |
Neoperla theobromae
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 15
15 |
Trigonopterus microreticulatus
sp. nov.
Riedel, Alexander, 2022, Nine new species of Trigonopterus Fauvel (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from Sundaland, ZooKeys 1124, pp. 109-130
: 109
109 |
Cylindera (Leptinomera) plasoni
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 6
6 |
Tapiena paraincisa
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, A new species of Tapiena (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea: Phaneropterinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Borneo, Southeast Asia), Zootaxa 4413 (1), pp. 193-196
: 194-196
194-196 |
Cercoteratura mirabilis
comb. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, A short taxonomic note on the katydids from the genus Cercoteratura Gorochov, 2019 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae), with a key to species, Zootaxa 4750 (4), pp. 591-595
: 593
593 |
Endodrelanva nympha
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes on crickets of the subfamily Landrevinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 440-454
: 449-453
449-453 |
Phanoperla astrospinata
sp. nov.
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 16-17
16-17 |
Phanoperla belalong
sp. nov.
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 18
18 |
Itara spinosa
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 244-270
: 248
248 |
Stictophaula bruneii
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, Taxonomic review of Stictophaula (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae) with the description of one new species from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4247 (3), pp. 301-312
: 307-310
307-310 |
Pulchroteratura huiqing
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4337 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Neoperla divergens
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 12
12 |
Phanoperla pumilio
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 18
18 |
Lacipoda immunda
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa and notes on palm and false-leaf katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae, Sexavaini; Pseudophyllinae, Cymatomerini) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4808 (2), pp. 301-316
: 311
311 |
Leptoteratura (Rhinoteratura) chela
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Part 2), Zootaxa 4407 (4), pp. 582-590
: 586
586 |
Craspedotropis gretathunbergae
sp. n.
Schilthuizen, Menno, Lim, Jonathan P, van Peursen, Anthonie D. P., Alfano, Massimiliano, Jenging, Awang Bikas, Cicuzza, Daniele, Escoubas, Alexandre, Escoubas, Pierre, Grafe, Ulmar, Ja, Jamil, Koomen, Peter, Krotoski, Aleks, Lavezzari, Denise, Lim, Laura, Maarschall, Rudie, Slik, Ferry, Steele, Derek, Ting, Dennis Teck Wah, van Zeeland, Ine & Njunjic, Iva, 2020, Craspedotropis gretathunbergae, a new species of Cyclophoridae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda), discovered and described on a field course to Kuala Belalong rainforest, Brunei, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 47484-47484
: 47484
47484 |
Ectatoderus nigrofasciatus
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C., Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul & Robillard, Tony, 2022, Taxonomy and bioacoustics of scaly crickets (Orthoptera, Mogoplistidae Mogoplistinae) from Borneo and Singapore, Zootaxa 5213 (2), pp. 177-189
: 181-182
181-182 |
Pulchroteratura huiqing
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Part 2), Zootaxa 4407 (4), pp. 582-590
: 589-590
589-590 |
Cosmodela velata
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 5
5 |
Neoperla sabah
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 14-15
14-15 |
Pendleburyella eirmosa
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Muhammad, Amira Aqilah & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2023, The taxonomy and bioacoustics of the elusive crickets from the genus Pendleburyella Chopard, 1969 (Gryllidae: Pentacentrinae), Zootaxa 5277 (1), pp. 131-148
: 142-144
142-144 |
Duolandrevus (Eulandrevus) kawataredoki
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes on crickets of the subfamily Landrevinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 440-454
: 442-449
442-449 |
Segestes nostosalgos
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa and notes on palm and false-leaf katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae, Sexavaini; Pseudophyllinae, Cymatomerini) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4808 (2), pp. 301-316
: 303-306
303-306 |
Neoperla parva
Stark, Bill P. & Sheldon, Andrew L., 2009, Records Of Neoperlini (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Brunei Darussalam And Sarawak, With Descriptions Of New Phanoperla Banks And Neoperla Needham Species, Illiesia 5 (2), pp. 11-19
: 12-13
12-13 |
Pseudoteratura (Pseudoteratura) kenuan
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Part 2), Zootaxa 4407 (4), pp. 582-590
: 587-588
587-588 |
Kuzicus mirabilis
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2018, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam (Part 2), Zootaxa 4407 (4), pp. 582-590
: 583-586
583-586 |
Leptoteratura (Rhinoteratura) chela
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4337 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Clavicornaltica belalongensis
sp. n.
Schilthuizen, Menno, Berenyi, Alfie E. A., Limin, Army, Brahim, Aqilah, Cicuzza, Daniele, Eales, Anthony J., Escoubas, Pierre, Grafe, Ulmar, de Groot, Michiel D., Hayden, William C., Paterno, Marta, Jambul, Rafi'ah, Slik, J. W. Ferry, Ting Teck Wah, Dennis, Tucker, Angela & Njunjic, Iva, 2019, A new species of Clavicornaltica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), discovered and described on a field course to Kuala Belalong, Brunei, Biodiversity Data Journal 7, pp. 32555-32555
: 32555
32555 |
Alloteratura (Alloteratura) belalongensis
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4337 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Cosmodela aurulenta
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 5
5 |
Thismia hexagona
sp. nov.
Dančák, Martin, Hroneš, Michal, Sochor, Michal, Kobrlová, Lucie, Hédl, Radim, Hrázský, Záboj, Vildomcová, Anna, Sukri, Rahayu Sukmaria & Metali, Faizah, 2013, A new species of Thismia (Thismiaceae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo, Phytotaxa 125 (1), pp. 33-39
: 34-35
34-35 |
Aposphragisma monoceros
sp. nov.
THOMA, MARCO, KRANZ-BALTENSPERGER, YVONNE, KROPF, CHRISTIAN, GRABER, WERNER, NENTWIG, WOLFGANG & FRICK, HOLGER, 2014, The new Southeast Asian goblin spider genus Aposphragisma (Araneae, Oonopidae): diversity and phylogeny, Zootaxa 3798 (1), pp. 1-86
: 53-54
53-54 |
Kosmiomiris carvalhoi
sp. nov.
Kim, Junggon, Damken, Claas, Ahmad Sah, Hanyrol H. & Jung, Sunghoon, 2019, Notes on the genus Kosmiomiris Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Miridae: Hyalopeplini) with description of a new species, Zootaxa 4657 (2), pp. 377-384
: 378-382
378-382 |
Malayamiridius nigrotenuis
sp. nov.
Yasunaga, Tomohide, Chérot, Frédéric & Schwartz, Michael D., 2021, New genera and species of the Oriental mirine plant bugs from Southeast Asia, with six new combinations (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 137-155
: 141-143
141-143 |
Kosmiomiris rubroornatus
Kim, Junggon, Damken, Claas, Ahmad Sah, Hanyrol H. & Jung, Sunghoon, 2019, Notes on the genus Kosmiomiris Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Miridae: Hyalopeplini) with description of a new species, Zootaxa 4657 (2), pp. 377-384
: 382-383
382-383 |
Sathrophylliopsis mentham
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa and notes on palm and false-leaf katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae, Sexavaini; Pseudophyllinae, Cymatomerini) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4808 (2), pp. 301-316
: 307-310
307-310 |
Pseudoteratura (Pseudoteratura) kenuan
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrej V. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2017, New taxa and notes of katydids from the tribe Meconematini (Orthoptera: Meconematinae) from Brunei Darussalam, Zootaxa 4337 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Zorotypus asymmetricus
sp. nov.
Kočárek, Petr, Wahab, Rodzay Abdul & Kahar, Siti Rafhiah Abdul, 2017, Zorotypus asymmetricus sp. nov. from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo (Insecta: Zoraptera), Zootaxa 4286 (2), pp. 285-290
: 286-289
286-289 |
Leptogomphus pendleburyi
Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank & Ngiam, Robin W. J., 2017, Revision of the Genus Leptogomphus Selys in Borneo, including gene trees and a two marker molecular phylogeny (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae), Zootaxa 4358 (2), pp. 201-257
: 220-223
220-223 |
Pterisanthes polita
Parnell, A. N., 2014, A taxonomic revision of Pterisanthes (Vitaceae) in Thailand and a new Thai record for Pterisanthes cissioides, Phytotaxa 159 (2), pp. 95-104
: 101-102
101-102 |
Cleruchus blimp
sp. nov.
Manickavasagam, Sagadai, Triapitsyn, Serguei V. & Palanivel, Selvaraj, 2018, Five new species of Cleruchus from the Oriental region and report of Anaphes quinquearticulatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India, Zootaxa 4387 (1), pp. 134-156
: 136-138
136-138 |
Megalofaciatus foliotibialis
sp. nov.
Taszakowski, Artur, Kim, Junggon, Damken, Claas, Wahab, Rodzay A., Herczek, Aleksander & Jung, Sunghoon, 2021, A remarkable new genus and two new species of the Gigantometopini (Hemiptera Heteroptera, Miridae, Isometopinae) from Brunei, Zootaxa 4970 (1), pp. 171-181
: 175-176
175-176 |
Neostethus bicornis
Parenti, Lynne R., 2014, A new species of Neostethus (Teleostei; Atherinomorpha; Phallostethidae) from Brunei Darussalam, with comments on northwestern Borneo as an area of endemism, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 62, pp. 175-187
: 181-184
181-184 |
Promalactis lophacantha
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 421
421 |
Promalactis pectinifera
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 423-424
423-424 |
Cryptoxyleborus barbieri
Beaver, Roger A. & Hulcr, Jiri, 2008, A Review of the Ambrosia Beetle Genus Cryptoxyleborus Schedl (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 62 (1), pp. 133-153
: 133-153
133-153 |
Pseudoaerumnosa eminula
sp. nov.
Vilkamaa, Pekka, Halenius, Pentti & Ševčík, Jan, 2019, Review of Pseudoaerumnosa Rudzinski (Diptera, Sciaridae), with the description of twenty-four new species, Zootaxa 4656 (1), pp. 1-42
: 22
22 |
Palpostilpnus tamasek
sp. nov.
Reshchikov, Alexey, Santos, Bernardo F., Liu, Jing-Xian & Barthélémy, Christophe, 2019, Review of Palpostilpnus Aubert (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Phygadeuontinae), with the description of ten new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 582, pp. 1-63
: 32-37
32-37 |
Neodryinus diffusus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 321-322
321-322 |
Aphelopus malayanus
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 26-27
26-27 |
Thaumatodryinus pasohensis
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 249-251
249-251 |
Callytron doriai
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 7-8
7-8 |
Garsauria aradoides
Lis, Jerzy A. & Domagała, Paweł J., 2023, New distributional data for nine interesting Old World burrower bug species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), Heteroptera Poloniae - Acta Faunistica 26 (1), pp. 173-175
: 173
173 |
Myriochila specularis
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 7
7 |
Musa voonii
Häkkinen, Markku & Väre, Henry, 2008, Typification and check-list of Musa L. names (Musaceae) with nomenclatural notes, Adansonia (3) 30 (1), pp. 63-112
: 96
96 |
Nepenthes dactylifera
sp. nov.
Robinson, Alastair S., Golos, Michal R., Barer, Marc, Sano, Yosuke, Forgie, Jennifer J., Garrido, Diego, Gorman, Chandler N., Luick, Adi O., Mcintosh, Nick W. R., Mcpherson, Stewart R., Palena, Gregory J., Pančo, Ivan, Quinn, Brian D. & Shea, Jeff, 2019, Revisions in Nepenthes following explorations of the Kemul Massif and the surrounding region in north-central Kalimantan, Borneo, Phytotaxa 392 (2), pp. 97-126
: 106-110
106-110 |
Heptodonta analis
s. str.
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 4
4 |
s. str.
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 2-3
2-3 |
Musa lawitiensis var. lawitiensis
Häkkinen, Markku, 2006, Musa lawitiensis Nasution & Supard. (Musaceae) and its intraspecific taxa in Borneo, Adansonia (3) 28 (1), pp. 55-65
: 58-61
58-61 |
Ophiophagus bungarus
comb. nov.
Das, Indraneil, Shankar, P. Gowri, Swamy, Priyanka, Williams, Rhiannon C., Lalremsanga, Hmar Tlawmte, Prashanth, P., Sahoo, Gunanidhi, Vijayakumar, S. P., Höglund, Jacob, Shanker, Kartik, Dutta, Sushil K., Ganesh, S. R. & Wüster, Wolfgang, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the king cobra Ophiophagus hannah (Cantor, 1836) species complex (Reptilia: Serpentes: Elapidae), with the description of two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 961 (1), pp. 1-51
: 19-24
19-24 |
Platevindex tigrinus
comb. nov.
Goulding, Tricia C., Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph, Khalil, Munawar, Quang, Ngo Xuan, Tan, Shau Hwai, Tan, Siong Kiat & Dayrat, Benoît, 2021, Systematic revision of Platevindex Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 737 (1), pp. 1-133
: 60-68
60-68 |
Promalactis bruneiensis
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 410
410 |
Promalactis angusta
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 409
409 |
Promalactis oliviformis
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia & Jia, Yanyan, 2019, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) IV. The sakaiella species group, with descriptions of fifteen new species, Zootaxa 4563 (3), pp. 491-515
: 507
507 |
Paromoionchis tumidus
comb. nov.
Dayrat, Benoît, Goulding, Tricia C., Khalil, Munawar, Apte, Deepak, Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph & Tan, Shau Hwai, 2019, A new genus and three new species of mangrove slugs from the Indo-West Pacific (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 500, pp. 1-77
: 22-44
22-44 |
Musa campestris var. lawasensis
Häkkinen, Markku & Väre, Henry, 2008, Typification and check-list of Musa L. names (Musaceae) with nomenclatural notes, Adansonia (3) 30 (1), pp. 63-112
: 70
70 |
Copidognathus mangrovorum
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 50
50 |
Litarachna bruneiensis
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 56
56 |
Copidognathus bruneiensis
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 50
50 |
Platevindex luteus
Goulding, Tricia C., Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph, Khalil, Munawar, Quang, Ngo Xuan, Tan, Shau Hwai, Tan, Siong Kiat & Dayrat, Benoît, 2021, Systematic revision of Platevindex Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 737 (1), pp. 1-133
: 68-78
68-78 |
Platevindex coriaceus subsp. coriaceus
Goulding, Tricia C., Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph, Khalil, Munawar, Quang, Ngo Xuan, Tan, Shau Hwai, Tan, Siong Kiat & Dayrat, Benoît, 2021, Systematic revision of Platevindex Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 737 (1), pp. 1-133
: 36-55
36-55 |
Trialeurodes bruneiensis
sp. nov.
Martin, Jon H. & Camus, Josephine M., 2001, Whiteflies (Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae) colonising ferns (Pteridophyta: Filicopsida), with descriptions of two new Trialeurodes and one new Metabemisia species from southeast Asia, Zootaxa 2, pp. 1-19
: 4-7
4-7 |
Promalactis sectoralis
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 424-425
424-425 |
Tetrabothrus clavatus
Assing, Volker, 2016, On some Lomechusini of the Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (1), pp. 13-111
: 99
99 |
Platevindex martensi
Goulding, Tricia C., Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph, Khalil, Munawar, Quang, Ngo Xuan, Tan, Shau Hwai, Tan, Siong Kiat & Dayrat, Benoît, 2021, Systematic revision of Platevindex Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 737 (1), pp. 1-133
: 96-103
96-103 |
Arachnothelphusa sarang
sp. nov.
Grinang, Jongkar & Ng, Peter K. L., 2021, A new species of the genus Arachnothelphusa Ng, 1991 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinucidae) from a limestone cave in Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 1-7
: 1-6
1-6 |
Arachnothelphusa merarapensis
sp. nov.
Grinang, Jongkar, Min, Pui Yong & Ng, Peter K. L., 2015, A new species of tree-hole dwelling freshwater crab of the genus Arachnothelphusa Ng, 1991 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from northern Sarawak, Malaysia, Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, pp. 454-460
: 454-459
454-459 |
Ng, Peter K. L., 2021, On two new species of arboreal crabs from phytotelms in Sarawak, Borneo (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae: Arachnothelphusa), Zootaxa 5016 (3), pp. 407-418
: 408
408 |
Hanguana deflexa
sp. nov.
Hrones, Michal, Leong-Skornickova, Jana, Niissalo, Matti A. & Dancak, Martin, 2021, Hanguana deflexa (Hanguanaceae), a new forest species from Sarawak, Borneo, PhytoKeys 181, pp. 9-19
: 9
9 |
Ranatra longipes subsp. longipes
Tran, A. D. & Zettel, H., 2021, Taxonomy of the Ranatra biroi group sensu Lansbury, 1972 (Nepomorpha: Nepidae), with descriptions of two new species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 507-521
: 516-517
516-517 |
Scaeosopha nigrimarginata
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 28-29
28-29 |
Erycibe brunneopilosa
sp. nov.
Kochaiphat, Phongsakorn, Traiperm, Paweena & Utteridge, Timothy M. A., 2021, Three new species of Erycibe (Convolvulaceae) from Malesia, Phytotaxa 494 (1), pp. 103-112
: 108-109
108-109 |
Nychia sappho
Zettel, Herbert, Lane, David J. W., Pangantihon, Clister V., Freitag, Hendrik & Be, Jalan Tungku Link, 2012, Notes on Notonectidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from southeastern Asia, mostly from Brunei and the Philippines, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52 (1), pp. 29-48
: 44
44 |
Scaeosopha nullivalvella
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 17-18
17-18 |
Hydrodroma bruneiensis
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 53
53 |
Neocollyris emarginata
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 3
3 |
Drosophila (Sophophora) carrolli
sp. nov.
Gompel, Nicolas & Kopp, Artyom, 2018, Drosophila (Sophophora) carrolli n. sp., a new species from Brunei, closely related to Drosophila (Sophophora) rhopaloa Bock & Wheeler, 1972 (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Zootaxa 4434 (3), pp. 502-510
: 503-508
503-508 |
Lophyra fuliginosa
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 5
5 |
Paramblynotus obscurus
sp. nov.
Liu, Zhiwei, Ronquist, Fredrik & Nordlander, Göran, 2007, The Cynipoid Genus Paramblynotus: Revision, Phylogeny, And Historical Biogeography (Hymenoptera: Liopteridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2007 (304), pp. 1-151
: 126-127
126-127 |
Austroterobia achterbergi
sp. nov.
Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan, 2017, Revision of world Austroterobiinae and Parasaphodinae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), parasitoids of giant scales (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Monophlebidae), Zootaxa 4301 (1), pp. 1-63
: 8-11
8-11 |
Teloneria bimaculata
comb. nov.
Sepúlveda, Tatiana A., Souza, Diego de S., Echeverry, Angela, Marinoni, Luciane & de Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2020, Revalidation and taxonomic revision of Teloneria Aczél (Diptera, Neriidae), with description of two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 717, pp. 70-89
: 75-78
75-78 |
Tropidolaemus subannulatus
Vogel, Gernot, David, Patrick, Lutz, Mario, Rooijen, Johan Van & Vidal, Nicolas, 2007, Revision of the Tropidolaemus wagleri-complex (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae). I. Definition of included taxa and redescription of Tropidolaemus wagleri (Boie, 1827), Zootaxa 1644 (1), pp. 1-40
: 23-30
23-30 |
Psechrus libelti
Bayer, Steffen, 2012, The lace-sheet-weavers — a long story (Araneae: Psechridae: Psechrus), Zootaxa 3379 (1), pp. 1-170
: 21-24
21-24 |
Teloneria apicata
comb. nov.
Sepúlveda, Tatiana A., Souza, Diego de S., Echeverry, Angela, Marinoni, Luciane & de Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2020, Revalidation and taxonomic revision of Teloneria Aczél (Diptera, Neriidae), with description of two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 717, pp. 70-89
: 73-75
73-75 |
Labahitha fuscata
comb. nov.
Magalhaes, Ivan L. F., Berry, James W., Koh, Joseph K. H. & Gray, Michael R., 2022, Labahitha spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Filistatidae) from islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, European Journal of Taxonomy 805 (1), pp. 1-51
: 6-12
6-12 |
Webbia planicauda
sp. nov.
Sittichaya, Wisut, Smith, Sarah M. & Beaver, Roger A., 2023, New species, taxonomic changes and newly recorded species of Webbia Hopkins, ambrosia beetles from Thailand and neighbouring countries (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini), Zootaxa 5264 (1), pp. 47-63
: 53-54
53-54 |
Opistognathus solorensis
Smith-Vaniz, William F., 2016, Opistognathus ensiferus, a new species of jawfish (Opistognathidae) from the Gulf of Mannar, India, with redescription of O. solorensis Bleeker, Zootaxa 4196 (2), pp. 278-288
: 283-287
283-287 |
Aglaonema simplex
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 937-939
937-939 |
Scindapsus kinabaluensis
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 968-969
968-969 |
Neostethus geminus
sp. nov.
Parenti, Lynne R., 2014, A new species of Neostethus (Teleostei; Atherinomorpha; Phallostethidae) from Brunei Darussalam, with comments on northwestern Borneo as an area of endemism, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 62, pp. 175-187
: 177-181
177-181 |
Anisophyllea sarawakensis
sp. nov.
Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2015, A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea, Phytotaxa 229 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Abroscelis tenuipes subsp. araneipes
Damken, Claas, Wiesner, Jürgen & Wahab, Rodzay Abdul, 2017, Notes on the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) of Brunei Darussalam. 137. Contribution towards the knowledge of Cicindelinae, Insecta Mundi 2017 (552), pp. 1-15
: 7
7 |
Homalomena rostrata
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 951-952
951-952 |
Cnemaspis lagang
sp. nov.
Nashriq, Izneil, Davis, Hayden R., Bauer, Aaron M. & Das, Indraneil, 2022, Three New Species of Cnemaspis (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Sarawak, East Malaysia, Borneo, Zootaxa 5120 (1), pp. 1-29
: 5-10
5-10 |
Zarcosia barclayi
sp. nov.
Gompel, Nicolas, 2020, Synopsis of the Asian species in the genus Zarcosia Collado & Alonso-Zarazaga 1996 with new combinations and descriptions of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 4838 (2), pp. 151-178
: 153-154
153-154 |
Zarcosia cephalica
comb. nov.
Gompel, Nicolas, 2020, Synopsis of the Asian species in the genus Zarcosia Collado & Alonso-Zarazaga 1996 with new combinations and descriptions of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 4838 (2), pp. 151-178
: 156
156 |
Dibamus ingeri
sp. nov.
Das, Indraneil & Lim, Kelvin K. P., 2003, Two New Species Of Dibamus (Squamata: Dibamidae) From Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51 (1), pp. 137-141
: 138-139
138-139 |
Stibaropus indonesicus
Lis, Jerzy A. & Domagała, Paweł J., 2023, New distributional data for nine interesting Old World burrower bug species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), Heteroptera Poloniae - Acta Faunistica 26 (1), pp. 173-175
: 173
173 |
Ooia kinabaluensis
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 954-955
954-955 |
Leptogomphus pasia
Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank & Ngiam, Robin W. J., 2017, Revision of the Genus Leptogomphus Selys in Borneo, including gene trees and a two marker molecular phylogeny (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae), Zootaxa 4358 (2), pp. 201-257
: 216-218
216-218 |
Anisophyllea sumatrana
sp. nov.
Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2015, A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea, Phytotaxa 229 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Blastomussa omanensis
Benzoni, Francesca, Arrigoni, Roberto, Waheed, Zarinah, Stefani, Fabrizio & Hoeksema, Bert W., 2014, Phylogenetic relationships and revision of the genus Blastomussa (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) with description of a new species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 62, pp. 358-378
: 363-366
363-366 |
Chassalia muluensis
sp. nov.
Yu, Tian Yi, Turner, Ian M. & Cheek, Martin, 2021, Revision of Chassalia (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae-Palicoureeae) in Borneo, with 14 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 738, pp. 1-60
: 43-46
43-46 |
Anisophyllea disticha
Chen, Xin, He, Hai & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2015, A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea, Phytotaxa 229 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Poligarida beni
sp. nov.
Bamber, Roger N. & Marshall, David J., 2013, Tanaidaceans from Brunei III. A New Genus and Two New Species of Shallow-water Sphyrapodids (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea) from the South China Sea, Species Diversity 18, pp. 255-267
: 256-262
256-262 |
Clarias rennyae
sp. nov.
Low, Bi Wei, Ng, Heok Hee & Tan, Heok Hui, 2022, Two new species of blackwater catfishes (Siluriformes: Siluridae and Clariidae) from the Natuna Archipelago, Indonesia, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 70, pp. 385-396
: 389-393
389-393 |
Gamogyne burbidgei
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 950
950 |
Bocchus muluensis
Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460
: 234
234 |
Cardiodactylus pelagus
Robillard, Tony, Gorochov, Andrej V., Poulain, Simon & Suhardjono, Yayuk R., 2014, Revision of the cricket genus Cardiodactylus (Orthoptera, Eneopterinae, Lebinthini): the species from both sides of the Wallace line, with description of 25 new species, Zootaxa 3854 (1), pp. 1-104
: 82-84
82-84 |
Leptomorphus baramensis
sp. nov.
Papp, L & Sevcik, J, 2011, Eight New Oriental And Australasian Species Of Leptomorphus (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 139-159
: 146
146 |
Hebrus nipponicus
Zettel, Herbert & M, East, 2022, On the identity and distribution of Hebrus nipponicus HORVÁTH, 1929, with a note on the publication date of Hebrus CURTIS (Hemiptera: Hebridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 54 (1), pp. 341-349
: 342-348
342-348 |
Amorphophallus venustus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 945-946
945-946 |
Rasbora marinae
sp. nov.
Hui, Tan Heok & Kottelat, Maurice, 2020, Rasbora marinae, a new species of cyprinid fish from northwestern Borneo (Teleostei: Danionidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68, pp. 750-758
: 751-757
751-757 |
Nisitrus brunnerianus
Tan, Ming Kai, Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy, Chung, Authur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2021, Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 761 (1), pp. 1-75
: 25-28
25-28 |
Tembelingiola belaitensis
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Gorochov, Andrei V., Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy & Chung, Arthur Y. C., 2019, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllinae, Phaloriinae and Pteroplistinae) from northern Borneo (Belait and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4661 (1), pp. 101-117
: 112-115
112-115 |
Leptobrachella itiokai
sp. nov.
Eto, Koshiro, Matsui, Masafumi & Nishikawa, Kanto, 2016, A new highland species of dwarf litter frog genus Leptobrachella (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Sarawak, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 64, pp. 194-203
: 198-201
198-201 |
Rasbora rheophila
sp. nov.
Kottelat, Maurice, 2012, Rasbora rheophila, a new species of fish from northern Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 119 (1), pp. 77-87
: 78-85
78-85 |
Anomala snizeki
sp. nov.
Zorn, Carsten, 2007, Notes on Anomala felicia A ,, 1910 and its relatives from Borneo with descriptions of six new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 57 (1), pp. 81-91
: 83
83 |
Borneosa tenebrosa
Ng, Peter K L & Grinang, Jongkar, 2022, Establishment of A New Bornean Genus of Gecarcinucidae (Crustacea: Brachyura), with Descriptions of Five New Species., Zoological Studies 61 (13), pp. 1-35
: 3-7
3-7 |
Ranatra spinifrons
Tran, A. D. & Zettel, H., 2021, Taxonomic review of the Ranatra gracilis group sensu Lansbury, 1972 (Nepomorpha: Nepidae), with descriptions of four new species, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 45-70
: 64-65
64-65 |
Ornebius pullus
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2021, New species and taxonomic notes of scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae Mogoplistinae) from Borneo, Zootaxa 5048 (3), pp. 407-421
: 416-419
416-419 |
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 244-270
: 249
249 |
Aphonoides duri
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 244-270
: 260-263
260-263 |
Ectatoderus nigrofasciatus
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2021, New species and taxonomic notes of scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae Mogoplistinae) from Borneo, Zootaxa 5048 (3), pp. 407-421
: 412-416
412-416 |
Dopasia buettikoferi
Fukuyama, Ryobu, Fukuyama, Ibuki, Kurita, Takaki, Kojima, Yosuke, Hossman, Mohamad Yazid, Noda, Akihiro & Nishikawa, Kanto, 2021, New herpetofaunal records from Gunung Mulu National Park and its surrounding areas in Borneo, Herpetozoa 34, pp. 89-96
: 89
89 |
Aphanerostethus darlingi
sp. nov.
Lewis, Jake H., Kojima, Hiroaki, Suenaga, Miyuki, Petsopoulos, Dimitrios, Fujisawa, Yusuke, Truong, Xuan Lam & Warren, Dan L., 2024, The era of cybertaxonomy: X-ray microtomography reveals cryptic diversity and concealed cuticular sculpture in Aphanerostethus Voss, 1957 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), ZooKeys 1217, pp. 1-45
: 1-45
1-45 |
Voconia loki
sp. nov.
Castillo, Stephanie, Rédei, Dávid & Weirauch, Christiane, 2022, Pseudocetherinae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) revisited: phylogeny and taxonomy of the lobe-headed bugs, European Journal of Taxonomy 788 (1), pp. 1-95
: 61-63
61-63 |
Chalcovietnamicus marusiki
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Hoang, Quang Duy, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Review of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, with description of four new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5336 (4), pp. 451-480
: 461-466
461-466 |
Charippus callainus
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Wang, Weihang, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2022, Revision of the genus Charippus Thorell, 1895, with descriptions of eight new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5129 (2), pp. 151-198
: 160-165
160-165 |
Charippus asper
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Wang, Weihang, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2022, Revision of the genus Charippus Thorell, 1895, with descriptions of eight new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5129 (2), pp. 151-198
: 154-155
154-155 |
Cyrtodactylus muluensis
sp. nov.
Davis, Hayden R., Bauer, Aaron M., Jackman, Todd R., Nashriq, Izneil & Das, Indraneil, 2019, Uncovering karst endemism within Borneo: two new Cyrtodactylus species from Sarawak, Malaysia, Zootaxa 4614 (2), pp. 331-352
: 333-341
333-341 |
Asthenodipsas jamilinaisi
Fukuyama, Ryobu, Fukuyama, Ibuki, Kurita, Takaki, Kojima, Yosuke, Hossman, Mohamad Yazid, Noda, Akihiro & Nishikawa, Kanto, 2021, New herpetofaunal records from Gunung Mulu National Park and its surrounding areas in Borneo, Herpetozoa 34, pp. 89-96
: 89
89 |
Polypedates chlorophthalmus
sp. nov.
Das, Indraneil, 2005, A New Species Of Polypedates (Anura: Rhacophoridae) From Gunung Murud, Sarawak (Northwestern Borneo), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53 (2), pp. 265-270
: 266-268
266-268 |
Schismatoglottis clemensiorum
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 961-963
961-963 |
Nisitrus crucius
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy, Chung, Authur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2021, Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 761 (1), pp. 1-75
: 28-31
28-31 |
Nisitrus rindu
sp. nov.
Tan, Ming Kai, Wahab, Rodzay bin Haji Abdul, Japir, Razy, Chung, Authur Y. C. & Robillard, Tony, 2021, Revision of the cricket genus Nisitrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Eneopterinae) and descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 761 (1), pp. 1-75
: 61-63
61-63 |
Pseudoaerumnosa obovata
sp. nov.
Vilkamaa, Pekka, Halenius, Pentti & Ševčík, Jan, 2019, Review of Pseudoaerumnosa Rudzinski (Diptera, Sciaridae), with the description of twenty-four new species, Zootaxa 4656 (1), pp. 1-42
: 29-34
29-34 |
Orcevia bokoblin
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5384 (1), pp. 1-79
: 6
6 |
Sarax yayukae
Miranda, Gustavo Silva de, Giupponi, Alessandro P. L., Prendini, Lorenzo & Scharff, Nikolaj, 2021, Systematic revision of the pantropical whip spider family Charinidae Quintero, 1986 (Arachnida, Amblypygi), European Journal of Taxonomy 772, pp. 1-409
: 208-210
208-210 |
Rana megalonesa
sp. nov.
Inger, Robert F., Stuart, Bryan L. & Iskandar, Djoko T., 2009, Systematics of a widespread Southeast Asian frog, Rana chalconota (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155 (1), pp. 123-147
: 136-137
136-137 |
Schismatoglottis retinervia
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 965
965 |
Everettia occidentalis
sp. nov.
Liew, Thor-Seng, Schilthuizen, Menno & Vermeulen, Jaap Jan, 2009, Systematic revision of the genus Everettia Godwin-Austen, 1891 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Dyakiidae) in Sabah, northern Borneo, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 515-550
: 540-541
540-541 |
Alocasia cuprea
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 939
939 |
Polyplocia campylociella
Kwanboon, Sedtawut, Boonsoong, Boonsatien & Suttinun, Chanaporn, 2023, Taxonomic review of the Oriental genus Polyplocia Lestage, 1921 (Ephemeroptera, Euthyplociidae), with two new records for Thailand, ZooKeys 1179, pp. 197-217
: 197
197 |
Charippus wanlessi
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Wang, Weihang, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2022, Revision of the genus Charippus Thorell, 1895, with descriptions of eight new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5129 (2), pp. 151-198
: 184-188
184-188 |
Okalia necopinata
sp. nov.
Kodada, Jan, Jaech, Manfred A., Selnekovic, David & Goffova, Katarina, 2022, Okalia necopinata sp. nov. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae) from Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Malaysia), ZooKeys 1092, pp. 79-92
: 79
79 |
Pholcus andulau
Berhard A. Huber, Booppa Petchard, Charles Leh Moi Ung, Joseph K. H. Koh & Amir R. M. Ghazali, 2016, The Southeast Asian Pholcus halabala species group (Araneae, Pholcidae): new data from field observations and ultrastructure, European Journal of Taxonomy 190 (190), pp. 1-55
: 47-49
47-49 |
Orcevia calcicola
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5384 (1), pp. 1-79
: 6-7
6-7 |
Calapnita lehi
sp. nov.
Bernhard A. Huber, 2017, Revision and cladistic analysis of the Southeast Asian leaf-dwelling spider genus Calapnita Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae), Zootaxa 4219 (1), pp. 1-63
: 12-14
12-14 |
Pholcus mulu
sp. nov.
Huber, Bernhard A., Nuñeza, Olga M. & Leh Moi Ung, Charles, 2016, The Philippine hair wax spiders and their relatives: revision of the Pholcus bicornutus species group (Araneae, Pholcidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 225, pp. 1-34
: 12-15
12-15 |
Coridromius mulu
sp. nov.
Tatarnic, Nikolai J. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2013, Description of eight new species of the traumatically inseminating plant bug genus Coridromius (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Coridromini), European Journal of Taxonomy 35 (35), pp. 1-24
: 11-14
11-14 |
Orcevia timburtoni
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5384 (1), pp. 1-79
: 16
16 |
Libellago hyalina
Orr, Albert G. W., Dow, Rory A. & Steinhoff, Philip O. M., 2024, Descriptions of larvae of four mainly DNA barcode-matched species of chlorocyphids from south-east Asia (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae) with notes on the generic and species level larval identification of Oriental region members of the family., Zootaxa 5486 (3), pp. 301-337
: 324-327
324-327 |
Malaysiapona filamenta
sp. nov.
Lu, Lin, Dietrich, Christopher H., Webb, M. D. & Zhang, Yalin, 2019, Two new genera of Pacific Paraboloponina leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Drabescini) with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4604 (1), pp. 176-182
: 179-180
179-180 |
Hecaloidella borneoensis
sp. nov.
Xu, Deliang, Webb, Michael D., Shang, Suqin & Zhang, Yalin, 2021, Review of the Pacific leafhopper genus Hecaloidella (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae: Selenocephalini) with description of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 4948 (3), pp. 381-403
: 390-391
390-391 |
Orcevia yahaha
sp. nov.
Yu, Kun, Maddison, Wayne P. & Zhang, Junxia, 2023, Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5384 (1), pp. 1-79
: 17-18
17-18 |
Disconius shelfordi
comb. nov.
Skejo, Josip, Pushkar, Taras I., Kasalo, Niko, Pavlović, Marko, Deranja, Maks, Adžić, Karmela, Tan, Ming Kai, Rebrina, Fran, Muhammad, Amira Aqilah, Abdullah, Nurul Ashikin, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Tumbrinck, Josef, 2022, Spiky pygmy devils: revision of the genus Discotettix (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) and synonymy of Discotettiginae with Scelimeninae, Zootaxa 5217 (1), pp. 1-64
: 54-55
54-55 |
Hecaloidella bimaculata
sp. nov.
Xu, Deliang, Webb, Michael D., Shang, Suqin & Zhang, Yalin, 2021, Review of the Pacific leafhopper genus Hecaloidella (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae Deltocephalinae: Selenocephalini) with description of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 4948 (3), pp. 381-403
: 386
386 |
Scaeosopha grandannulata
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 27-28
27-28 |
Scaeosopha convexa
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 24
24 |
Scaeosopha gibbosa
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 25-27
25-27 |
Bungarus fasciatus
Fukuyama, Ryobu, Fukuyama, Ibuki, Kurita, Takaki, Kojima, Yosuke, Hossman, Mohamad Yazid, Noda, Akihiro & Nishikawa, Kanto, 2021, New herpetofaunal records from Gunung Mulu National Park and its surrounding areas in Borneo, Herpetozoa 34, pp. 89-96
: 89
89 |
Busonia serrata
Xue, Qingquan, Mckamey, Stuart H. & Zhang, Yalin, 2017, Taxonomic revision of the Malaysian Idiocerinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), with description of new taxa, Zootaxa 4226 (3), pp. 405-428
: 412
412 |
Physoderes muluensis
sp. nov.
Hwang, Wei Song & Weirauch, Christiane, 2017, Uncovering hidden diversity: phylogeny and taxonomy of Physoderinae (Reduviidae, Heteroptera), with emphasis on Physoderes Westwood in the Oriental and Australasian regions, European Journal of Taxonomy 341, pp. 1-118
: 89-90
89-90 |
Aglaonema nitidum
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 937
937 |
Cyrtodactylus muluensis
Fukuyama, Ryobu, Fukuyama, Ibuki, Kurita, Takaki, Kojima, Yosuke, Hossman, Mohamad Yazid, Noda, Akihiro & Nishikawa, Kanto, 2021, New herpetofaunal records from Gunung Mulu National Park and its surrounding areas in Borneo, Herpetozoa 34, pp. 89-96
: 89
89 |
Sundathelphusa brachyphallus
sp. nov.
Ng, Peter K. L., 2015, On a new species of Sundathelphusa Bott, 1969 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from southeastern Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, pp. 494-502
: 494-502
494-502 |
Borneosa aspera
Ng, Peter K L & Grinang, Jongkar, 2022, Establishment of A New Bornean Genus of Gecarcinucidae (Crustacea: Brachyura), with Descriptions of Five New Species., Zoological Studies 61 (13), pp. 1-35
: 7-8
7-8 |
Alocasia wongii
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 943
943 |
Asthenodipsas borneensis
sp. nov.
Quah, Evan S. H., Grismer, L. Lee, Lim, Kelvin K. P., Anuar, M. S. Shahrul & Chan, Kin Onn, 2020, A taxonomic revision of Asthenodipsas malaccana Peters, 1864 (Squamata Pareidae) with a description of a new species from Borneo, Zootaxa 4729 (1), pp. 1-24
: 13-17
13-17 |
Bowie hosei
Omelko, Mikhail M. & Fomichev, Alexander A., 2024, New and poorly known species of Bowie Jäger, 2022 (Araneae: Ctenidae) from Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 5543 (3), pp. 383-403
: 400-402
400-402 |
Porrorhynchus (Porrorhynchus) marginatus
Gustafson, Grey T. & Miller, Kelly B., 1835, Revision of the Southeast Asian Whirligig Beetle GenusPorrorhynchusLaporte, 1835 (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae: Gyrininae: Dineutini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 1835 (4), pp. 675-714
: 675-714
675-714 |
Aposphragisma rimba
sp. nov.
THOMA, MARCO, KRANZ-BALTENSPERGER, YVONNE, KROPF, CHRISTIAN, GRABER, WERNER, NENTWIG, WOLFGANG & FRICK, HOLGER, 2014, The new Southeast Asian goblin spider genus Aposphragisma (Araneae, Oonopidae): diversity and phylogeny, Zootaxa 3798 (1), pp. 1-86
: 59-64
59-64 |
Gnathochorisis leleji
sp. nov.
Humala, Andrei E., 2021, First records of the genus Gnathochorisis Foerster (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Orthocentrinae) in the Oriental region, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 84, pp. 103-113
: 103
103 |
Promalactis sinualis
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 427
427 |
Paraphyllum antennatum
Skejo, Josip, Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Chandra, Kailash, Panhwar, Waheed Ali & Franjević, Damjan, 2019, Oriental macropterous leaf-mimic pygmy grasshoppers-genera Oxyphyllum and Paraphyllum (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) and their taxonomic assignment, Zootaxa 4590 (5), pp. 546-560
: 554-555
554-555 |
Pothos barberianus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 955
955 |
Promalactis ellipsoidea
sp. nov.
Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455
: 411-412
411-412 |
Scaeosopha rarimaculata
sp. nov.
Li, Houhun, Zhang, Zhiwei & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2012, Review of the genus Scaeosopha Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae, Scaeosophinae) in the world, with descriptions of sixteen new species, Zootaxa 3322, pp. 1-34
: 29
29 |
Pothos leptostachyus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 957
957 |
Nemophora bruneiella
sp. nov.
Kozlov, Mikhail V., 2020, Three new species of the genus Nemophora Hoffmannsegg (Lepidoptera, Adelidae) from Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4767 (3), pp. 477-484
: 482-483
482-483 |
Pahamunaya espelandae
sp. nov.
Oláh, János & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2010, Generic review of Polycentropodidae with description of 32 new species and 19 new species records from the Oriental, Australian and Afrotropical Biogeographical Regions 2435, Zootaxa 2435 (1), pp. 1-63
: 56-57
56-57 |
Scindapsus pictus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 970
970 |
Alocasia princeps
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 941
941 |
Silurichthys insulanus
sp. nov.
Low, Bi Wei, Ng, Heok Hee & Tan, Heok Hui, 2022, Two new species of blackwater catfishes (Siluriformes: Siluridae and Clariidae) from the Natuna Archipelago, Indonesia, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 70, pp. 385-396
: 386-389
386-389 |
Pelophryne linanitensis
sp. nov.
Das, Indraneil, 2008, Two New Species Of Pelophryne (Anura: Bufoidae) From Gunung Murud, Sarawak (Northwestern Borneo), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 56 (2), pp. 435-443
: 439-440
439-440 |
Acmopolynema tachikawai
Manickavasagam, Sagadai, Palanivel, Selvaraj & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2017, Two new species and additional distributional records of Acmopolynema Ogloblin (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 51 (33 - 34), pp. 1971-1987
: 1985-1986
1985-1986 |
Schismatoglottis ahmadii
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 961
961 |
Aposphragisma dayak
sp. nov.
THOMA, MARCO, KRANZ-BALTENSPERGER, YVONNE, KROPF, CHRISTIAN, GRABER, WERNER, NENTWIG, WOLFGANG & FRICK, HOLGER, 2014, The new Southeast Asian goblin spider genus Aposphragisma (Araneae, Oonopidae): diversity and phylogeny, Zootaxa 3798 (1), pp. 1-86
: 27
27 |
Terrozacla borneo
Tan, Ming Kai, Japir, Razy, Chung, Arthur Y. C. & Wahab, Rodzay Bin Haji Abdul, 2020, New taxa of crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phaloriinae, Phalangopsinae Itarinae and Podoscirtinae) from Borneo (Brunei Darussalam and Sandakan), Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 244-270
: 255
255 |
Ansonia vidua
sp. nov.
Hertwig, Stefan T., Min, Pui Yong, Haas, Alexander & Das, Indraneil, 2014, Dressed in black. A New Ansonia Stoliczka, 1870 (Lissamphibia: Anura: Bufonidae) from Gunung Murud, Sarawak, East Malaysia (Borneo), Zootaxa 3814 (3), pp. 419-431
: 422-428
422-428 |
Lithophyllon spinifer
Lane, David J. W. & Hoeksema, Bert W., 2016, Mesophotic mushroom coral records at Brunei Darussalam support westward extension of the Coral Triangle to the South China Sea waters of Northwest Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 64, pp. 204-212
: 207
207 |
Cycloseris hexagonalis
Lane, David J. W. & Hoeksema, Bert W., 2016, Mesophotic mushroom coral records at Brunei Darussalam support westward extension of the Coral Triangle to the South China Sea waters of Northwest Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 64, pp. 204-212
: 207
207 |
Coremiocnemis valida
West, Rick C. & Nunn, Steven C., 2010, 2443, Zootaxa 2443, pp. 1-64
: 56-63
56-63 |
Pycnonotus pseudosimplex
sp. nov.
Shakya, Subir B., Lim, Haw Chuan, Moyle, Robert G., Rahman, Mustafa Abdul, Lakim, Maklarin & Sheldon, Frederick H., 2019, A cryptic new species of bulbul from Borneo, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139 (1), pp. 46-55
: 52-54
52-54 |
Alocasia robusta
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 942
942 |
Benstonea fortuita
sp. nov.
Callmander, Martin W. & Buerki, Sven, 2016, Two new threatened species of Benstonea Callm. & Buerki (Pandanaceae) from Sabah (Borneo, Malaysia), Candollea 71 (2), pp. 257-263
: 258-259
258-259 |
Arcastes suturalis
Hazmi, Izfa Riza & Wagner, Tomas, 2010, Revision of Arcastes Baly, 1865 from the Oriental Region (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae), ZooKeys 42 (42), pp. 79-99
: 92-94
92-94 |
Pothos brevistylus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 955-956
955-956 |
Lasia spinosa
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 952-954
952-954 |
Phoxokalliapseudes gobinae
comb. nov.
DRUMM, DAVID T. & HEARD, RICHARD W., 2011, Systematic revision of the family Kalliapseudidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), Zootaxa 3142 (1), pp. 1-172
: 38-50
38-50 |
Protosticta joepani
sp. nov.
Dow, Rory A., Phan, Quoc Toan & Choong, Chee Yen, 2020, Protosticta joepani sp. nov. from Borneo with notes on P. kinabaluensis Laidlaw 1915 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae), Zootaxa 4729 (3), pp. 371-387
: 374-376
374-376 |
Calapnita bario
sp. nov.
Bernhard A. Huber, 2017, Revision and cladistic analysis of the Southeast Asian leaf-dwelling spider genus Calapnita Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae), Zootaxa 4219 (1), pp. 1-63
: 32-35
32-35 |
Stenus pfeifferi
Puthz, V., 2013, Übersicht über die orientalischen Arten der Gattung Stenus LATREILLE 1797 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 330. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (2), pp. 1279-1470
: 1320
1320 |
Kalophrynus barioensis
Zug, George R., 2015, Morphology and Systematics of Kalophrynus interlineatus-pleurostigma Populations (Anura: Microhylidae: Kalophryninae) and a Taxonomy of the Genus Kalophrynus Tschudi, Asian Sticky Frogs, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (5), pp. 135-190
: 155-156
155-156 |
Rhaphidophora fluminea
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 958
958 |
Musa barioensis
Häkkinen, Markku & Väre, Henry, 2008, Typification and check-list of Musa L. names (Musaceae) with nomenclatural notes, Adansonia (3) 30 (1), pp. 63-112
: 68
68 |
Anadendrum undefined-1
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 946
946 |
Pholcus bario
sp. nov.
Bernard A. Huber, Joseph K. H. Koh, Amir-Ridhwan M. Ghazali, Kamil A. Braima, Olga M. Nuñeza, Charles Leh Moi Ung & Booppa Petcharad, 2016, New leaf- and litter-dwelling species of the genus Pholcus from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Pholcidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 200 (200), pp. 1-45
: 31-33
31-33 |
Alocasia macrorrhizos
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 939
939 |
Typhonium roxburghii
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 971
971 |
Phymatarum borneense
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 955
955 |
Pelophryne saravacensis
sp. nov.
Inger, Robert F. & Stuebing, Robert B., 2009, New Species And New Records Of Bornean Frogs (Amphibia: Anura), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57 (2), pp. 527-535
: 532-533
532-533 |
Paralaoma sarawakensis
sp. nov.
Marzuki, Mohammad Effendi bin, Liew, Thor-Seng & Mohd-Azlan, Jayasilan, 2021, Land snails and slugs of Bau limestone hills, Sarawak (Malaysia, Borneo), with the descriptions of 13 new species, ZooKeys 1035, pp. 1-113
: 1
1 |
Rhaphidophora korthalsii
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 958-959
958-959 |
Pothos beccarianus
Wong, Sin Yeng & Joling, Jyloerica, 2021, Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo), Check List 17 (3), pp. 931-974
: 955
955 |
Rhacophorus gadingensis
sp. nov.
Das, Indraneil & Haas, Alexander, 2005, A New Species Of Rhacophorus (Anura: Rhacophoridae) From Gunung Gading, Sarawak, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53 (2), pp. 257-263
: 258-259
258-259 |
Kalophrynus eok
sp. nov.
Das, Indraneil & Haas, Alexander, 2003, A New Species Of Kalophrynus (Anura: Microhylidae) From The Highlands Of North-Central Borneo, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 51 (1), pp. 109-113
: 110-111
110-111 |
Kalophrynus eok
Zug, George R., 2015, Morphology and Systematics of Kalophrynus interlineatus-pleurostigma Populations (Anura: Microhylidae: Kalophryninae) and a Taxonomy of the Genus Kalophrynus Tschudi, Asian Sticky Frogs, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (5), pp. 135-190
: 158-159
158-159 |